Chapter Fifteen - Sharing a Bed

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Trigger warning : bad art(my art's usually not as bad as it is here,, it's just like midnight,,)
(Literally had no clue some people call them hair ties when I wrote this)

      Pansy groaned as she heard her alarm go off. "It's so.. early.. Turn that damn thing off!" One of her dormmates yelled, she sat up, turning the alarm off. 5:45am. Severus had told her to be at the great hall 7am sharp. "Sorry, Milly!" She apologised, getting up lazily. As much as she wanted to get away from school, she was having second thoughts.

      "Rwon Bwilius Weaswey!" Blaise screeched, his words slurring because of how tired he was. Ron kicked at the other boy. Ron was lying on the couch with a blanket over his head. "Sevvy isn't awake yet.. I don't have to get up yettt..!" He protested. Blaise grabbed the blanket and pulled it off. "The alarm Sev set went off ten hours (minutes) ago!" Blaise yelled. "Okayyy, I'm gettin' uppp!" He gave in, standing up. Draco and Harry were sitting on the island in the kitchen, giggling about something together. "How come Sevvy isn't awake yet?" Blaise asked his friends. Ron shrugged. "Can I hug you again?" Blaise nodded.

        Severus had heard the alarm. It went off about ten minutes ago, but the blond male behind him, who had, during the middle of the night, moved over quite durastically. He remembered what happened clearly, and he could tell his face was red. He had been lying down, facing away from Lucius, when he heard Lucius turn over. Last time he looked Lucius was also facing away. He didn't want to look incase he was awake. "Sev.." Lucius had mumbled, causing Severus to peek over his shoulder slightly. Lucius looked really tired, exhausted. It must've been 2am at least. "Luci..?" He asked, turning around to face the other male. Lucius looked sad, and only had his eyes half open. He, Lucius, moved closer to Severus. "Luci?" he repeated. Malfoy wrapped his arms around Snape, pulling himself closer. "Lucius!" He muttered, his face heating up. "Hmm..." Lucius grunted, pushing his face into Severus' chest. Severus gave in to the embrace, and recalled hugging Lucius back. At around 3am when Lucius finally fell asleep, his blond hair falling over his pale face, Severus slowly let go of him and turned around. Lucius was still clinging onto him when he woke up. It had been an interesting experience, to say the least.

        "Lucius.. wake up.." Severus mumbled, turning around to face him again. Lucius slowly opened his eyes. His face went red when he realised the position he was in, and he instantly backed away. "Sorry!" He gasped, sitting up. Severus sat up too. "It's fine. It was fine- I mean- I didn't really mind- As in, you don't have to apologise!.. I- Sorry-" He sighed in defeat, pulling the blanket over his face. "You didn't mind, huh?" Lucius said, Severus could hear the smug look on his face. "Shut up!" He snapped, holding his knee's close to his chest. 

       "I hate you," Snape muttered, when Lucius got out of the bed. "Love you too, hun," Malfoy said, without thinking. Severus', who had pulled the blanket down again, eyes' widened. "What?" Lucius, realising what he said, glanced back at Severus, his face going flushed. "Sorry- I wasn't thinking." Snape nodded slowly, getting up out of the bed. He went into his bathroom, after telling Lucius to borrow some of his clothes. He changed in the bathroom, while Lucius changed in Severus' room. 

        At around 6:30, Pansy made her way to Snape's room, knocking on the door, with Hermione, dressed in some of Pansy's shrunked clothes. She also brought some for the others, she felt bad that Severus hadn't thought of giving them any of there own clothes other than making them sleep in their shirts. That's why they were going shopping to begin with, but seriously, they couldn't go out shopping in their uniforms. The door was opened by an annoyed looking Ron Weasely, as the other kids were hiding behind the island, not wanting to greet whoever was at the door. "Hi!" The little Ron greeted, as Pansy let Hermione down on the ground. "Hey Ronny. Where is the others?" She asked, looking around. Ron pointed at the others, who slowly retreated from their hiding spot.

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