Chapter Fifty-Three - Double-Date

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     "And that's all. Oh, and you'll be working in partners - Of your own choice, you'll be happy to hear. Groups of two." Harry turned to give Ron a: Partners? kind of look, but his now-teenage friend seemed pre-occupied. Blaise, who'd been sitting beside him during McGonagall's instructions, had dragged him into a conversation. He sighed defeatedly. Ron looked like he was enjoying the interaction. 

   As his eyes scanned the room, he noticed Draco. He was on his own, awkwardly waiting for the crowd of shuffling students to clear, so he could see who remained partner-less. If Pansy were in the class, he would've instantly gone to her, but unfortunately, she wasn't. Harry slipped out of his seat, shoving past the previously mentioned crowd. "Hey, erm, Malfoy?" He was tempted to call him by his first name, but he swallowed the temptation down. 

 "Do you want to be my partner?" Draco looked surprised, but nodded. They found the nearest seat, as pairs had taken both Draco's and Harry's. "Are you and Weasley not-" 
"He has a partner already," he sighed, with a small smile. Draco pouted, his cheeks a faint-bit pink. "Heh- well let's get on with it!" Harry declared awkwardly. 

   After their intimate session in the library, it was all quite awkward between them. Miraculously, Harry hadn't heard any rumours about him or Draco. The transfiguration professor handed them a small mirror, smiling at the pair. "I'll go first," Draco said, before Harry even had a chance to speak. He raised his wand to Harry, glancing up at the first instruction on the board. Eyebrow colour. He mumbled an incantation. Suddenly, Harry's originally black eyebrow turned a bright green, matching Harry's eyes. The slytherin cackled loudly, unable to help himself.   

 "I hate you," Harry cursed under his breathe as he gazed in the mirror. "Love you too, Potter." The-Boy-Who-Lived saw his cheeks blush in the mirror, then quickly looked away. "Anyway. My go." He did the same to Draco, instead making his eyebrow a colourful array: A rainbow. Draco looked mortified, as he saw the result. The list of instructions on the board read as the following: 

1. Change Partner's eyebrow colour. 

2. Change their hair in some way. (nothing inappropriate.) 

3. Attempt to change eye-colour. 

  It was now time for the second one, which Blaise seemed to be incredibly good at, almost like he'd been doing it since he was a toddler. Ron laughed loudly, as his hair turned curly. "I don't want to do this one," Draco snapped, shielding his perfectly groomed hair. 
"Too bad." Harry grabbed his arm, pulling it down, against his legs. His free, wand, hand directed the stick at him. Draco closed his eyes, not ready to see what kind of atrocity his hair had became. 

   Harry made a happy kind of hum sound, and his partner opened his beautiful, grey eyes. He was pleasantly surprised by what he saw. Harry had made his hair long, laying eloquently just below his shoulders. Draco felt a thump on his back, and he and Harry both turned around. 

  Blaise stood behind him, one eyebrow purple, the other orange. "You look class," he giggled, "bit like your dad though. Minus the eyebrow." Harry nodded in agreement, while Draco just had a sour look on his face. "Zabini, back to your seat! Just because we are having a 'fun' lesson, doesn't mean you can get up and walk around." With the teacher's scolding, he scampered back to Ron.   

   Draco waved his wand at Harry, saying the spell. Harry's hair straightened it's usually messy self, and it lay brushed back like Draco's usually did. " Doesn't suit you," Draco remarked. Harry looked in the mirror, then exclaimed: "Huh? How come you look so hot when you do it, but I look like such an idiot?" He didn't realise it's words until they'd already long slipped. "," Draco said. 

  Draco messed with Harry's hair some more, until it was back to normal. "Can I choose the colour?" Harry asked, squinting up at the board, his glasses off. "What do you want?" 
Harry contemplated it for a minute. Hm. Maybe brown? Like his fathers. Yes. With Harry's choice in mind, Draco cast the spell. He was a bit disappointed, seeing the best feature of Harry vanish. But he looked nice with Brown eyes too.   

   McGonagall almost had a heart attack as she walked past. "You look identical to James, Harry! She gasped. Harry thought she looked like she was mentally reliving her times teaching the troublesome- "James?" Draco interrupted his thoughts. "James Potter," McGonagall answered curtly, before hearing shouts from the corner of the room, and subsequently rushing off. 

   "What about you? What do you want?" Harry questioned. The now long-haired blond shrugged. "Surprise me." Harry waved his wand swiftly, and colour erupted into Draco's eyes. They'd become turquoise. Although, excluding the eyebrow, Harry thought this and the new hair looked rather handsome, he still liked normal Draco better. 

   Ron had been a teenager again for quite a while, and he'd already been recruited for the Gryffindor team. It was now early December, and Hogwarts was beautifully decorated, as per usual. "Time's up!" McGonagall yelled, the chatter quickly dying down. "Line up and I'll reverse all effects, we don't have time for you  to do it yourselves today." The class all made their way to the front, in what was definitely not a line. More of an odd zigzag. Lavender Brown's completely pink eye, which was slightly swollen around the edges, was fixed up, followed by a gorgeous looking Luna, who's hair had been brought down to her ankles, and eyes changed pure white: Her girlfriend's doing. In short, the whole class looked ridiculous. 

  "So you and Weasley partnered up?" Draco asked Blaise, as he and Harry exited together - Blaise and Ron stood in the corridor. "He's not half bad," Blaise said with a wink. Ron rolled his eyes. They'd been pretty close over the time Ron'd been normal, and Ron couldn't stop thinking about 'baby crushes'. "Is Granger going to be brought to normal soon?" Blaise asked Ron and Harry. She was currently being looked after by Madam Pomfrey. "Whenever the potion runs out," Ron explained, "like what happened to me." 

  "Oh, okay - Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me, Ron?" He questioned. Ron nodded happily, before adding, "er- do you two want to come too?" He gestured to Draco and Harry. "Oh, er, if you want to?" Harry asked Draco. It was odd being all buddy-buddy with the Slytherins, but he quite liked it. They weren't just 'Slytherins', they were people. "Sure," Draco smiled at him. And so it was arranged. A 'platonic' double date. 


(if you didn't see my last part on this, which wasn't a chapter, I have a new story up!! It's called Birds of a feather and it's both Snucius and Drarry - there'll probably be some Pansmione and Blairon in there too. X) 


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