Thirty-Four - Grief And The Past

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yt video above not by me but its based off this story! So give it a watch if u have time ❤️

   "James!" Sirius yelled, panting. James Potter, who was sitting with his back to a large tree the group liked to sit under, messing around with a snitch, chuckled at the sight of his friend. "You look like a dog panting like that." 

      Sirius rolled his eyes, flopping down beside his best friend. "You're NEVER gonna believe what I just saw," Sirius gossiped, "I, me, just saw- SNIVELLUS, as in SNIVELLUS SNAPE, making out w-" James' eyes widened, and he interrupted, "I'm sorry... WHAT? Snivellus? Seriously? Please tell me it's not Lily- nobody else but Lily would!" James desperately begged, with his eyes, to hear more. Sirius grinned. "Dude, let me finish. It wasn't Lily, surprisingly." James' jaw dropped. "But- LUCIUS MALFOY. Like the slytherin prefect! With the long blonde hair?" 

      "Woah, seriously?" James questioned, sighing with relief. The thirteen year old was not willing to loose his girl to that.. thing. (Formally known as Severus) "Yeah! It's kinda weird, since there's such an age gap- I swear to god, Malfoy was practically lifting Severus up he's that tall!" James didn't respond, and instead decided to just nod and smile. What? But- Severus and Lily! James had been under the impression Severus had a crush on her for years now! But- but- he was wrong? And, of all people, Lucius Malfoy? He was the complete opposite of Lily. To be frank, James was confused, as fuck. "Sirius, James," the werewolf - who had just finished his ancient runes class, greeted them. They all knew to meet up at the tree after their lessons finished, so Remus had expected them to be there. "Hey Remus!" Sirius smiled widely, patting the spot to his left - James being on the other side. 

    If Sirius Black had a tail, right now it would be wagging. "How was your class?" Sirius asked, his eyes practically shining at the sight of Remus. If you somehow couldn't tell, Black had a bad case of: A Crush. A very common illness for most thirteen year olds. "It was good! We learnt ab-" "Sirius saw Snivellus snogging Lucius Malfoy!" James told him, not caring less about what Remus learnt in ancient runes. "Oh, really? That's surprising," Remus muttered, looking up to the setting sun. "The sky looks nice, doesn't it?" He asked, tiredly. Remus had managed to fit in as many classes as possible into one day, and always seemed exhausted after. Although James and Sirius were both sure, if he had a time turner, perhaps, Remus would take more, if not all. "Not as nice as you do," Sirius flirted helplessly. Remus, completely oblivious (despite being the smartest person both James and Sirius were friends with), smiled and thanked him, being extremely humble in the process. 

     The three idiots waited for the final piece of the set, Peter Pettigrew, to arrive. His classes were all long over, he was probably just having a hard time locating their hangout spot. He was like that, a bit slow. But the friends accepted him nonetheless! Remus closed his eyes, and slowly slumped onto the boy beside him's shoulder, resting. "You tired?" James asked, returning to his snitch, throwing it up and catching it. "Yeah.. kind of," he confessed sleepily, not noticing the flaming red face of Padfoot, Sirius. Sirius quickly relaxed, and allowed his eyes to fall shut aswell.

      Lucius' eyes slowly drifted open. He lay in him and Narcissa's bed. It felt empty. It felt cold. He felt empty. He felt cold. He had slumped into bed at around four am that morning, fully dressed. He sat up, feeling very groggy. His eyes quickly glanced to the other side of the bed - Narcissa's. He sighed, getting up, not bothering to change or do his hair. "Accio happiness..," he mumbled as he slouched downstairs, and into the empty kitchen. This room felt odd, without his wife in it. Of course he'd seen it without her before, but now- now he knew she'd never be there again. She was gone. Gone for good. Forever. Never coming back. 

    Tears threatened to spill from his pale grey-blue eyes, memories flooding back to him - every time he had neglected, even abused the poor woman, it all coming back. Then, a memory, quite fresh returned. "Tell Draco I love him." Surely Draco didn't even know. Draco was blissfully unaware of the passing of his beloved mother. Lucius was sure he was having the time of his life, playing with all his little friends, bullying Severus. 

    The Daily Prophet reporters had swamped him the minute he exited St. Mungos, and hadn't even thought to ask permission to publish anything - but he was sure that as he sat in the bare, unloving kitchen, people were finding out. Before his own son. Before Narcissa and his' son. With a sudden urge to see his son, his normal son, sixteen years of age, Lucius rushed to the spare room Severus had been staying in, ransacking the place. Eventually, the pink liquid was found. This could easily be mistaken for some kind of juice, but the vile it was in made it obvious. He was bringing his son back. 


      "Leave, Parkinson. And take Draco with you..," Severus mumbled, softening up slightly. He carried Draco over to the teenager, handing him to her, before quickly hugging the girl. Pansy, mildly terrified, did not hesitate to leave. "Are you okay Draco?" She asked, the second the door was closed. "Mhm.. I'm just worried about mummy and daddy.. they were yelling!" Pansy frowned, patting Draco's head. "All parents fight sometimes, I'm sure it's nothing!" She reassured him, with empty words. "Hey guys- I'll clean up the living room, Severus want's to be alone.. for a while. Go play in the kitchen," she ordered, as she reached the last step. 

     Pansy got to cleaning up the living room instantly - and found out the photograph framed was one of a man, a woman and a young boy. She assumed these were Severus and his parents, as they all seemed to resemble him, in different ways. There was a sudden pound on the door. "Coming!" Pansy yelled, rushing to the bottom of the stairs. "Severus! Somebody's at the door!" Severus made some kind of noise of agreement, and Pansy heard his bedroom door open, then slam shut again. "Answer it," he told her, fixing his hair. 

     Pansy hastily opened the door- surprised at the familiar face on the other side. An exhausted looking Lucius stood, looking exhausted. "Lucius?" Severus asked, appearing behind Pansy.


       "You don't think they're dating, do you?" Peter asked, after the group explained what Sirius had seen - Peter's arrival had managed to wake up Remus and Sirius. "I dunno, it didn't look like a first kiss to me," Sirius jeered. Remus rolled his eyes, before questioning Sirius. "And what does a first kiss look like?" Sirius grinned ear to ear, the werewolf falling right into his trap, completely oblivious. "I could show you?" Sirius winked, lifting Remus' chin teasingly, who almost resembled a tomato. James and Peter awkwardly sat in silence. James sighed, putting the snitch away - wishing he had an opportunity to do the same with his love. 


    "Severus!" Lucius gasped, waving the potion like a mad man. "Yeah?" He asked, taking the potion - afraid of Lucius dropping it. "You look a mess, is everything okay?" Lucius instantly shook his head, no. "Where is my son?" He asked, storming past Severus and Pansy like a mad man. "What's going on?" Severus demanded, grabbing Lucius' arm and stopping him. Lucius looked back at Severus, before bursting into tears.

accio happiness 

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