Twenty-four - Literally A Massive Timeskip

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  Sometimes I forget this story has magic in it

   The next few weeks seemed to fly by. It was a repeat cycle of, wake the kids up, eat breakfast, keep the kids entertained, almost get caught making out, usually very chaotic lunch, peacocks, the kids tormenting house elves (apart from Hermione, who was very against it), very awkward interactions between Snape, Malfoy, Pansy and Narcissa, and you get the point. It was chaotic.

    One day, Draco had decided he wanted cake. And when he didn't get cake? Tantrum.

   And another day, all the adults in the houses wands had vanished. Later Lucius found a house elf hung upside down by it's ankle. When asked, the toddlers said they found the spell in the back of a book. Severus had been awfully quiet during the discussion. (Pansy later admitted to teaching them how to pronounce the spell)

   One night, the week before Halloween, Severus had went into Ron and Blaises room to check on them, while Lucius was with Draco and Harry (Pansy looked after Hermione, all the 'not toddlers' in the house had a schedule to who looked after who at what time, being in Hermiones room, Pansy was only/always assigned to Hermione), Severus had caught Ron reading (he had memorised the story, although some of the words had clearly been changed, to make it less scary for the small Weasley.

    "They were the uhm..-" Severus, making his presence known, closed the door softly behind him. "The Peverell Brothers, that's what they were known as," he spoke, sitting on Blaise' bed. They had gotten a twin room, like Pansy and Hermione. A single bed had been added to Draco's room, too. Ron was sitting on the edge of his own. "Antioch Peverell, Codmus Peverell and Ignotus Peverell, were their names."

    The two boys attention was fully on Severus' words, and he was happy. He loved these kids, he really did. It took awhile for him to be able to admit it, but he loved them like his own. Even if they wouldn't remember anything when they returned to their original ages, he wanted to redeem himself. He was a bully.

    Rewind to 1993, the year the (falsely) convicted murderer, Sirius Black, escaped Azkaban.

   The door of the staff room swung open, and a tired looking Remus Lupin entered. Severus sat at a desk, marking papers. He was particularly irritated, as he was comparing Potter, Weasley, and Granger's essays. "Snape." Severus glanced up, only now noticing the defence against the dark arts Proffesor. "Oh, Lupin," he greeted. Out of all the 'Mauraders' he liked Remus the most. Sure, he still didn't like him, because he never stopped his friends bullying, but he himself never bullied, so he was.. fine.

   "That boy, the one you clearly dislike-"
"You say that as if I like any of them?" Severus grunted, as mentioned before, he was in a bad mood. "Neville. Neville Longbottom," Remus sighed, sitting down on a long couch.

     "You're his boggart, Severus," Remus had spoke coldly, glaring at Snape. "I'm- I'm his boggart? I'm the boy's biggest fear? Me?" Severus repeated after the other proffesor. "Yes."

    Severus felt terrible after that. He had given the whole class, even the slytherins, and people that did good, very bad marks. It completely crushed him, but he didn't change. He knew after that moment that he was in the wrong. But, he didn't stop.

    Severus tucked in the boy's after he told them the correct tale of the three brothers. He wished them goodnight before quietly making his way to the door. Just as he opened it, Ron spoke tiredly. "Love you dad..!" He then yawned, and closed his eyes. Severus glanced back at him, in shock.

    'Love you dad.' He didn't know what to think of this, but his body seemed to speak without his permission. "I love you too. Go to sleep." He then gently closed the door.

    Occasions like that slowly became regular, and happened every night. Even Pansy had started referring to him as dad, only when Lucius and Narcissa weren't around, though.

   29th of October, another remarkable event took place. Another one of the children found out about Lucius and Severus. Who? Harry Potter.

    It was late at night, Narcissa had felt very ill and went to bed early. Lucius and Severus had tucked all the kids in. Severus closed the door of Draco and Harry's room, as Lucius talked quietly to him about work at the ministry - he had taken a month off, but now was back, although working shorter days.

     "Hey, Luci?" Severus interrupted. Lucius made eye contact with him, raising an eyebrow. "Yes?" Severus reached out his hand, holding it in the air. "Do.. Do you want me to hold your hand, or?" Severus nodded, Lucius smiled slightly and took his hand. At that moment, the door behind them opened.

    "Sev-" Harry stopped speaking, looking at their hands. "Why are you holding hands?" He asked innocently, looking around. "Never you mind! You're supposed to be asleep!" Severus exclaimed, letting go of Lucius' hand and patting Harry's head. "Okay, sorry..," Harry apologised shyly. Severus was suprised how unlike James this younger Harry was. "It's fine, Harry," Severus comforted, kneeling down to his level, hugging the child. "Goodnight," the proffesor whispered.

    The 'couple' weren't entirely sure if Harry knew what them holding hands meant, but they just hoped he would forget it. It was late afterall.

   The next few day's passed, and soon it was the eve of Halloween.

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