Chapter Forty-six - Romilda and Blaise

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   trigger warning: use of a dead-name, mis-gendering 

(two made up characters used, but they aren't important, only given names for the sake of making it less confusing)

   It had now been a week since Narcissa's funeral, and there had been no word about the poisoned bottle. Draco was getting more and more anxious with each day, and Dumbledore's (sometimes days at a time) disappearances weren't helping. 

    "I don't see how Slughorn can stand that McLaggen! He's so fond of him, and his constant chat about himself," Blaise complained, already sick of the Slug Club after one supper. Pansy patted his back, holding in laughter at his suffering. The two of them sat in the library, studying for an up coming test. They had invited Draco, but he turned down the offer. "I'm gonna go look for a book on human transfiguration," Pansy told him, as she got up. They had found a decent sized table in a quiet spot and dragged bean-bags over for maximum comfort. 

    She scanned around the shelves, which were in alphabetical order, searching for either a T or a H. "Eek, he's over there!" A squeaky voice whispered. Whoever the owner was stood on the opposite side of the shelf as Pansy. "Romilda, why don't you just ask him out?" Another voice suggested. 'Romilda' made an awful sound, that Pansy assumed was some kind of laugh. "No way he'd say yes! He's a slytherin. I'm a gryffindor!" Pansy silently peeked round the corner, getting a view of the group. 

     There were three of them: Romilda (the squeaky girl), a short yet broad shouldered girl, with thin water-damaged hair - she must've been the one with the suggestion -and a (what Pansy guessed was a boy, but she honestly couldn't tell) hufflepuff with loads of freckles. "I don't see why that matters," the latter said, receiving an eye-roll as a response. Romilda placed her hands on her hips, before explaining: "how do you not know this? There is a rivalry between those two houses! God, you're such an idiot Jessie." 'Jessie' looked extremely hurt, and the second girl looked suddenly furious. "We've talked about this, 'Milda! His name's Jack now." 

     Jack smiled sadly at the girl. "Thanks Mabel," he said softly, pulling his sleeves over his hands awkwardly. After a few minutes silence between the three, Mabel spoke again: "You could use a love potion on him?" Romilda's face lit up at the idea.

     "I saw some in the Weasley's shop," Jack added. Romilda hastily nodded, gathering up a bag and some books that sat on the floor. "Thank you!" She then proceeded to run off, leaving her friends. "Do you think Zabini's stupid enough to take a love potion?" Mabel asked Jack, who giggled, taking her hand. "I'm sure Romilda will figure it out." Pansy, glad she had listened in, quickly grabbed the nearest transfiguration book, and made her way back to the table.

    "Some gryffindor girl is going to try use a love potion on you," she told him breathlessly, as she slid into the bean-bag. "I- Are you sure?" Her friend's face flushed a dark red colour. Pansy stared at him, bewildered. "You can't seriously like her, can you? You don't even know who she is!" Blaise went an even deeper colour: "No! Of course not- I'm just embarrassed. I'm gay, anyway." Pansy's eyes widened at this new information. She lifted up the book, that she hadn't set down, and smacked Blaise on the head with it. "FOURTEEN YEARS. FOURTEEN YEARS AND YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME THAT?" She screamed, hitting him again and again. 

      The librarian suddenly appeared, looking furious. "Pansy Parkinson! Ten points from Slytherin, if you yell like that again expect to be instantly kicked out!" Pansy nodded, not listening. As soon as she turned back around, Pansy resumed scolding. "You've got to be kidding me. When did you find out?" Blaise awkwardly confessed that he'd known since fourth year- a particularly handsome Durmstrang boy had made him realise. Pansy sighed, folding her arms. "You've got to tell me these things." 

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