Chapter 41 - United

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The king was carried to his room as he paled further and further.

The moment the king had collapsed on the ship, Seokjin took off for the throne room to find out what had happened to the Eros. Jungkook helped Hoseok and Yoongi with carrying the king, and you followed them close behind, other sirens joining you and asking questions. You answered them the best you could, controlling the crowd from getting too close.

When you all reached the king's room, Hoseok and Yoongi laid him on his bed - a large slab of stone decorated with deep carvings, filled with teal light - and you came to the king's side to take his hand and check his forehead. When he smirked at you, you realized your foolishness for checking the temperature of the spiritual world king like he was a frail, old man. It was habit; something you did when your father was ill. King Namjoon didn't seem insulted, but you realized that it wouldn't do you any good. 

Jungkook came and stood beside you, resting a hand on your shoulder but keeping his eyes on the king.

"What can I do, Your Majesty?" he asked.

The king turned his head towards Jungkook with a warm glow.

"The right thing," the king replied softly.

Hoseok patted his chest. "We should go to the throne room and help! Seokjin will need reinforcements!"

Yoongi shook his head with a complete poker face. "What good is the right and left hand of the king if they are not at his right and left hand?"

Hoseok muttered nervously to himself as he switched his weight from one leg to the other, back and forth, back and forth. Yoongi, on the other hand, became a full general.

"Call for alarm," Yoongi said to the other sirens that had followed us into the king's room. "Get sirens to guard the throne room, the hallway, outside the king's door, and the prison. Contact Seokjin and provide any reinforcements he may need. Emergency code: red. Highest priority. Go."

Most of the sirens left to follow orders. Some lingered, worried about the king's condition. As they crowded Yoongi and Hoseok with questions, one siren pushed through, breathing heavily.


"Your Majesty?" Taehyung called, coming forward. "What happened? I saw them carry you --"

He stopped, eyes narrowing at Jungkook.

He stopped, eyes narrowing at Jungkook

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"You!" Taehyung called, jumping towards you and Jungkook, whipping his wings in fury.

You let go of the king's hand and jumped between Taehyung and Jungkook, holding out your arms to block them from each other. Your arms were tiny compared to Taehyung's wings, but you didn't back down.

"It wasn't him, Taehyung," you said.

"Then why --"

"Taehyung," the king whispered out.

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