Chapter Ten - Pansmione

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        Pansy hugged the little Draco, who woke up. He looked at her, tilting his head slightly. "Draco?" She asked, patting his head. "Yes?" He answered, glancing over his shoulder at severus. "I'm Pansy. Do you remember me?" She giggled. Draco looked as though he had seen a ghost, and looked around. "But.. you're.. big now!" He said, stretching out his arms to emphasize his point. Pansy laughed. "Was I small before?" She asked him. Draco nodded. "Was I cute~?"

     Draco paused. He looked around. "Not really," he told her quietly. Pansy looked shocked and offended- she was pale and if she'd seen a ghost, but that ghost was actually just an insult from a three year old boy. Snape laughed from behind her. "It's not funny, Snape!"
"I'm a woman."

      Snape rolled his eyes. "Why do people keep doing that..," he mumbled to himself. "Who else is.. well... small?" She said, putting Draco on her shoulders. He held onto her for dear life. "Aaaaa put me down!" He screeched. Pansy giggled and twirled around, as Draco screamed.

     "Draco, Potter, Granger, Weasely, Zabini, and yourself are the ones I'm taking care of. The rest of the class went home," Severus told her. She nodded. "Can I see them?" Severus nodded, "Yes, but I need to tell Dumbedore you're back to normal,"

     Pansy nodded, smiling. The three of them went to Dumbldore, meeting Lucius on the way, who went with them. They explained what they assumed happened, since Pansy had no clue, and then set off back to Snape's room to make sure that the kids- who they had left behind - hadn't murdered eachother.

      "Are all four of them in there?" She asked excitedly, as they reached the door. Snape nodded, holding the door open for Pansy. Pansy walked in, looking around the potions master's room. There was a tiny girl with a short mane of brown hair, and large eyes sitting on a couch. Pansy almost died of absoloute cuteness over-load, or A.C.O.L, as the author calls it.

        "Oh.. my.. god! IS THAT HERMIONE? SHE IS SO CUTE!" She screeched, grabbing the child and hugging her tightly. Ron, who was sitting on the floor, next to Blaise, stuck his tounge out at the teenager. Pansy giggled and stuck hers out at him too.

     Snape and Malfoy had gone off to Snape's room, after Snape mumbled something about Draco to Pansy. Pansy didn't care, though. She was having a snuggle party with a bunch of children. And she was lovin' it.

     She was reading a book she found on a shelf to Hermione, after she explained that she was Pansy. Hermione had instantly taken a liking to Pansy. "And they lived happily ever after!" She concluded, closing the book with a smile. Hermione giggled and climbed on top of Pansy, snuggling into her.

      The others, Harry, Ron, Draco and Blaise, were playing snap with some chocolate-frog cards they'd found, although Ron kept loosing and asked to play wizards chess (kids version, which totally exists) instead. The others didn't know how to play, so he started playing on his own. It was pretty depressing. 


Hope this is okay! It's a bit short, and is really just a cute filler chapter, but hope it's alright. 💕💕

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