Reversed (10K READS SPECIAL!)

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For some reason whenever (which I mostly do) I write on laptop then move to phone to continue writing, the paragraphs are just completely messed up

"Longbottom, bring me that potion!" The potions professor snapped. Neville had been asking Hermione to help. He sheepishly put the potion in a vile, and brought it up to Snape. As he approached the desk, he tripped up over his own foot. The purple potion, that was supposed to be red, slipped out of the sixteen year old's hands, and smashed on the floor. Before Severus could scold him, the potion seemed to evaporate, a purple gas filling the area where Neville and Severus were. All the students, including Neville, quickly backed away as the gas wrapped around Severus. The gas made him feel weird.

It hurt. The gas made him feel as though his body was being squashed together, his skin feeling as though it was tightening. He let out a scream as the pain engulfed him completely, his breath fading. There was a loud pop like sound, and everything went black for a split second.

Then the classroom appeared again. Severus was staring at the roof of the classroom, everything spinning. "P-Professor?" A voice called from somewhere in the classroom. Severus couldn't recognise it. His eyes drifted shut.

Severus opened his eyes, confused. Where was he? He was staring at a white roof. He sat up, looking around. Hospital wing. Did Potter and Black do something to him? He stretched, checking his arms for injuries. He spotted a calendar on a bedside counter next to another bed. He slowly got off the bed. Odd. He could walk fine, his legs weren't injured. He made his way over to the calendar, checking the date.

September 1997

What? 1997? He look around again, this time panicking. "Hello?" He called out, looking for another person. He heard the door open, and quickly rushed behind one of the curtains surrounding a bed. The teenage Severus peaked out from behind the curtain. He could see the back of somebody slightly taller than hims head. Potter? He slipped out from behind the curtain. "P-Potter?" He stuttered. 'James' turned around. No, it wasn't James. It looked like James, but there were two striking differences. The bright green eyes, that look exactly like Lily's, and a large lightning shaped scar on the boy's forehead. Severus awkwardly smiled before slipping back behind the curtain.

He leaned against the wall, looking down, his shoulder-length hair falling over his face. Who was that? They looked exactly like James.. but those eyes. Was this some kind of sick nightmare? Yeah. Probably. Maybe a lucid one! He was going to wake up and go back to his usual life. "Snape?" A voice, sounding like both James Potter and Lily Evans mixed together called. He held his breath. It may have been a nightmare, but it was scary as all hell. "G-Go away!" He blurted out, his hands beginning to shake uncontrollably.

"Harry, let me deal with him," a calm voice spoke. A calm voice that Severus recognised instantly. The curtain was pulled open, and a smiling Albus Dumbledore appeared. "D-Dumb-bledore sir!" He straightened his posture slightly, before breaking down.

He shook uncontrollably, tears filling his dark eyes. "W-who-os th-hat?" He wailed, pointing at Harry, who stood behind Dumbledore. "W-what year i-is it? W-why does the c-calend-dar s-say it's nuh-nineteen- nine-t-ty seven?" Dumbledore smiled sympathetically at the small boy.

The young Severus was wearing present Severus' robes, and they were far to big for him. The large black robes hung off the small boy, who looked around fourteen. As he cried his eyes kept glancing back and forth between James-with-Lily's-eyes-who-Dumbledore-called-Harry and Dumbledore.

"This is Harry Potter," Dumbledore calmly explained. Harry begrudgingly held out his hand for the young Severus to shake. Severus looked terrified of even the thought of touching his hand, so Harry pulled away again. "P-Potter?"

Snape and the classroom of toddlers// Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now