EXTRA. Snape's Birthday

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this is basically a snape fanpage at this point 

Today, the ninth of January, IS SEVERUS SNAPE'S BIRTHDAY So naturally I am playing my part in the celebration

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Today, the ninth of January, IS SEVERUS SNAPE'S BIRTHDAY 
So naturally I am playing my part in the celebration.
Here is a little drawing of the man himself, just a quick doodle <3

In this little extra, despite the fact it's January they're at Malfoy Manor and all but Pansy are toddlers again, also Narcissa is dead lolol

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In this little extra, despite the fact it's January they're at Malfoy Manor and all but Pansy are toddlers again, also Narcissa is dead lolol

     "I want to die," Lucius groaned, the noise overwhelmingly loud. The five toddlers and Pansy accompanied him in the kitchen, as he slaved over two slabs of raw cake. It was the evening before Severus' birthday, so of course it just felt normal to make a cake. Except now that Narcissa was gone, and that he'd forced Severus out of the house, he had to supervise the kids WHILE baking. "Can I lick this?" Draco demanded, tugging at his father's black apron. In his free hand, he was pointing to a plastic bowl sitting on the counter-top. It had the remenants of a sweet mixture of eggs, butter and flour inside it. "No, you shouldn't eat raw batter, Draco." Draco pouted then waddled over to Harry. 

   "Dray, as your self proclaimed big sister, you now have my permission to lick the bowl," Pansy grinned, ruffling his hair. She lifted the bowl off the counter and handed it to him, along with a wooden spoon. She had thigh high laced black socks on, mostly covered by large platform boots with far to many chains and buckled to count - they reached her knees. Lucius rolled his eyes, scowling to himself. "C'mon cheer up, tomorrow's Severus birthday, remember!" Pansy reminded the older Malfoy. He nodded grudgingly, pulling the now crisp and risen cake-slabs from the oven. 

   Each was a circular shape, and a deep brown colour. "Is it the fun bit now?" Ron asked excitedly, half clambering onto the counter top. He and Blaise sat on two of the stools next to the counter, Hermione on one next to them. Harry and Draco were standing by, whispering among themselves while sharing the bowl. Pansy was the only one actually helping, but even she was barely doing anything (she was mostly moral support, in all honesty). "What of this do you consider to be fun..?" Lucius shot back, setting the slabs next to eachother. "Eating it." 
"No. We need to wait until tomorrow to do that."
"Whhhhhhhy? Sevvy is funner than you," Ron complained greedily. "That's mean Ron!" Hermione gasped, a worried look in her large innocent eyes. "No it's not Herman! Telling the truth is good, isn't it?" Hermione agreed reluctantly. 

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