Ch 1 - Introductions

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I stepped back to eyeball the fluffy green dress on the mannequin. 

Women's fashion was always so much more complex than men's clothing. Maybe that was why male fashion designers found themselves so interested in it. It certainly held more of a challenge for the designer.

And what creature didn't love a good challenge?

I pinched the rough fabric between my fingers, sniffing with disinterest. Maria never agreed to wear such itchy things like this. She always wore simple cotton and lace, straight gowns with no petticoat. She also had no interest in crowds, which is maybe why she never went to parties that required dressed like these.

My current target, on the other hand, was another story.

It was a long search to find one of the descendants of the Guardians. I had never even tracked down my own genealogy - quite impossible for orphans anyways - and yet I had spent the last six months trying to track down someone else's. It took just as long to sift through the legitimate and fake fortune tellers to find someone who even believed in the Eros.

But it would be worth it. If I could avenge Maria, it didn't matter what I had to do.

"Can I help you, sir?" the sales clerk asked.

My face bounced into a smile as I turned to her.

"Ah, just browsing, my dear," I replied, trying to keep my voice light. "I saw your beautiful fabrics in the window and just couldn't help myself."

She returned my smile. "Do you have a special lady you'd like to shop for?"

"Of course. I'm thinking of a dazzling woman in high society, known for her interests in the arts and jewels. Her father is a prestigious arts dealer and her mother - may she rest in peace - was the grand hostess of lavish parties at their estate."

The saleswoman blinked. "That's quite specific."

"Yes," I replied, turning my voice into a bit of a song. "Do you have any customers like that around here?"

Her eyes glazed a bit. She blinked a few times, as if she was trying to remember.

"Yes..." she said slowly. "I think we have someone like that."

"Could you tell me what days she might come in?" I sang.

The doorbell jingled. It broke the trance I had on the saleswoman, who instantly forgot our conversation and stepped towards the door to greet her new customer.

I checked the door myself, but it was only an elderly woman. My target was much younger. I'd have to wait until the saleswoman was through with her customer before I could charmspeak her again for more information.

To kill time, I walked down the aisles of fabrics and gowns, grazing my fingertips along the fabrics. So this was how the upper class shopped, eh? It was a shame I wasn't interested in wealth. I could have worn these threads fantastically. But what I wanted was bigger than money. Bigger than status. Bigger than life itself.

Lost in thought, I bumped into someone at the end of the aisle. She gasped and I reflexively grabbed her shoulders to steady her.

"Forgive me," I said. "I wasn't watching where I was going --"

I stopped at the sight of her. Two of the purest, most radiant eyes I had ever seen were looking back at me, accented by a blue gown that showed off a pair of delicate shoulders. She smiled at me with innocence.

"It's quite alright," she replied, her voice naturally breathy and high. "It was just as much my own fault."

I then realized I still had my hands on her nearly bare shoulders. I plucked them off, stepping back as I straightened my coat.

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