Chapter Seven - Memories and Make-ups

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The new cover is by me, it's a bit lazy and the proportions are off but I wanted to use something original rather than just a random picture of somebody else's off the internet- so yeah I drew it don't use it or anything (although I trust you guys not to anyway)- that's it, thanks, sweet 😶💕

Thanks for 1k reads😖💞💞
This one starts in Herman's p.o.v

       The little Hermione sat in silence beside Pansy, Snape had seemed in a bad mood all morning. Pansy nudged her, and had a mischievous grin on her little face, her dark eyes sparking with delight. Hermione smiled nervously at her. "Let's get Sev back in a good mood!" She whispered as quietly as she could, with a giggle. Hermione glanced over at Snape, then back at the grinning Pansy.

      She smiled softly and nodded to Pansy. "But how..?" She whispered back, anxiously looking around. "Hm.. let's ask Dray!" She suggested, grabbing Hermione's hand and squeezing it slightly. "Dray!" Pansy hissed across the table, trying to make sure she didn't get the attention of Snape who had suddenly shoved a Daily Prophet infront of his face. 

      Draco didn't hear Pansy, but Harry did. Harry looked questioningly at Pansy and Hermione. "Tell Draco we wanna ask him something!" Hermione told him quietly. Harry nodded briefly, his glasses, which were still slightly to big for his face, almost falling off. Harry whispered something in Draco's ear. Draco looked around at them. "Dray! We need your help!" Pansy hissed excitedly. 

      Draco flashed Pansy a smile and turned to Snape. "Sev?" He asked. Pansy shot Hermione a nervous glance. What was he doing? Herman was smart, even at this age, but she had no clue what the little slytherin was doing. 

     "What do you want, Dragon...?" Snape asked irritably, he lowered the paper. He seemed flustered and stressed. "Can I go sit next to Herman and Pansy? There is a empty seat!" He asked, fluttering his eyelids expectantly. 

     Snape glanced over at her and Pansy. "An empty seat, and yes, of course," he corrected with a nod. Draco smiled brightly at him, hopping out of hit seat and rushing over to beside Hermione. Hermione noticed a blonde man sitting up at the staff table glaring at Draco as he ran. She ignored it.

    "What do you need, Pans?" Draco asked Pansy, sitting on the chair with his legs crossed. She grinned at Draco and Hermione. Hermione admired how pretty she was. "We need your help. Sev's grumpy. We wanna cheer 'im up!" She explained, her eyes shining brightly. Draco nodded aggressively. "What are we gonna do?" He asked, tilting his head slightly as he thought. Hermione decided to but in at this point, "Well.. we could find out what's wrong?" Draco and Pansy exchanged a glance, then Pansy said, "Yes! That's a good idea! You're smart, Herma-one?" Hermione smiled nervously at them both. "Hermione." 

    "That's a big word, Herman!" Draco said admiringly. Hermione laughed, "It's not that big," she told them. Pansy looked over at Snape then back at her. "You're amazing..," she muttered to Hermione. Hermione's lil' baby face lit up with joy. Pansy turned to Snape and tapped his shoulder. "Sev? What's wrong?" She asked Snape, Hermione smiled encouragingly at him, watching as Snape set down the paper and smiled at them anxiously. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine, honestly, I just- am going to meet an.. old friend, today! I'm a little.. worried, that's it." Hermione, Draco and Pansy all nodded in sync, satisfied with their answer.

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