Chapter Twenty-Four - A Letter From The Headmaster

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"Seriously?" Lucius asked, holding the ferret ears. "That traumatised him, fucking traumatised him, and you're making fun of it?!" Pansy shook her head hastily, holding her hands infront of her face. "Look, you don't understand! Draco and I laugh about it! Besides, he looks cute with them on!" The teen defended herself, taking the ferret-ear-headband from the adult.

   Lucius was pretty pissed, and had been extremely irritable the whole day. Pansy had showed Lucius the costumes they got, and his reaction had deffinetly not been good. Severus had tried to calm him down, but ended up getting (accidently) hit across the face. He had gave up after that, with a bloody nose.

   That made Lucius' temper even worse. It was the 31st of October, Halloween, and it hadn't had a good start. Afraid of too getting hit, Pansy had kept her distance during the argument.

   "Okay, fine, whatever!" Lucius snapped, turning around and walking some distance before adding, "tell Severus I'm not going to come with him, no matter how much he pleads."
Pansy sighed, the door to the dining room slamming. It was still pretty early in the day, around eleven. She decided to go check on the toddlers, and find out were Severus has gone to.

   "Pansy!" Hermione smiled, as Pansy gently opened the door to their room. "Hey, Hermione," she mumbled, sitting down on her bed. Hermione, who was sitting on the floor, reading a (toddler) book, noticed she looked upset. "What's wrong?" The small child asked, putting her arms up, gesturing that she wanted to be lifted. Pansy lifted her up and set her on her lap, hugging her slightly. "I'm just worried, that we won't get to go trick or treating." Hermione looked suprised, "We aren't? But we all got costumes!"

    Pansy patted Hermione's head, an idea coming. "Hermione, can you help me with something? We need to cheer Mr. Malfoy up, if we wanna go trick or treating." Hermione nodded, looking excited.

   "How do we do that?" The little gryffindor asked. Pansy thought for a minute. "Well..."

     Severus slammed the door to his bedroom, lying down on his bed, staring at the ceiling as if it had murdered his first born. "Bastard!" He muttered to himself, rolling onto his side. He had tried to ask Lucius why he was in such a bad mood, but hadn't gotten an answer. Lucius usually had a pretty bad temper, so he assumed it would pass soon enough. They'd just have to deal with it for the time being.

    There was a tap on the window. He sat up, looking over at it. There, outside the large window, was a large owl. It tapped on the window again. He quickly got up, running over to the window, pulling it open. The owl flew in the second it was opened, landing on Severus' bed. It was holding something in his beak, a small parcel, and had a letter tied to it's ankle.

    It set the parcel down very gently, before flapping it's wings and sticking it's foot out, for Severus to untie the letter. He did so, and admired the handwriting on the front. It read, "Severus Snape" on the front, in what was obviously Albus Dumbledore's handwriting.

   Opening the letter, he quickly read it.

Proffesor Snape,
Happy Halloween, it's a shame we cannot have you here for the halloween feast. Hope you're well. Incase you haven't opened it, in the parcel is a vile of potion, that will return one of the students to their original forms, we've been pre-occupied getting potions for all the other toddlers, not in your care, so haven't really contacted you. I hope the toddlers aren't giving you, Narcissa or Lucius to much trouble.
Happy Halloween,
Albus Dumbledore

    He frowned. Already? He hadn't had enough time with them as toddlers. Surely, the gryffindors anyway, will go back to hating him once they are back to normal. He wouldn't tell anybody he had another potion untill after Halloween, he decided.

    Severus opened the parcel carefully, revealing a well wrapped vile of pink liquid. He looked around, looking for a place to hide it. A trunk he had brought, with his clothes in it, seemed like a good spot.

     "Are you alright, dear?" Narcissa asked, as her husband angrily slammed the door. "Yes, perfect, dear!" He yelled sarcastically, sitting down opposite her. She was at the end of the table. They were quite far apart.

   "Are you worried about him? They won't be here when he comes, don't worry, dear." Lucius nodded, putting his head down and resting it on his arms. "I know, but I'm still stressed. What if there is a delay, or they come back early?" He lifted his head again, "If he see's what a vulnerable state the boy is in, he shall murder him on the spot!"

   Narcissa sighed. "Lucius, you're worrying to much." She got off her seat, making her way down to where her husband sat. She wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder. "I should apologise to Severus," Lucius decided, pushing his wife off of him and getting up. She smiled weakly as he left.

    The woman slid into a chair, running a hand through her beautiful, blonde hair. The second she shows affection to him, he starts thinking about Severus. It's just the same as when they were at hogwarts.

     "Think you can do that?" Pansy asked. Hermione nodded happily. Mission Cheer Up Mr. Malfoy, or M.C.U.M.M for short, had started. Pansy set off downstairs, looking for Lucius, as the toddler made her way over to Severus' bedroom.

    Just as Lucius exited the Dining Room, he spotted Pansy, rushing down the stairs. "Mr. Malfoy!" She gasped, putting her acting skills to the test. "I need your help!"

    There was a quiet knock on the door. Severus thought he was hearimg things at first, but then there was a second knock. He opened the door, and was met with a scared looking Hermione. "Hermione, is something wrong?" He asked, crouching down to her level. She nodded. "I need your help.. Pansy fell and hurt herself..," she mumbled, trying her best to look honest.

   "What? Is she okay? Where is she?" Severus got instantly worried, and lifted Hermione up. "I don't know what the room is called..," Hermione whispered. "Guide me to it!"

    "You need my help? Can't you go to Severus?" Pansy shook her head, not giving him an actual reason why she can't. "There's a boggart! There is a bogart in the art room! Please save me Mr. Malfoy! I don't know what to do!" She gasped dramatically, making herself look as though she was going to burst into tears. Lucius looked slightly alarmed, slightly confused. "There is a boggart, in the art room?" He repeated after her. She nodded.

    "Okay, I'll go get rid of it then..," he told her. He slowly went over to the art room. Pansy could hear Severus asking questions on the balcony above. She couldn't make out his words. "Please be quick! It almost killed me! It's a beast!" She fake sobbed, and Lucius sped up.

    As soon as Lucius went into the art room, Pansy followed and closed the door, blocking the exit. "Where is it? Did you trap it?" He asked, looking around. Pansy didn't answer. "Pansy?" He turned around. Pansy had gone. "Pansy!" He yelled, walking over to the door. "Colloportus!" He heard Pansy yell from the other side of the door. Lucius didn't have his wand. "Shit! Pansy unlock the door!" He yelled, banging on it. "Sorry!"

    Pansy quickly hid, and Lucius quickly got tired of yelling, and ended up finding a book to read instead.

    "The art room?" Severus asked, as he carried Hermione down the stairs. "Yeah, I think so.." Hermione lied, "That one!" The art room came into sight. She pointed at the door. Severus nodded, speeding up. As he reached the door, he realised it was locked. "Hermione, why's it locked?" He asked, pulling out his wand. Hermione didn't know what to answer with. "Alohomora," the professor said, unlocking the door. He put his wand back in his pocket. Hermione quickly grabbed it, hiding it behind her back.

    Severus didn't seem to notice. "Lucius? Where's Pansy?" He asked as he went in. Before Lucius could speak, Hermione pushed the door shut, and Pansy got out from her hiding spot, repeating the same spell she used to lock the door.

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