Chapter Eight - Pansy's Potion

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<3 I really appreciate all the support you. Here's an update, since I've been feeling alot better!

    "None of your business, idiot," Severus snapped. "Sevvvv," groaned Draco, pulling on the back of his robes. "Yes, Draco?" He asked lifting Draco up into his arms. "I'm tiredd..!" He complained, tears filling his eyes. "You can sleep soon, Dray, don't worry. I need to take a class soon, Granger, you wanted to sit through it, correct?" Hermione nodded excitedly.

    "The rest of you can go to my room, it you promise not to.. destroy the place, and Hermione can come with me to my classroom," he said. Pansy smiled. "Can I come too?" Pansy asked. "Of course. Lucius, make yourself useful, stop looking through my stuff and bring these kids to my room," he ordered.

     Lucius rolled his eyes and took Draco from Snape's arms. "You're not a baby, you can walk normally, Draco!" Scolded Malfoy about to set him down. "Just carry him Lucius!" Severus snapped. Lucius rolled his eyes and lifted Draco up again.

      Severus and Lucius split ways, Lucius taking Draco, Harry, Ron and Blaise, the boys all seemed to not trust the man. Severus took Hermione and Pansy to his classroom for the first class of the day. He was a few minutes late.

    Snape pushed the door open, holding it for the girls following him, before slamming it shut again. "Morning, class," Snape said dully, seating Pansy and Hermione at the front. He had a class of first years. "Today we will be learning about..."

The class went on, seeming to drag out longer than usual. Hermione looked fascinated through out the whole lesson, Pansy, on the other hand; bored.

    "You're excused!" Snape yelled over the excited chat that burst out the second the bell rang. The students filed out in small groups. As the last students left there was a curt knock on the door. "Come in.!" Snape groaned from his desk. Madam Pomfrey entered the classroom, holding a potion, that Snape guessed would turn one of the children to normal. He hadn't helped making the potion, as the potions professor that usually would've been his job, but looking after the kids, Madam Pomfrey had agreed to do it herself.

     "Here's the potion, professor," she said sternly, handing him it. "Thank you, ma'am, how much do I give them? Does only one get the whole potion, or what?" He asked, fidgiting with the bright pink potion in his hands. "One of them takes the whole potion. I'm working on making another one," she told him. "Who are you going to choose?"

    Snape thought for a moment. He was either going to choose Draco or Harry. He had decided on Draco, as Lucius was going to take him if he stayed a child. He smiled absently at the potion.


     "Oh.. Draco..," Snape mumbled, putting the potion into his pocket. Madam Pomfrey smiled at him, before she left. "Alright, girls, let's get you back to my room before my year 4 class starts," he said, lifting Hermione into his arms. As they exited, Pansy followed close behind him.

    Pansy, being right behind him, accidentally stepped on the back of his robe, causing poor Severus, to let go of Hermione and fall. Hermione shuffled out of the way, as Severus fell down face first. "Pansy!" He scolded, propping himself up with his hands. "I'm sorry!" Pansy whined. Severus sighed and glared at the small child.

     Snape got back up, lifting Herman again, and continued to walk. Assuming Pansy was following.

     Pansy picked up the small glass bottle if liquid Severus had dropped, staring at it questioningly. She looked up. Severus and Hermione had already turned the corner. She hastily opened the bottle, curiosity getting the best of the small child.

    Snape opened the door to his room, holding it for Pansy. Pansy. Pansy didn't go through the door. Pansy wasn't there. "Shit! Where's Pansy?!" Snape yelled out, alerting Lucius to his entry. Hermione let out a dramatic little gasp at his profanity. He looked around, panicking.

    "Lucius! Help me! I've lost a child!" He shouted as Lucius entered the room. "What?"
"I can't find Pansy- Parkinson, Pansy Parkinson!" He yelled. Lucius looked slightly alarmed, not as alarmed as Severus, of course, who was spining round in circles having a panic attack. "Calm down! We'll find her!"

Ayyye. Shorter than usual but eh

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