Chapter Forty-Nine - Draco on the Quidditch Pitch

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  "That was horrendous!" Cormac screamed mid-air, at one of the new beaters. Harry wanted to scream. Cormac was proving to be an issue. "McLaggen, keep bossing people around and I'll personally boot you in the throat!" The captain, Harry yelled back at him. The whole practice Cormac had been acting as though he had Harry's position - and it was honestly humiliating. 

   The stands surrounding the quidditch pitch were packed full of students, ranging from first year to last. Being the so called 'Chosen One' Harry had quite the few.. admirers, despite being a drool bag the majority of the year so far. Cormac didn't take being scolded well. Once the next shot came towards him, he seemed to purposely hit it back towards Harry - who was searching for a wandering snitch. 

   The ball came flying towards him. He froze up, knowing there was no point. It was a mere few inches away from his face. But, suddenly, at an incredibly unnatural speed, Harry's broom jerked down, plummeting to the ground, slowing as Harry's feet hit the ground. The first thing he noticed when he looked up, quite dazed, was a familiar figure in the slytherin stand, holding his wand tightly. 

  Had Draco done that? His eyes made contact with the others. Harry quickly looked to the ground, his face going crimson. "Whew! Are you alright?" Ginny asked, flying down beside him. Harry nodded hesitantly, his mind still on Draco. Why would he save him? Maybe he had a soft spot for him.. after the whole toddler thing. Those cursed memories of him clinging onto Draco, in baby form, haunted his every waking hour: embarrassment. 

 Harry sat out for a minute, considering kicking Cormac off the team. If only Ron was normal, he could get him on! Suddenly, someone slipped onto the seat next to him. "You good, Potter?" The blonde prince asked. He had a worried look on his perfect face. "Why does it concern you..? And yeah. I'm okay." Draco looked doubtful. 

   "I- don't know.. actually," Draco confessed, completely out of character. Draco had had odd feelings towards Potter for as long as he could remember. At first, he thought it was jealousy, and even when he realised that it definitely wasn't, he kept lying to himself. He used to get lost in thought whenever Harry crossed his mind. His bravery, good-looks.. It could be easily passed off as jealousy, as he himself had done, but the more he pondered over it, he wasn't so sure.

  Draco looked down at his lap, his pale face unusually pink, a combination of his obvious crush, and the cold weather. "Do you fancy playing with us?" Harry said. Draco's face lit up, but he tried his best to hide it. 

   "On your team, or against you? If against you, no way. That's unfai-" Harry jokingly hit him over the head. "You really think I'd put someone one against seven? With us, idiot. I'm going to send McLaggen off." 

   "That bastard sent that at you deliberately, didn't he?" Draco inquired, getting heated. Harry couldn't help but smile, as he stood back up. "MCLAGGEN!" He yelled, getting almost everyone's attention. "Potter, I'm in my uniform- can't I change fir-" Harry shushed him, as Cormac soared down, pouting. "Go. Leave." Harry waved to the exit, but the baffled looking Cormac stood his ground. "What?" Harry patted him on the back harshly, before turning and offering his hand to Draco, pulling him up. 

  "Guys! Lets start over. Malfoy'll be playing keeper-" The whole team looked unsure "-Beaters, you guys work on your shoots, try score past Malfoy. Chasers, try keep the quaffle away from the beaters, you know what to do." Nobody objected, and Harry mounted his broom, handing Cormac's, which had been fired down on the field, to Draco. Draco smiled uncertainly at him. 

   The team took their places, and on Harry's count, began the practice. It lasted a good two hours, before everyone disbanded. He had to admit, Harry was impressed at how good Draco was. "Erm, Malfoy?" Harry called out, as he went to leave, "not that we're friends or anything.. but do you want to maybe go to the library with me?" 

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