Chapter Fifty - Hannah Abbot, Veelas and "fuck-buddies".

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After Septembers accident, involving an unnamed student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the ministry and Hogwarts staff have began working together to conduct experiments and find out more about the potion that reverted an entire class of students, under the supervision of Potions Professor, Severus Snape, to younger versions of themselves, but with zero memories of anything that had happened to them after the age they turned to. Although the headmaster, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, claims the majority of pupils have been returned to normal, with an antidote he himself, along with the school nurse, Poppy Pomfrey, made. Currently, six volunteers from the ministry have offered to help, ranging from nineteen to sixty-three years of age. So far, all that's been discovered - The anonymous student that created it in the first place, successfully recreated the potion -  is that the volunteers were all brought back between eleven and fifteen years, and not a single one of them has remembered anything from their life past the year they reverted to.
One of the volunteers, William Stultus, a ministry employee of forty-two, gave us the following information. "It was odd. One minute I was standing in an empty room, with a vile, then, once I opened it, the scenery around me changed. I was in the Hogwarts hospital wing, a similar looking vile in my hand. It was almost like blinking, I simply blinked, and three hours had passed. Dumbledore told me that I had gone back to when I was twenty-nine for those few hours, yet I had no recollection of it." 
Another described the experience as similar to blacking out, or falling asleep, while the oldest of the volunteers found it completely different, she stated, "My experience was much different to what the others have described. I only saw darkness for hours, pure-black. I didn't fall asleep, I was awake, but I couldn't hear nor see anything. It was like torture." 

More volunteers are being searched for, but as of now, it seems that the older the person is the different it is. Younger volunteers felt that the time lasted a second, while others, much older, felt it lasted longer than that. If you are between the ages seventeen and ninety, please consider  coming forward and volunteering for these experiments. 

Severus turned to the next page, flipping through the Prophet. He and two Hufflepuffs were the only ones in the Great Hall, as it approached dinner time. Having finished marking third year work earlier than expected (mostly because half the year had decided to boycott doing his homework - resulting in massive amounts of detentions for them all), he'd came down forty-five minutes early. 

The door flung open, and a giggling Ginny and Luna stumbled in, both of them taking a seat at the Gryffindor table. "It's not even funny!" Ginny yelled through snorts of laughter. The hufflepuffs and Snape could hear her clearly, she was that loud. "I knoww, but I can't help it!" The girlfriends giggled on, and Snape decided to ignore them. 

He reverted his attention back to the Prophet, where there was a peculiar article about the Quibbler, which apparently claimed that Rufus Scrimegour was actually a Veela, and working for The Dark Lord. Of course the former was obviously rubbish, but the latter had sparked outrage among the Ministry. 

One of the hufflepuffs stood up, walking over to the two giggling fifth-years. She had a determined look on her face. "Ginny Weasely, Luna Lovegood," she greeted stiffly, "c-can you maybe tell me- how to become friends with Neville Longbottom?" Her hair was cut to her shoulders, blonde. It looked quite nice with her hufflepuff uniform. 

"Erm, who are you again?" The ginger girl asked, as her and Luna's laughter faded. 
"H-Hannah Abbot," she mumbled, her tan face flushed. Ginny grinned, patting Hannah roughly on the back. "Just talk to him about Herbology!," she instructed, "good luck." With a wink, Ginny turned back to Luna, and the two of them went back to their prior giddy state. Hannah smiled nervously, skipping off. 

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