Chapter 2 - Arrangements

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Seokjin was a solemn dancer, hitting each step with perfect precision but without any flare in his step. He was emotionless, even when he touched your hand during the dance. It was like he was working on accounting papers instead of socializing.

Was he the man your father had picked for you? He was serious and boring enough. You didn't mind his face, but the lack of warmth behind his eyes unnerved you.

"Thank you for the dance," you said with a curtsey and a smile as the music ended. "I'm honored for your time."

He gave a hollow smile in return, and with a quick bow, he left you for the bar once more.

You huffed out in frustration. The curiosity was almost paralyzing. Your eyes kept drifting to wherever Seokjin was, wondering of what future you could possibly have with a man so dull and serious.

He didn't seem like the romantic or loving type. Would he enjoy Spring walks in the blossoms? Winter fires and long stories? No, probably not. He was just a... gargoyle.

After an hour of dancing and drinking, you couldn't handle the curiosity burning every corner of your mind.

You found your father, linking an arm through his.

"Father, can we speak?"

He nodded with a rosy complexion, leaving his current company but bringing along his drink.

He took you to a side parlor room, shutting the doors behind him.

"Is the party to your liking, my love?" he asked.

You swung your arms in contentment. "The best party you've ever thrown, I'll say. I've never felt more like royalty."

He glowed. "In my eyes, you're better than any royalty."

"I know it. Which is why I know the man I marry with your approval is the best of all."

He shifted, swallowing uncomfortably. You paused, allowing him a moment to prepare for your question.

"He's here tonight, isn't he?" you asked.

Your father nodded slowly. "He is."

"And he's agreed after meeting me?"

"He agreed before meeting you."

It was your turn to swallow. "He must be a good man for you to allow such an arrangement."

Your father nodded. "Aye. He will bring you security and stability in every sense. I have no doubt you'll be well taken care of."

You played with your gloves, sighing. "Oh, no need to be coy about it, Father. I know who it is."

Your father raised an eyebrow. "You do? And you're not angry?"

"Angry?" You giggled. "Oh, angry, no. He's quite handsome. You certainly know my tastes. But his personality is so dry. And there's a bit of darkness in him I can't put my finger on. You know I've always been good at reading people, Father, but I can't get a sense of anything from him. Why, when we were dancing, he said the weirdest thing —"

"Dance?" your father chimed. "My dear, you never danced with him."

You stopped, pouting. "No? Whatever do you mean? You weren't setting me up with Seokjin?"

Your father rubbed his face, the older years appearing in his frown. "Oh, my daughter... No. You wouldn't be the wife of Seokjin Kim... but instead... his step-mother."

The words struck you, making your mouth dry.

"You want me..."

You lost your voice.

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