Chapter 29 - The King

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The shadows fluttered and split apart, falling down from the ceiling and swooping across the ship. You screamed and ducked down as the wind picked up over you. Seokjin didn't seem disturbed whatsoever, and held his ground despite the shadows swarming around him. He popped an eyebrow as the figures landed on the ship, standing straight to reveal a swarm of men and women with large, dark wings.


"Quite an entrance," Seokjin said, monotone.

"Why have you come to the Den of Sirens?" one of the male sirens asked, stepping forward.

Jin lifted up his shirt slightly to show the Celtic designs across his ribs. The sirens all took a step back, a sudden serious shift in the atmosphere.

"Where is your king?" Seokjin asked.

"We will take you to him," the siren said with a bow.

Seokjin waved for Taehyung and you to come forward.

"These are incarnates," Seokjin told them. "They're with me."

It was odd to hear those words coming from Seokjin's lips. It made it sound like he was in charge of you somehow and you didn't like the idea of it. But it was the first time he had actually tried to keep you close instead of insulting you, so you took it gracefully.

"And the others?" the siren asked.

Seokjin shrugged. "Humans for the trial."

Something in your stomach clenched. You stepped forward to object, but Seokjin shot you a terrifying look of disapproval. Before you could speak, Taehyung gently grabbed your arm and gave you a reassuring smile.

"They won't harm them," Taehyung said. "Not until after the trial."

You grit your teeth. "Not that it matters to you either way."

You ripped away from his hold and followed the other sirens, keeping your head high. Who cared if you were a cursed incarnate? Not that you fully believed that anyway. Whatever you were - or weren't - you knew this: you were still the same dignified lady that you were before you had ever gotten on this ship. Your father was still grander than any king. And no matter what happened here, you would return to your family.

Two sirens led in front, while the others flanked you at the side and back. Other sirens stayed back on the ship, and it looked as if they were collecting up the crew and bringing them down to the cavern.

You looked over your shoulder as long as you could, not seeing a glimpse of Jimin or Jungkook. You wanted to speak to them. You wanted to tell them everything you had found out in such a short time. You wanted to tell them that you never planned to hurt them.

But Taehyung had said that you were their enemy... would they really try to kill you? Did they really feel nothing at all towards you without you charming them?

The sirens led you from the ship into the caverns that stretched long and wide in the darkness. The caverns only became darker and deeper, and there were moments where you couldn't even see your hand in front of your face. The sirens in the lead commanded you to follow their voice, and you did, trying not to stumble across the slick ground beneath you. Regardless, you didn't feel afraid in the slightest. In fact, you felt more at peace than you ever had. It was like a warm Sunday morning breakfast with your parents; the feeling of nostalgia as you walked on the cool ground and breathed in the clean, fresh wind that caressed your skin.

After one final dark tunnel, the caverns opened up again to a massive dome, with a ceiling higher than any building you had ever seen. There were sirens flying slowly around the edges, their dark wings in full spread. It was impossible not to watch them soar and admire the graceful way they fluttered on the wind.

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