Chapter Thirteen - Zabini and Weasely

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Thank you to Hushabee and turn_into_Joseph for the ideas, and HPGayFan1 for the suggestion (of a Blairon chapter)
"Dumbledore, sir," Severus said quietly, as he and Lucius entered the office. "We were thinking, how about I take the children, and Parkinson, to Mr. Malfoy's house?" He said, emphasising on the "Mr. Malfoy" part. "Severus, are you sure you want to, to go?" He asked.

"Yes, sir." Albus nodded and stood up. "You'll be taking young Parkinson with you? Won't she miss lessons?" He asked. "The others are missing lessons as well. I can help her out potions wise. And with defence against the dark art's. I'm sure Lucius and his wife can teach her something," he said to the headmaster, who nodded.

"Yes, yes then. You may. I'll work out the teaching situation, I'm sure I could get somebody in. When do you plan to leave, Severus?" Snape allowed himself to smile slightly. "Thank you sir. I haven't thought of that. Lucius?"
"I was thinking tomorrow or the day after," Lucius told him. Dumbledore nodded.

"Alright, tomorrow evening, after tea, you may floo powder to Malfoy Manor, with the children and Parkinson!" He said, smiling at them.
"Thank you sir, thank you sir!" Snape thanked him, smiling up at Lucius. Lucius nodded. "Thank you, Dumbledore."

They left the office in silence. "We'll need to go clothes shopping, those kids have been in their uniforms for to long. How about we go tomorrow morning? After breakfast- wait, I need to ask Dumbledore if I can take tomorrow off!" He said, turning around and going back into the headmasters office.

Lucius stood outside the office, leaning against the wall. Few students walked by, but every so often one or two did. Then, a girl came running down the hall towards him. "Hey!.. Mr.. Mr.. Malfoy!" She panted, looking up at him. "Parkinson?"
"Where's Snape?"

"He's in with Dumbledore. Asking for tomorrow off," he grunted, crossing his arms. "Right- can I go in?" She asked. "Go ahead." Pansy nodded, running towards the door. "What's the password?" She asked.
"Snickers, or something like that," Lucius told her dully. "Thanks..," Pansy mumbled. She said the password and went up to the office. She hammered on the door.

"Come in!" Dumbledore called. Pansy stammered in. "Snape, sir! It's Weasley.. and Blaise..," she panted. Snape looked alarmed. "Are they okay?" Pansy nodded hastily.
"I don't know. I can't find them! Potter wanted to go outside. So I thought, they said they'd be an hour, so we could go out for fifteen minutes, but.. I stopped paying attention and I don't know where they went." He asked.

"Seriously?" He asked exasperatedly, glancing back at Dumbledore. "Thank you, again sir, we'll return when all the kids can get a potion. I- I'll be back," he grumbled the last bit, before grabbing the teen by her arm and pulling her out of the office. "Are you kidding me! I just got you permission to leave school, and help with looking after them, AND YOU LOOSE THEM? Where are the others? DID YOU LOOSE THEM TOO, PARKINSON?" He yelled as they got down, startling Lucius. "I-I'm sorry sir!" she stuttered, she had forgotten how much of a slimy git Snape was. Sure he liked slytherins, but that was just because he used to be one, the rest of the time he was a mean old sod. That's what Pansy thought anyway.

"You better be! Where are the others?" He asked angrily.
"I brought them back to your room, sir!" She told him, as he let go of her arm. "Well what are you waiting for? They could be anywhere! Lucius Malfoy, you are now semi-responsible for these children, you need to help. Split up. Find them!"

"Is Sevvy worried?" Lucius teased. Snape flushed slightly, before slapping the back of Lucius' head. "They where outside when you lost them?" Pansy nodded. "Alright, Lucius and I will look outside, you can search the first floor.

So they split up. Snape and Lucius went outside together, Severus really should've stayed with the child, but he wanted to be with Lucius, as creepy and stalkerish as that sounds. "Where do you think they are?" Lucius asked, pretending to care. Snape rolled his eyes. "I don't know! We'd've found them by now if I did!" He snapped, sounding like every other white mother.

"Right.. well, where if you could guess where they would be, where would you say?" Lucius refrased his question. Severus stopped and looked around. "The forbidden forest is my guess, unless they'd be scared to go in. Maybe they're at Hagrids?" He looked around then back at Lucius.

"Let's check Hagrids, see if the old hag has them," Lucius grumbled. Severus chuckled. "I see where Draco gets his.. interesting descriptions," he snickered. Lucius couldn't help but smile. "You should laugh more. You're always so grumpy," Lucius told him, tapping Severus' nose playfully. "You're not one to talk, but anyway. We're here."

Snape knocked on the large door curtly, looking around. Their were some pumpkins growing in his garden, and it actually looked nice. The half-giant opened the door, looking down at Severus. "Hi 'ere. D'ya need summin'?" He asked, glaring at Lucius, who was behind Severus, and glaring back.

"Have you seen Weasely and Zabini?" Snape asked him, trying to peak behind him. Hagrid shook his head. "Tell us if you see them, please," Severus said politely, before turning around and walking away. He made sure to hit his shoulder off of Lucius'.

Lucius turned and followed him, leaving the half-giant standing in his doorway. Lucius and Severus walked away in silence. "We can't look in the forest. How about we find Pansy? See if she's found them," Severus suggested. "How come you call her Pansy? Isn't that a bit informal?" Lucius asked. "Eh. I got used to calling them by their first names while they were small."

"Here, just say the spell, and imagine a new hairstyle on the person!" He told Blaise, handing him the wand. "Can I try after?"
"No. You're a gryffindor. You can't use my wand," Theodore told him, as Blaise took the wand. "That's mean!" Blaise yelled. "Shh! Someone will here us. We're hiding!"

Blaise, Ron and Theodore Nott sat at on two large bean bags, Ron and Blaise sharing one, Theodore on a separate one. They were in the library, sitting tucked away in a corner. Ron and Blaise had wondered off and ran into Theodore, who recognised Blaise, and offered to let them use his wand.

"Can I watch?" Ron asked. Nott hesitantly nodded. Blaise turned around, and stared at the door, waiting for somebody to come in. A pale girl with long blode hair entered the library, chatting happily to a, confused yet amused looking, ginger girl. "Looney Lovegood and the Weaselette. Give them both something crazy!" Nott ordered. Blaise nodded. He held the wand out and repeated the spell Theodore had told him.

There was a small poof, and a flash of pink. Luna's hair poofed up for a second, before stretching down to her feet and wrapping around her body, like some kind of trap. "What the hell?!" Ginny gasped, backing away from her friend.

"Can I do the other girl?" Ron asked. Theodore shook his head. Blaise looked upset. "Why can't Ron help? He wants to have fun too!" Theodore rolled his eyes, and gestured for Blaise to hand the wand back. Blaise stuck his toung out at Theodore, grabbed Ron's hand, and rushed to another corner.

"Hey! Give that back!" Nott yelled, standing up and trying to run after them. Ginny raised her wand and shot a hex at Theodore, assuming it was him. "Change her hair back!" She snapped. "I didn't do it!" He yelped, giving Ginny the spell to reverse it, before looking for the duo. They weren't there. "Shit! They left!"

The two boys rushed off out of the library, with the teens wand. "Hah! Serves him right!" Ron laughed, as Blaise handed him the wand. "He was being mean to you. It made me angry!" Blaise told him. Ron smiled at him, before hugging the other child. "Thank you! You're the best, Blaise!" Blaise smiled and hugged the other boy back.

"Ron whatever your middle name is Weasely, I swear to make anybody that's ever EVER mean to you, regret it!" He declared, happily. Ron let go of the other boy, grinning widely. "That was nice. Can I hug you again?" Blaise asked. Ron nodded.

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