Taehyung's Ending

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Night fell, the lanterns shedding light on the streets below.

You folded your arms close to your chest as the ocean wind blew across the city. You stood on the balcony, staring at the ocean horizon at the star that hung over the Den of Sirens. You spent much of your free time wondering how you might return... wondering how the sirens were faring without you.

It had been eight weeks since you had returned home. Your father was stable, healing slowly. Seokjin's father had taken care of all necessary expenses, even though he had not taken you in marriage. You were grateful.

But something still tugged at your heart, no matter how at peace you should have been.

How long would it be until you saw the Den again?

The wind chilled, encouraging you to go back into your room. You turned around to go in, until a sudden rush of wind caused you to jump and turn back around.

You gasped when you saw what had caused the sudden burst of air: large, black wings.

Taehyung stood before you on the balcony, his wings fully extended.

He smiled.

"Taehyung?" you asked. "You returned?"

His wings fluttered as he began to close them. Before he could answer your question, you ran towards him and wrapped your arms around him.

"You have no idea how much I missed you," you said.

He held you tight. "I missed you too, Y/N. Far more than I should have."

Neither of you broke the hug right away, lingering in your reunion as long as possible. He then pulled back, not fully breaking the hug.

"And your father?" he asked. "Is he well?"

You nodded. "He's healing. He might be sick for some time, though."

Taehyung inhaled slowly. "The king knew about your father. That's why he sent you away. I understand why you left, but nevertheless..."

He reached up, gently combing his fingers through your hair. You knew the gesture was meant to be endearing, but something about his touch was different. There was more heat in his fingertips than usual, and his silent stare at your forehead seemed uneasy.

"Why did you come back?" you asked.

He kept combing your hair, his eyes following his own hand. "I wanted to know that you were cared for, little dove. In our lives as sirens, in our lives as humans... I guess I just got used to being responsible for you."

"Oh, Taehyung, my darling," you laughed. "You were never that responsible."

He burst into laughter, his smile making your heart flutter. When his laughter subsided, he took your hands in his, seeming to hesitate before he looked down at them.

"Your fingers are bare," he finally said. "Are you still engaged to that man?"

The twinge of annoyance in his voice was something you hadn't heard before. You were tempted to tell the truth, but even more tempted to find the cause behind his sudden sharp tone.

"I haven't been wed yet," you replied. "How do you think the king would feel if I decided to wed instead of to return?"

Taehyung's tongue ran across his lips before he looked up to meet your eyes. There was a darkness in them now, even though you could tell he was trying to hide it.

"He... he would allow you to make your own choices, I suppose," Taehyung replied.

There was even more bitterness to his voice now. It made your heart pound, encouraging you to risk a dangerous question.

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