Chapter three - Snapes Office

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aaaaah it's been so long since I updated this!! Sorry! also it's really short but I wanna write some more of one of my other stories - I am going away to London next week so I won't be able to update any other stories next week so I just wanna update them all.

Dumbledore simply nodded, then started to gather up the small children into groups and herding them out. Snape looked around at the children he had decided to look after. Harry James Potter, the boy who lived, his former bullies son, Draco Lucius Malfoy, his godson, and favourite student, Hermione Jean Granger, a muggle-born girl, smartest in almost every class (Divination being the exception), Pansy Parkinson, a girl he had known for quite awhile, as she was Draco's best friend since he was very young, Ron Bilius Weasely, Harry Potter's best friend, pure-blood and Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy's other best friend, who he had known for almost as long as Pansy, Blaise was terrible at potions.

    He didn't know why he chose the 'Golden Trio' of all people. "At least if I have Draco  and Harry, I have more of a chance to win that ten Galleons..." He mumbled to himself, sighing.

"Sev!!" Draco yelled, waving his arms around. "Give me your attention!!" Snape chuckled and sat down next to the boy. "Alright, do you wanna go to uncle Sev's office?" Draco nodded so fast Snape was afraid the childs head would fall off. 

"O-Office..?" Harry stuttered quietly, pulling on Snapes robes gently. Snape turned to face him and smiled. "Yes. My office," he lifted Harry up into his arms. 

"shi- Draco!" Snape laughed as his eyes met with Dracos', who had jumped onto his shoulders and was hanging down infront of his face. Harry giggled and hugged Severus tightly. "Alright, how am I going to bring all six of you to my office?" He wondered out loud. Hermione cleared her throat softly. "I walk."

    Snape nodded and smiled at her, turning to Ron. "Ronald, can you walk with Hermione?" Ron stared at him blankly. "H-Herm-my- own- Herma- Herman?" Snape sighed and turned back to Hermione. "This is Ronald Weasely, you can call him Ron, can you walk with him and follow behind me?"  Hermione nodded.

"Okay - I'll carry you two," He squeezed Harry gently. "Hermione, Ron, you two can walk behind me, Pansy-Blaise, have you two met yet?" Pansy and Blaise both nodded. "Are you two also okay with walking?" Blaise grinned and nodded. "Behind..?" Pansy asked quietly. "You can walk infront." Pansy smiled wide, her teeth all showing. 

"Lets go then." He stood up, carefully balancing Draco on his shoulders was more difficult then when Draco was actually this age. "Hermione, Ron stay behind me."

The seven of them, Ron and Hermione behind, Pansy and Blaise infront, Severus holding Harry and Draco in between, all set off to Snapes office and into the hall. "Ignore the other students.." Snape whispered glaring at two staring Ravenclaws. Draco looked around and held to Severus' head tightly, obviously nervous. "Don't worry, Dray, you'll be okay. They're looking at me, not you." 

Meanwhile, infront of him, Pansy strutted around as if she owned the place.

As they reached Snapes' office, Ron had gotten tired and was groaning about the long walk. "We're here, Ronald, you can sit down on my chair."

Snape and the classroom of toddlers// Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now