Chapter twenty-one - Two dads

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If you're reading this on phone, the paragraphs are most likely messed up, sorry

          "Shhh! If Narcissa hears you-" Before Lucius could finish, the sixteen year old lost her grip of the banister, her eyes widening. Time seemed to freeze for the girl. She could see the far drop, and could imagine slamming against the wooden floor below, probably breaking her neck.

     Severus immediately jumped into action, rushing over to catch the girl. Pansy closed her eyes tightly, bracing for impact. 

        "Alright, so Granger with Parkinson, Draco with Potter, and you two together?" The blonde woman spoke, gesturing between Blaise and Ron. They both nodded excitedly, before Ron waddled over to Blaise, whispering in his ear. "Do you remember that spell?" 

   Narcissa lifted Hermione, brushing Hermione's hair out of her face. "I really wanted a daughter, before I married Draco's father," Narcissa said, mainly to herself. "But Lucius only wanted one." She managed to get Blaise into her other arm, and gestured for Ron to hold her hand. He did as he was told. "Dray, if Pansy comes back in, tell her I'll be back soon, and to go down to your father." Draco nodded. 

    Narcissa opened the door slowly, closing it behind Ron. She heard talking, were Lucius and Severus still down there? She looked down. Down below, Severus was yelling. He was sitting on the ground holding a very pale Pansy. "What's happened?" Narcissa called down. Lucius, who was standing behind Severus, looking as though he wasn't sure what to do. "Pansy fell from the banister, dear!" Lucius yelled up to his wife. Narcissa looked concerned. "Is she alright?" 

   "I-I'm fine- Just a little shocked," Pansy mumbled, standing up. Severus got up after her, 'don't say a word,' Severus mouthed to Pansy, before turning to Lucius. "Can you show me where I am staying, Lucius?" Lucius nodded, taking Severus' hand and leading him up the stairs. Narcissa raised an eyebrow at them, but ignored it.

      "Pansy, love, come with me. We're going to your room." Pansy nodded, although not fully paying attention. She was confused, Severus, Severus and.. Lucius? Draco's dad? What was she supposed to think? Should she tell Narcissa?


  Severus and Lucius turned a corner, out of sight from Narcissa and the others. "That was close," Lucius mumbled. Severus sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "What if Narcissa had come out instead of Pansy? What would've happened then?" Lucius frowned, the two of them continuing the walk to Severus' room. "At least it wasn't." Lucius came to a stop beside a dark brown door. Severus repeated after the blonde. "Is this mine?" Lucius nodded, holding the door open for the professor. 

    The  room was large. It was slightly smaller than Draco's, but none the less, large. It had a large four-poster bed with white sheets, lace flowers lining the edges. On the floor was a fluffy beige carpet, which looked as though it had never been stepped on. There was a small chandelier above the bed, with large diamonds hanging off of it. A large wardrobe stood against the all. 

    "Wow." Lucius chuckled at Severus' amusement. "This is massive.." Severus mumbled, inspecting the chandelier. Lucius smiled, walking over. He wrapped his arms around Severus, resting his head on Severus' shoulder. Severus relaxed, enjoying the warmth of the embrace. There was a knock on the door. 

    "Who's there?" Lucius asked, not moving from his position. "..Pansy." Lucius let go of Severus walking over to the door and opening it. "Explanation, please." Severus sighed, sitting on the bed. "What's there really to explain?" Pansy rolled her eyes at him, sitting beside him. "You're literally my teacher, and I literally just caught you snogging my best-friends dad," she deadpanned. "You almost caught us twice, actually, back when we were in London." 

   "Look, dad, just explai-" 


"Shit sorry-"



this just wouldn't turn out good no matter how hard I tried,,,,

will start another longer chapter later today

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