Chapter Fourteen - The Last Night

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I got a really cool poster- I also got a Harry Potter key-ring thing, if you can see it it's on the door handle(it's a slytherin pen that's stook through the place where the handle should be lmao, I don't have a handle)
Sorry the image is sideways   

   Pansy rushed around the corner, running as fast as she could. If they had gone on to the next floor it would take ages for her to find them. What if Malfoy and Snape had already found them? Was there point in searching? What if they went into the forrest? They were near the whomping willow, what if one of them went to close to it? She had warned them. But she had looked away for a second and boom, they were gone. 

     She continued running, ignoring the confused glances of the passing students. "Have any of you seen Blaise Zabini or Ronald Weasley?" She yelled to McGonnagal and Flitwick as she spotted them. Flitwick, the charms professor, shook his head. "No, have they gone missing, Parkinson?" McGonnagal, the queen that she is, asked. Pansy nodded and continued running. 

     "ZABINI GET YOUR TINY ASS BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" She heard a familiar voice shout. Theodore Nott. She liked him, he was okay. He was a bit of a dick, but it wasn't time for that. "Theo!" She called, as she stopped infront of him. "You've seen Blaise?" She asked, hopefully. "Yeahh. He stole my wand, the little brat!" He snapped. Theodore always had an anger problem. "He's like five, Theo, chill," Pansy sighed. Looking around. "Where did he go? Was he with Ron?" She asked. Theodore nodded impatiently. "That way," he told her, pointing. Pansy nodded, smiling. "Alright, thanks, Theo. I'll get your wand back-"

        "Thank you!" He said happily, smiling at his friend. "Let me finish!" Pansy snapped. His smile dropped. "If, you go outside, find Proffesor Snape and Mr. Malfoy, tell them I've found them," she instructed. Theodore nodded hesitantly. "Where abouts outside?" He asked Pansy. She didn't know. "Just look!" Theodore rolled his eyes and whipped around, sprinting down the corridor. "THANKS, THEODORE!" She yelled after him. He let out a distant grunt of response. Pansy quickly ran in the direction Nott pointed to. "RON? BLAISE? ZABINI? WEASELY?" She called, looking around as she ran.

      Before she found the boys, she ran into a sad looking hufflepuff girl, with a bushy blonde afro. "What the hell happened to your hair, kid?" Pansy asked. The hufflepuff was young looking, like a first or second year. Pansy had seen her before, she usually had a pretty blonde bob. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of brown, and she had rather tanned skin. "I.. I don.. n't.. know!" She spluttered, pulling her robe hood over her head. "I assume Nott told those kids that hair spell- here, I'll fix your hair," she said, feeling bad. Usually she would've laughed at the girl. She told the girl the spell. "When did it happen?" She asked the little hufflepuff. The girl explained what happened, and Pansy nodded, thanking her, before turning round the corner she saw the two boys. 

        Blaise and Ron sat, holding Theodores wand, both laughing. Neither of them noticed Pansy walking over. She stood behind them, her hands on her hips. "Boys," she cleared her throat. Blaise and Ron slowly turned around to face her. "H-Hi Pansy!" They both said, in sync. "Hi. I'd like an explanation!" 

      "Professor Snape, sir!" Theodore yelled, panting slightly. He had run into Severus and Lucius at the door, they had just about to go in. "Pansy..  told me.. to tell you, that she found them. Well I found them, but still," he told them, fixing his posture under Lucius' cold gaze. "Where is she?"

       Theodore had lost track of where he went. Toddlers were more hyperactive then he thought. "Well, we were at the library, then they took my wand and ran, I ran into Pansy on the first floor, so she's near the stairs.
Snape nodded, before realising what he said. "They took your wand?"
"I gave it to Blaise, he got angry because I wouldn't let Weasley use it. They ran away from me."

     After they had re-grouped, and Ron and Blaise were scolded, Theodore's wand was returned to him as promised. He, of course, got into some trouble too. Time seemed to go quick that day. Lucius helped Severus pack some of his things for their trip to Malfoy Manor. They'd be there for a month at most. They decided they wouldn't being any of the kids stuff, and would buy everything they needed the next day.

     "Pansy? Have you packed?" Severus asked from his room, the door was wide open, and Pansy sat on the seat, playing rock, paper, scissors with Hermione. "Mhm.. wait, have I?" She suddenly sat up. "Seriously Pansy? It's getting late, you haven't even started! I'm not buying you shit tomorrow!"

      Pansy groaned, getting up and dusting off her skirt. "I'll go get some clothes. Is that all I need?" She asked. "Do I bring casual clothes?" Snape made a noise of agreement, and Pansy decided it meant yes. She went to the slytherin common room.

     She hadn't been there in awhile, although of course to her it felt like she had been there a day or two ago. She said the password, and went in. The slytherin common room and dorms were in the dungeons, it was a bit cold at times, but she liked the place. She went up into the girls dorm, greeting some of her friends as she went.

      Pansy didn't knock on the door, and instead just walked on in. One of her dormmates, Millecent Bullstrode, was sitting on her own bed, and looked up slightly as Pansy entered. "Hey Pansy. Welcome back," she said, petting her cat. "Hey, Milly. I'm not here for long. Just packing some stuff, I'm going to Dray-Dray's house for awhile."
"Huh, how come?" Millecent asked. Pansy didn't answer. "Plot convience, I guess," she said after awhile.

      "Luci!" Severus screeched. "Have you told Narcissa we're coming?"
"Of course! Where can I sleep tonight?" He asked. "The couch is taken up with Ron and Blaise, Harry and Draco, Pansy agreed to look after Hermione in her dorm tonight, so that leaves my bed," he said slowly, slightly flushing.

      "Right..  are you okay with that..?" Lucius asked, just as slowly as Severus had spoken. "As long as you are, I don't see a problem with it..," he whispered nervously, fidgiting with his hands. They both went silent. "Sevvyyy! I'm hungry!" Draco whined. Snape rolled his eyes.

      Pansy came back and took Hermione with her to her dorm, wishing Severus and the others a good night. She had grown quite comfortable with the whole situation, and thought Severus was surprisingly good father-figure. Severus tucked Harry, Draco, Blaise and Ron in on the couch, after feeding them. Now the awkward bit.

     Lucius had borrowed some of Severus' night clothes, and was wearing a large black shirt that Severus usually slept in. Snape had a simular one on, but a different shade (more of a navy shade). "I'll sleep on this side.. you can sleep on that side," Snape mumbled, pointing to the left side for him, right for Lucius.

     "Okay..." Lucius muttered back, slowly getting in the bed. "Goodnight, Luci," Severus whispered, getting in aswell. "..Night."


nOoNes aS sLiC aS gAsTon

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