Chapter Eighteen - Narcissa Malfoy's Memories

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Wanted to get away from the very chaotic life of looking after six kids, so have a filler chapter of Narcissa talking to herself about her time at Hogwarts with Luci and Sevvy 😶

(Says she isn't gonna update but updates anyway)

    Narcissa sat in the Malfoy library, reading a book. She wasn't interested in the book in the slightest, but was done with all her chores, had prepared rooms for the guests and cooked food. Lucius had told her in a letter that Severus and some of his students were coming. She didn't like the potions professor much. Sure, he was her son's godfather, but that was Lucius' choice. Severus was younger than her, and at school he had always been annoying to her. He trailed around Lucius like a dog, always asking to speak to him away from her. Lucius always agreed to this, and most of the time never came back.

     She had once made a joke, to Lucius, after he had dissapeared with the little rat. She had said, "It's almost like you two are dating!" And Lucius had chuckled and said nothing. That was a big red flag to her. And now her husband was inviting him over? Sure, Lucius was a bit of a dick, a bad parent, and an over all bad person, but she loved him, and didn't want him hooking up with some man.

       She had been feeling unwell recently, but Lucius was clearly thick enough not to realise that she wasn't well enough to deal with children. She had been paler than usual, which is bad, since she was usually very pale. She had long blonde hair, that flowed down past her shoulders, and had a very ellogant grace to her.

     She stood up, placing the book on a near by shelf. Lucius had said he'd be there around five, so she had some time. But what to do with it? She decided to have a look through an old scrapbook her sister, Bella, had made.

     The first page said in bubble writing, "1971!" 1971 was the year that Narcissa was in fourth year. Lucius was in fifth, Severus first. She had always found it weird that Lucius was so close to an eleven-year-old, but she guessed they just had a lot in common.

    The next page was packed with photographs. There were six on one page, no more would fit. The first one was one of her and a laughing Lucius, with a tiny little Severus beside him. Severus was always very shy at school, mainly sticking to either Lucius or Lily Potter. In the picture, they were sitting at the Slytherin table, Lucius' arm wrapped around Severus.

     "C'mon Sev, smile for the photo!" Lucius laughed, using his fingers to try and make the small boy smile. "Come on! This is the first photograph, make it good!" Bellatrix hissed from behind the camera. "Sorry Bella," Narcissa chuckled. Lucius let go of Severus' face, who smiled slightly in relief. Bellatrix quickly snapped the photograph, yelling in triumph.
(I was gonna draw this one digitally, but it came out bad, and I lost motivation so here's a rough sketch on paper)

 (I was gonna draw this one digitally, but it came out bad, and I lost motivation so here's a rough sketch on paper)

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      Narcissa looked at the next picture, smiling fondly. It was a picture of herself and her sister. Bellatrix was sticking her tounge out, while Narcissa was laughing, pushing her hair out of her eye. Lucius had taken the photo, then the next one, which was one of him and Bella. They were all messing around, and Lucius was mocking some first year boy that Severus had complained about, and running his hand through his hair, winking at the camera.

      The next was of Severus, hiding his face with his hand and yelling. The three, Lucius, Bellatrix and Narcissa, had been good friends, and shared one camera between them. When it was Lucius' turn, he usually ended up taking loads of pictures of Severus...

    There was one of Lucius and Crabbe Sr(who's name I couldn't find anywhere), where Lucius was sitting in a large tree, and helping Crabbe up. Severus had taken this photo, Narcissa recalled. The photo was slightly blurred, from Severus' shaky hands.

    Severus had been a quiet little kid. Narcissa had found out in her last year that Severus was relentlessy bullied by some of his classmates. She found out one day when she turned a corner and found a crying Severus leaned against a wall, his cheek bleeding down his face. Ever since that moment she hadn't seen him the same.

     One of the other photographs was deffinetly her favourite. It was one of her and Lucius, Lucius looked slightly uncomfortable, but she looked very happy. They were hugging.

   "C'mon Luci, smile for the camera!" Bellatrix had told him, and Lucius had nodded slightly, forcing a smile. "Hey, what's wrong Lucius?" Narcissa asked, squeezing his hand. "It's..  nothing, it's just Severus, he seemed off at breakfast, did he not?" Lucius stared down at his feet. Narcissa rolled her eyes. "C'mon, he's fine. Let's have fun! You have me, you don't need to worry about him!" She smiled, hugging the boy. Lucius hesitantly smiled, huggng her back. Bella snapped a picture. 

   She flipped through a few pages. She noticed a photo she hadn't seen before. It wasn't stuck in, and was very blurry. She assumed Severus took it. The photograph was taken from the ground, it looked as though the person that had taken it was sitting down. There were three blurred people in it, a tall boy with glasses and black hair, a boy with brown curly hair, in a ponytail and another thin boy with a few visible scars on his face. She studied the picture. These must've been those gryffindors that bullied Severus. The tall one was holding a wand, and pointing it right at Severus. She closed the book, not knowing how to feel.

    She put it away and wandered into her and Lucius' room. She sat on the bed, surely Severus wouldn't want to talk about the bullying when he came. It'd been around fifteen years, he'd probably gotten over it. It's not like he didn't have friends, he had Lucius and the mudblood Gryffindor girl. She decided to let it go, and fell back onto the bed, looking up at the roof.

Hah, said I wouldn't update in awhile but this was already mostly done, so uh yeah I wrote like three more paragraphs and now I want to never write again,, so sorry the last three paragraphs are a bit dry, please- for those who don't follow me- read my most recent announcment <3 

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