Chapter 4 - Older Brother

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The salty air hit your face as soon as you stepped out.

How did you not realize you were on a ship?

The ocean stretched out for miles into the horizon, the sun glistening on the water. In front of you were at least a dozen men and women shuffling back and forth around the deck, yelling at each other in playful banter. They laughed and burst into song as Jungkook brought you down to the deck.

"Welcome aboard the Black Swan," the captain said with a wave of his hand and an overly-exaggerated smile. "If there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to keep your pretty mouth shut about it."

He yanked on your hand, leading you down the stairs and onto the deck. The singing and banter stopped as you walked past, everyone looking over their shoulders to stare at you two. You tried to straighten your dress as much as possible. If you were going to be gawked at, it might as well be for looking good.

"At long last our queen arises," a voice sang beside you.

You turned to look at its owner, a man dressed in wildly colored robes, an apron across his waist. He smirked with a sparkle in his eye as he saluted you then bowed at the waist.

 He smirked with a sparkle in his eye as he saluted you then bowed at the waist

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"Taehyung," the captain said to the man, nodding. "Have you seen my brother?"

The man wiped his hands on his apron and nodded firmly. "He's in his room, practicing for the end of the world."

"As always," Jungkook said, rolling his eyes.

"You should acknowledge his efforts. You wouldn't be Captain if it weren't for him, you know."

"Are you my cook or my mother?"

"What does it matter? I feed you either way."

Taehyung turned to you, biting his lip and giving a playful wink.

"No flirting with the hostages," Jungkook ordered, snapping his fingers in Taehyung's face.

Taehyung shrugged. "You can't blame me for having sight, Captain."

Jungkook tugged on your arm, pulling you further across the deck. Taehyung waved you away with a warm smile and another bow.

"Where are you taking me?" you asked.

"I don't appreciate you asking it like you're in charge," Jungkook replied. "Just follow my orders, hostage."

"And if I don't?"

He turned back to you, gripping both your wrists in his hands. It wasn't painful, but it was possessive. A deadly smile played across his lips.

"Such sass..." he hissed. "Remember that you'll be staying in my quarters, princess. So don't give me any ideas on how to punish you." He chuckled to himself while you sneered at him. "Or I could leave you with my brother. That would punish you both."

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