Chapter Twenty-Seven - Paper Cuts

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My birthdays in 9 days B)
(24th Aug)

There was a loud popping sound. Ginny and Neville started at the spot Luna was sitting, both looking terrified. "Luna?" Ginny managed to ask. The little blonde girl looked up at her, looking confused. "Who are you?" She whispered shyly, looking around the room.

"I'm Ginny.. I'm your friend, remember?" She asked Luna, who looked sad, and glanced down at her feet. "What.. What do we do? Ginny! What do we do? We're going to be in so much trouble!" Neville panicked.

Ginny grinned. "Well, the potions bound to wear off eventually, right?" Neville shrugged nervously, "I don't know... I had to use a potion, so.." Ginny, Neville, and the now tiny Luna, sat in silence. What do they do now? Neville and Ginny were still covering their mouths, but the potion in the cauldron had started evaporating and becoming gas - not to mention the gas that was already spreading through the room.

"We should get out," Ginny told Neville, grabbing Luna under the arms and lifting her up. "I'll open a window..," Neville mumbled, slipping off the seat and making his way to the nearest one. He pulled it open, relaxing as the gas slowly left the room. "Do you think it's safe to breathe now?"

Neville shrugged, opening the next window aswell. Luna was clinging onto Ginny, a confused, shy look on her face. "How old are you, Luna?" Ginny asked, patting her head. Being the youngest sibling, she wasn't used to looking after younger kids. "Nearly three." Ginny deadpanned. "You're two." Luna shook her head, "I'm nearly three!"

Ginny chuckled, hugging Luna. "Should we tell a teacher? What if we get in trouble? What if we get expelled?" Neville questioned, looking scared. Ginny shrugged nonchalantly, deciding it'd be better not to worry.

Lucius pulled Severus closer to him, holding him in an embrace. Severus was shaking, and let out a quiet sob, the pain being extreme. It was as though his skin had became to tight, and felt heavy. He felt as though his whole body was covered in massive papercuts, that continously cut over eachother, getting deeper and deeper.

In other words, it was excruciating.

Pansy, looked back at Draco, who was being embraced tightly by a weeping Narcissa Malfoy. She was whispering something to her son. Turning back to Severus and Lucius, Severus was practically lying on Lucius, who was sitting up holding the potions master.

"You- you evil woman!" Lucius cried out, as Severus seemed to lose consciousness. Lucius set him down, running over to his wife and child. "ME?! ME, THE EVIL ONE? LOOK AT YOURSELF! YOU'RE DISGUSTING! YOU- YOU UNFAITHFUL, EVIL, ABUSIVE, COLD, BASTARD!" She yelled through tears, completely breaking down. She squeezed the terrified Draco even tighter.

Pansy rushed to check her teachers pulse, relieved to find he was alive. She could feel the small eyes from the balcony looking down at her. They had an audience.

Harry was balling his eyes out, while Hermione tried to comfort him. Blaise and Ron weren't there, from what Pansy could see anyway. "CAN YOU TWO STOP YELLING? GOD!" Pansy shouted, making the two adults quiet down. She had their attention. "Stop screaming useless insults, and be adults and work it out maturely! Jeez, you're like a bunch of toddlers!"

Pansy stood up, hauling Severus up by his arm. "Mr. Malfoy, can you help me carry him to his room?" Lucius wiped his face with his sleeve, before nodding and taking him.

Narcissa didn't move, and stayed in the same spot. He hair was falling over her tear-streaked, pale face. Her eyes were dull and blank. The woman had been through so much, and now this? Pansy couldn't help but feel bad for the woman. She was sure, as a pure-blood, that Lucius and her had not married out of love. A forced marriage. But why was she so upset? If she didn't love her husband, why was she upset that her husband didn't love her?
Adults are confusing, was the verdict that Pansy Parkinson came to.

"How about we just keep her hidden?" Ginny suggested, as the two of them snuck out of the classroom. "I don't know..," Neville muttered, as Ginny made sure the way was clear. She made a mad dash to the next corner, Neville following slowly behind. "Look- Ginny, I think we should tell a teacher.."

Ginny stopped, glancing back at him. "That's a shit idea. We'll be in so much trouble!" Neville looked down at his feet. Ginny was scary.

Didnt read over this, I wanna sleep-
Please correct anything thats wrong
Love u ♥️

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