Chapter Thirty-Nine - Does she like-like him?

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Sorry this is late, been really, really busy lately.. taking part in inktober this year, trying to keep up with that, school, editing my brothers project together, work and (less so) this, not to mention the (original) novel I've been writing.. it's alot lol. Anyway, enjoy the chapter! Love you x 

       Neville quietly knocked on the door, his heart thumping in his chest. The potions professor's office's door was tall and dark, a creepy vibe to it- at least to Neville, everyone else that didn't have a phobia of Snapes thought it looked totally normal. "Come in," Severus said softly, trying to seem as least-threatening as he could. 

     He, the professor, had changed his view on a lot of things over the span of such a short time, it was insane. The toddlers had really brought out another side of him. He cringed every time he looked back on pre-toddler Severus. That cruel, miserable old bat seemed polar opposite of the new one. Of course, that 'old' Snape, was still himself, and he had to own up to that. He was a bully. 

      Speaking of looking back, Severus had had an idea. He sat at his desk, waiting patiently for the hesitant Neville to enter. His quill moved back and forth in the air, ink threatening to dress the parchment below. If he, using a pensieve (a basin like thing, that memories could be placed in, so that others can view them, from a third person perspective) to preserve the memories of him with the to- "H-Hi sir," the gyrffindor boy mumbled meekly, holding a potions book tightly to his chest. "Ah, Mr. Longbottom..," Snape greeted, taking a long pause, "please, take a seat!" He hastily got up from his seat, rushing over to a short row of chairs pressed against the wall, and dragging one infront of his desk. He was oddly nervous.

      Neville quietly sat down, goosebumps all down his arms. He and Severus were equally nervous for the lesson. Severus because he felt awkward after his poor treatment towards the boy, Neville too because of this poor treatment. "Ehrm, I know it's a bit late now, since you're in sixth year now.. but I'd like to apologise, honestly. It was really childish- the way I treated you- and I'd understand if you didn't accept this apology. But- you see.. the pr- no, nevermind. I'm just sorry," he truth vomited, running his hand through his hair, which desperately needed to be trimmed.  Neville sat stunned, in total silence and awe. 

      It was now the day after Luna had been returned to normal, that Neville's lessons started. "Nooo, I wan't Dracoo!" Harry whined, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Somebody's been spoiled," Ginny remarked, walking with Harry's small hand in hers. Harry had the cutest little pout on his face, as she led him  to the gryffindor common room. The house elves had tidied up an empty dorm and made the room suitable for the four toddlers, Harry, Ron, Blaise and Hermione. It had been decided that Hermione would be the next to be re-aged, the next day, so her living corner was far smaller and had less stuff. She didn't complain. 

     "Draco's in class, he has to learn!" The ginger reminded Harry, who rolled his beautiful green eyes, "why aren't you in class? You have to learn too." Ginny chuckled, slowing to a stop outside the portrait of the Fat Lady. "Quidditch," Ginny told her, the living portrait swinging open in front of her. The toddler and teenager walked inside the little tunnel. "I have a free time, I'll learn later." 

     "And then they lived happily ever!" The blonde girl yelled dramatically, slamming the book closed enthusiastically. Ron, Blaise and Hermione all sat on the floor, grinning wide at the adventurous tale. Luna was great at making things.. more entertaining. And the girl who leaned against the door frame, loved that about her. Harry let go of her hand, rushing over to his friends. "Oh! Hullo Harry!" Luna cheered, glancing back to see if Ginny was with him.

     "Hey, Luna?" She asked, sitting on the small bed, next to her friend. "I have to ask you something.. It's a bit personal." Luna looked confused, but smiled anyway. Her smile was comforting, it alone felt like a warm embrace around Ginny. She wanted more. But there was one boy in her way. "Do you like Neville?" She asked, flushing. 

     "Like-like?" Luna asked, receiving an embarrassed nod. "No.. I don't- I like girls," she admitted, her face blushing a light pink. Ginny's heart burst. "R-Really? Me too! Aha." 

Might update on Friday instead of Sat today because this chapter isn't great,, currently 12:13am and I still need to edit together a end section to a science project.. 

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