Chapter Forty-Five - Another Attempt

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 (video above does not belong to me, but if you're reading this you'll probably enjoy it)

    Word spread quickly of Katie Bells incident. The rumour was that she had been given a cursed necklace, she put it on, and was cursed. Even the Prophet was covering it. Draco sheepishly listened to what everybody said, praying nobody would suspect him. He sat at the slytherin table, breakfast lying untouched infront of him. "Dray, whatever is the matter? You haven't touched your food," the girl Draco had flirted with, Astoria, sighed, rubbing Draco's back. He shrugged silently, noticing Severus walking over to the table, an angry looking toddler-Harry behind him. 

     Astoria went to kiss Draco on the cheek, but Harry hurried his pace, leaving Severus behind. The toddler clambered over Theodore Nott, who was sitting opposite Draco, climbing across the table. "What the fu-" Harry wrapped his arms around Draco protectively, sticking his little tongue out at the girl. She backed away slowly, a confused look on her slim face. "What are you doing?" Draco asked nervously. "Making sure that devil woman doesn't come near you!" He hissed, not threatening at all. "He ran up to me saying he needed to save you," Severus explained, looking embarrassed. Draco lifted Harry off the table, setting him on his lap. 

    Harry snuggled up to his chest contently, feeling extremely proud of himself. The teenager, forgetting about any cursed necklaces, felt oddly happy, and began to eat some of his food. After a boring breakfast, with a sleeping Harry on his lap the whole time, Draco headed back up to his dorm. It would be an understatement to say he was disappointed. He had failed to get it to Dumbledore. What would his father say? He had failed him, after all. He flopped over his bed, in a most graceful fashion. 

     What to do now? He could always ask Severus permission to go see his father, as he was  certain- with his mothers passing - he'd say yes. But he didn't want to rely on the older Malfoy to much. His mind wandered back to his findings in the Room of Requirements. A large, broken, vanishing cabinet, who's twin lay in Borgin and Burkes. He made up his mind, to go and work on it. 

   He walked down the hall, his footsteps echoing. "Mr. Malfoy!" He heard a voice call. A ravenclaw boy held a bottle in his hands, with a large tag on it. "Your father has sent this to you." The polite boy gave him the gift, smiling sadly. "I'm sorry about your mother," he said, brushing a lock of black hair from his face. "Leave me alone," the slytherin snapped unkindly. The ravenclaw bowed slightly, looking terrified. 

    Draco read the tag; Dear Draco, be a dear and deliver this to Dumbledore for me. A gift, on me. Let him know that one bit of alcohol won't kill him. Love, your father. (TIP! Always make sure gifts aren't poisonous, hard times we live in.) 

    Draco reread the tag two or three times, wondering how on earth Filch didn't confiscate it. It was so obvious? He knew the caretaker was stupid, but not that daft. He clutched the poisoned bottle close to his chest, considering how to pull this second attempt off. "Draco, Draco, have you seen Zabini around? I've been looking for him for awhile now, oho." 

    "No, I don't suppose I have.. But, I happened to be looking for you, too," he lied, a devilish idea filling his head. "Madam Rosmerta, down at The Three Cauldrons, told me you ordered a bottle of Mead, a gift for Dumbledore - she told me to deliver it." He quickly tore the tag off, shoving it in his pocket, praying his plan would work (although there was a slim chance.) 

   "Did she really? I didn't order anything!.. Though I was thinking of sending him a gift, maybe there was a mistake?" Draco smiled pleasantly, shaking his head, his blonde hair (which he hadn't looked at in awhile, and would surely have a heart attack when he did) a mess. "No, no, she definitely said the order was from you- here, just take it. You must've had one to many and forgot about it." Draco forced the bottle into his arms, the smile still forcefully on his face. "Well- er- thank you. I'll make sure to get it to Dumbledore then.. If you see Zabini, let him know I want him!" And with that, the second trap had been set. 

      "Ah, Pansy, nice to see you in here with them," Severus said, smiling. He entered the toddlers room, sitting on one of the beds. The room had gotten extremely messy. "I like to come up when I'm bored," Pansy Parkinson told him, as she pat Hermione on her head. Now only Harry, Ron and Hermione were toddlers, and Madam Pomfrey already had another antidote prepared. He had started making all of his detentions a potion making session: originally it had just been a punishment for Neville, but it was far quicker (With the amount of detentions Severus handed out) with the students making them. 

     "One of these three will be back to normal soon," he told the teenager, who looked up and over to him. "Oh, really? Have you decided on who?" Severus shook his head. "I'm thinking Harry, since Dumbledore wants to have some kind of lesson with him. Claims they're urgent." "So Harry then! If these lessons are important he needs to attend them." Severus nodded, getting up and stretching. "Ahgh, I'm getting olddd.." he groaned, despite only being in his 30's. 

     "You're the last one to know," Pansy remarked, as Ron threw a toy at Harry, who decided it was declaration of war. Receiving no response, Pansy spoke on, "I'm sure Harry will be delighted to hear what he was doing this morning." Severus chuckled, imaging Harry having a fit as he watched the memory. 

     The door behind them creaked open, and a giggling Ginny slipped through. "Oh. She's here. Never mind, let's go, Luna." Luna Lovegood could be seen behind her, but barely. "Are you two looking for a place to snog? If so, go elsewhere. I don't want to see you and Loony making out," Pansy snapped menacingly. Ginny flushed, but looked angry nonetheless. "Shut it! And never call her that again, or I'll hex you." 

      "Twenty points from Gryffindor, fifteen from Slytherin," Severus hummed, preparing to leave the room. "What? That's not fair! Why does she loose five less?" Ginny yelled, outraged. Pansy stuck her tongue out, but Severus chose not to notice this. "Because Parkinson didn't threaten you, she simply called Miss. Lovegood a name." And with that, the professor left, Ginny and Luna jumping out of his way. 

TODDLERS                          -      TEENAGERS 

Harry, Hermione, Ron          Draco, Pansy, Blaise

Wow, two updates in the span of an hour. Just want to thank everyone for reading, it means the world to me <3 (Next update on Halloween! Woo! 

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