Chapter Thirty-Four - Dragon

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           The three students - one a small child - stayed the night in the Room of Requirements. It was a rather peaceful sleep, for all of them. The beds were large and soft, the kind that, the second your head touched the pillow, you never wanted to depart from. Ever again. "Neville, wake up!" Ginny demanded, pulling the cover off of her friend. She, unlike most, had managed to escape from the warmth. "Mnn.. What?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. As his eyes focused, he took in the scene. Ginny was stood over his bed, a sleepy toddler in her arms. He sat up slowly, dreading getting out. "We need to try again, we can't keep Luna a toddler!" 

      "How are you so.. energetic?" Neville pondered out-loud, stretching, then throwing his legs over the side of the bed. "Because I don't fancy being expelled for this. Do you?" She asked, throwing his uniform at him - they had found a closet with a seemingly unendless supply of clothes, in all shapes and sizes, that had pajamas. Neville sighed, quickly getting dressed as Ginny went to the kitchen, preparing cereal for Luna.

      "Luna can have this, we should head to the hall for breakfast- people will think we're missing," Ginny filled him in. Neville nodded slowly, resting his elbows on a counter. He glanced over at Luna, who was happily being spoon-fed. "What about her? While we're gone, I mean." Ginny stopped for a minute. "I think she'll be fine here, right?" 

       Neville shrugged, "are we going to skip class?..We can't leave Luna here ALL day."Ginny smiled, "no. We won't do either of those! We're gonna, before lessons start, find that antidote, and make Luna normal!" She declared proudly, as Luna patiently waited for the next airplane. 

      "Don't you think you're being to confident..? Sure, maybe on your own you could pull that off.. but with me here things are bound to go wrong," Neville muttered, sadly slumping his head on the table. "Neville! Trust me, I won't be able to do it without your help!" She reassured, finally giving the toddler her next spoon. Neville smiled, feeling a lot better. 

     "Lucius! What's going on?" Severus asked desperately, his hand slipping from Lucius' arm to his hand, as tears flowed down Lucius' face. "Y.. you don't understand," Lucius whispered, pushing Severus off of him. "Daddy!" Draco gushed from behind him, having exited the kitchen, due to the noise. The little boy ran up to Lucius, hugging his legs. "Draco..," Lucius cried, falling to his knees, pulling his son into a tight embrace. "I.. I need you back.. to normal, Dragon," he told him. Draco looked confused. Lucius turned to Severus, holding out his hand. Severus realised what was happening. 

     He didn't want Draco back to his own age. It wasn't for any reason other than his own selfish needs, but he could tell Lucius needed this. He carefully placed the pinky-red potion in the others hand. Pansy, not knowing what this potion did, was to terrified to speak. "Draco.. baby, I need you to drink this," Lucius explained softly, in a motherly-like tone. Severus, Draco and Pansy were all quite surprised at this voice. "What is it?" He asked nervously, glancing to Severus for reassurance, who nodded, before crouching down beside Lucius. "It would be a lie to say I'm not going to miss you like.. this," Severus mumbled, hugging (one of) his (six )adopted child(ren). 

       Tears filled in the toddlers eyes, having no clue what was going on. Severus let him go, internally aching. "It.. tastes nice, I promise," Lucius insisted, holding the liquid up to his sons mouth, gently tipping it in. Pansy stood behind them, holding her breath. She now had a guess as to what was happening. And that guess was right. There was a loud pop, as everything of the last month reversed, undoing itself. There was a blinding flash of light, and by the time everybody opened their eyes again, Draco Malfoy was back to his usual self.

    "Draco.!" Lucius gasped, embracing his son once more, sobbing into his shoulder. "Father? Wher- What's happening?" He asked, looking around. He looked dazed, as he sat in the middle of an unknown hall, his father  crying and hugging him, his teacher sitting infront of him, also crying (but less extreme) and his best friend. What. Last thing he remembered, he was in potions class, and something went wrong. "You're at Severus' house..," Pansy finally decided to tell him. 

     "Severus? Since when were you and Snape on first name basis?" He asked, an eyebrow raised. "Since he's been taking care of me, you, Potter, Weasely, Blaise.. and Hermione, but as babies," She informed him, not sure how to feel. "Hermione? You mean Granger?" Pansy nodded. "Father.. why are you crying?" Draco asked quietly. 

      "Y-Your mother. She told me to t.. tell you, that she lo..ved you," he whispered, sobbing even more. "Mother? Is she alright?" He asked, knowing that her health wasn't the greatest - although for all he knew she had only been sick for a week or two. " gone. Dray she's gone," he whispered, beginning to shake. Draco felt his heart shatter. His mother had been one of the few things he loved. 

      No. That couldn't be true. This was a dirty trick, that Draco Malfoy would not fall for. But it wasn't a trick. His mother was gone, and he would never get to see her, or hear her, feel her, EVER again.

If anybody didn't see my message, updates are now on Wednesdays and Saturdays!! Read my post for more <3

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