Chapter Twenty-Five - Costumes

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     (little Lily and Severus, Lily a vampire, Sevvy and Werewolf because I couldn't think of anything else)
(I'm not fixing it)

Warning - slight stranger things spoilers
(and mention of self-harm, but it's nothing to bad)

"House meeting! Right now!" Pansy declared, slamming her hands on the dining table. Narcissa looked up at her, startled. "Is something wrong, dear? Is this important?" Pansy nodded, "this is important."

      Severus, who was setting Harry on his seat, looked up. "Well we're all here, so go ahead." Severus slipped into his seat. They all had designated seats, along the long table. Lucius sat at the end of the table, his wife to his right, Severus to his left, Harry was beside Severus, Draco beside Narcissa, Ron beside Harry, Blaise beside Draco, Pansy beside Ron, Hermione beside Blaise.

    "Okay, what day is it?" Pansy asked the table. "It's the thirtieth of October, dear," Narcissa told her, quietly. "Yes, but no, Mr. Malfoy, what day is it?"
Lucius looked confused. "Wednesday."

    Pansy rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "Anyone?" Ron raised his hand, as Lucius had told them to do when they had something to say at the table. "It's my mummy's birthday!"

    Pansy sighed, looking dissapointed. She sat down, defeated. "It's the day before Halloween," Severus piped up, Pansy grinned nodding. "I forgot about Halloween, has it really been that long?" Lucius mumbled.

   "Can we go trick or treating?" Harry asked, his green eyes practically glowing. Pansy noticed how Severus seemed to look sad for a moment, although she chose to ignore this.

   "Where would we even go?" Lucius mumbled, clearly not a fan of the idea. Pansy rested her head on her arms, dissapointed. "We could go go Spinners End," Severus suggested, trying to cheer Pansy up. "Spinners End?"

    Severus nodded, "In Cokeworth, it's where I live. It's kind of dirty, and the lake smells horrendous, but there are alot of kids there, so alot of trick'or'treating." Severus glanced over at Harry, before adding, "Harry's mother and aunt grew up there aswell." Harry look suprised.

    "Were you friends?" He asked excitedly, sitting on his knees. "Lily and I were, but Petunia didn't like me much- and I didn't like her much either," he explained. Narcissa, who had finished her food, stood up. "I think this trick'or'treating thing is silly. You can go without me, it'll give me some peace..," she muttered, before leaving.

    "Can you explain to me what trick or treating is, exactly?" Lucius spoke, as he stretched across Narcissa's seat, and wiped food off of his sons face.

   Severus decided to tidy all the kids up, as Pansy explained trick or treating. "Are we going to get to dress up?" Harry wondered, he and Draco were in their room, as Severus was digging in Draco's wardrobe for something nice, that sixteen year old Draco wouldn't be mad if he shrunk. "Dress up?" Draco asked, looked confused. "My cousin always dresses up to go trick or treating. Have you never trick or treated?"

    "No, have you? What kind of dressing up? Ball gowns and fancy suits?" Severus held back laughter. "No, dray, you wear scary costumes, like a vampire! Or a ghost!" Severus explained. "Why would I dress up as a ghost?" Severus sighed, pulling out a black pair of jeans, and setting them on Draco's desk. "It's a muggle thing, they think ghosts aren't real, and a scary myth. Werewolves are scary, some people dress as those? I was almost eaten by a werewolf once." Draco gasped. "What? Really? Did you fight it? Was it big and scary?"

    "Werewolves are real?" Harry looked amazed. "Twice, actually, same werewolf and, Harry, your father saved me from him the first time.. I doubt I would have been able to fight him," Severus laughed, returning to the wardrobe.

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