Ch 39 - Tame

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I vaguely recalled the ship landing into a crystal-teal port.

There was something about trials.

There was a bright red light.

And then I awoke to a prison cell.

I couldn't tell how long I had been there. By my thirst and hunger, it couldn't have been too long. But I had been going in and out of consciousness, so there was no way to know what Dagon had done. What I had done.

"Where's my brother?" I yelled down the hallway. The guards didn't answer. They seemed to be deliberately avoiding my questions about Jungkook, only wanting to discuss my demon.

If I had asked about Y/N, then would they...? No. She wasn't mine to ask for.

The girl is safe, Dagon said. This is her home, after all. Your brother, on the other hand...

I shook my head violently, half in denial and half trying to get him to stop talking.

"Don't lie to me, demon."

Even as a demon, I have limited power against the sirens. They've captured his mind... turning him completely against you. Don't you remember what he said at the trials? Let me help you.

He returned a small piece of the trial to my memory.

"He's snapped completely..."

I huffed, my throat suddenly starting to close up.

They've all turned against you, Jimin. I'm all you have now.

I swallowed, my hands trembling once more.

I'll get you back to your family and help you, he continued. With my power, you'll gain back everything you've lost and more.

I leaned against the bars, out of breath. The cold metal bit into my sweating forehead.

I couldn't fight anymore. I couldn't. There was nothing else worth fighting for anymore.

I slid to the floor, everything turning to black once again.


She wants to talk to you.

Who? I asked, my lips not actually moving.

The woman who ruined you. The woman who took your family from you. The little siren who's suffered nothing for her crimes.

I felt my heart clench, a conflicting pain of hate... and the desire to see her.

Don't forget the pain she's caused you.

Suddenly, it felt like I had been struck by lightning. I screamed, the sound echoing off the walls of wherever I was.

It hurts, doesn't it? Dagon asked. I can get rid of her, if you want.

I knew what he meant by the phrase "get rid of"... but I wouldn't allow that.

I didn't know why, but I just couldn't.

Suit yourself, he said. Why don't you talk to her then? I'll stay with you. I'll protect you from her. I'll keep you from her spell.

I felt myself sitting against a cold wall.

The prison. I was still in prison.

Then my eyes blurred and she came into sight. I exhaled, wondering if I could be entranced so quickly. Why was she so beautiful...?

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