EXTRA. epilogue

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     "No. Why would you ask me? I'm probably the poorest here," Severus monotoned. Harry groaned. "Well I don't want to ask Mr. Malfoy, and it's not like I can ask Draco." 
"So you ask me? I'm sure you're wealthy enough yourself, Potter - or you could ask Parkinson?" 

   "I don't want Pansy to know." Severus closed his book grumpily, and slotted it neatly on the shelf. "I'll just hint at Draco to buy you one. He's not going to say no, so what's the point in even proposing?" Harry glared at the man. Ever since the war at ended, Harry had been staying in Malfoy manor - Severus had moved in, his old house sold off to an old widowed lady who liked poetry, and when Severus had met her in regards to her buying it, she didn't stop going on about the damn poems. Now Severus had a long list of poetry books to read. He'd been midway through a poem about a wilting flower, which actually represented (from a parent's perspective) a child growing up and losing his innocence when Harry Potter had burst into the library looking for money. 

  "Because it's romantic!" The eighteen year old argued. It'd been eight months since the infamous Battle of Hogwarts. Severus'd joined forces with the other side, and Lucius had declared to be on whatever side his lover was. "Look, I don't have the money. Just ask Lucius, he'll be more than willing!" Harry sighed in defeat, trudging out of the library. In honesty, he was to scared to ask Lucius. Sure, he'd grown comfortable around Draco's father, but not comfortable enough to ask him to buy him a ring, so he could propose to Lucius' son. 

   "Sir?" He asked meekly. Lucius was in the kitchen. He was crouched down infront of the large oven, watching a batch of scoans which Severus had put together rise. "I was taught by only the best of the best," Severus had boasted, as he pulled out a tray. "Who?" Draco had asked in response. Harry sat on his lap, looking like he was ready to murder - for he had tried multiple times to escape, but the stubborn Malfoy had fought back. 'My house, my rules - and the rules of today are: no escaping,' the pure-blood had said, the first time his boyfriend had tried. "Lily Evans," he hummed, adding, "Harry's mother." 
"Where you and her friends?" Harry asked curiously.
"Yes, best of friends, until we were fifteen, anyway," he said cheerily. "Draco, fetch me some sugar from the cupboard, and put that butter away."  

     And so, once they'd been set to bake, Severus had left for the library. "Ah, Harry, yes?" Lucius now asked the reluctant boy. "I was wondering.. if you could help me with something." He looked away from the scoans, a curious look on his pale face. "Yes?" 

  "I need some money- I know that you're letting me stay here, and that's amazing I really appreciate it, but I don't have enough to buy this ring. A ring for Draco." Lucius gasped, then his shock hastily turned to delight. "How much do you need?" 

"The ring costs 1800 pounds, muggle currency, but I can pay the thousand - it's an emerald and diamond one, with nine carrot gold," he told him, his eyes twinkling in awe. "It's beautiful." Lucius nodded, glancing back at the scoans. "I'll think about it, okay? And just so you know, I am one hundred percent supportive. But mind you, if you lay your hands on my so-" 
"Let's ignore the fact Draco wouldn't let me off his lap," he mumbled under his breath. 
"What was that?" 

   "Make sure he stays out of harms way.. although you're really not a good person to be saying that to - I should be saying that to Draco instead." Harry grinned, not able to defend himself. "I'll give you the money, love. Just treat my son well." He nodded excitedly, holding his hand out. Lucius shook it firmly. "Thank you." 

  It took over a month for Harry to find the perfect moment to present the ring to Draco. It was the second of March, around seven o'clock. "Draco?" The two of them were out in the gardens, a baby peacock sitting on Malfoy's lap. "Isn't she adorable? I'm going to name her Chara." "Yes, she's cute, but I have something to ask you." 
"Oh, did you want to name her?" He asked innocently, stroking her neck. "No, no." Harry got to her feet, lifting Chara off of Draco and setting her on the recently cut grass. He offered Draco help up. "What do you want to ask?" The blond boy questioningly. 

  He knelt down on one knee, and Draco knew exactly what was happening. "You're kidding," he muttered, eyes wide. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, will you give me the honour of marrying you?" He took the box from his pocket, flipping it open. The ring was gorgeous. A large green emerald, with a diamond edge around it. The rest of the ring was gold, but painted white. Draco smirked, remarking; "well I've already asked. So naturally, yes." Harry chuckled, wrapping his arms above his fiance's shoulders. 

   They walked back into the manor hand-in-hand, matching rings on their fingers. "I assume it went well, then?" Lucius remarked once he saw them. It was difficult for Lucius, being in a mostly long distance relationship with Severus, since he was off at Hogwarts most of the time, but luckily the boys had finished their time at Hogwarts, and Harry hadn't started his work at the Ministry yet. See, the second he'd stepped into the interview room, he'd got the job. An auror, he would be working as. Draco planned on staying home with Lucius, as his father despised being alone, ever since Narcissa's passing. He'd moved on, and wasn't completely hung up in guilt about it anymore, but sometimes whenever he was alone the thought that it was his fault, and that he'd killed the poor woman would cross his mind, and he'd sit in the dark alone for hours. 

   That's what he did, to cope. When Severus was at Hogwarts, and Draco and Harry were still out Horcrux hunting, he'd sit in the dark for hours at a time, sobbing and shaking. But eversince Draco and Harry had came back, he was happy. He'd learnt, in those cold dark hours when he was alone, that company was the greatest cure. So he'd been delighted when Draco declared he wanted to stay home. Parkinson and Granger often visisted, and both of them were to be bridesmaids at Harry and Draco's illegal wedding. Harry would be the one walking down the isle, accomponied by Severus (due to his lack of a biological father). Ron and Blaise didn't visit as much, but Harry and Draco went round to the Burrow (Mrs. Weasley was very welcoming to Draco's presence, and even more welcoming to the news of Harry and his' wedding.) whenever Severus was home, and fancied some time alone with Lucius. 

   The wedding went better than either of them could ever imagine, but I wont go into detail on it, I'll leave it up to you to imagine how it went. Their was a right crowd at it, but at the same time they were only people close to Draco and Harry. Draco and Harry Potter-Malfoy. 

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