Chapter Fifty-Four - Her chest refuses to rise, as she slowly and quietly dies.

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Everybody wish an early happy birthday to @SeverusSnape4444 <3 <3 
I hope you have an excellent day, you definitely deserve it. You're one of the sweetest people I know, and I really, really appreciate your kind words and comments. You're also an incredibly talented author, I adore your writing. I know your birthday is tomorrow (at the time of writing this anyway lol), but I hope you're fine with it being early, I think you deserved to be mentioned in a chapter more than just a post on my board.. but you'll probably get that too lmao. Anyway, happy birthday! I hope you have an incredible day tomorrow. 

  The quill brushed eloquently over the parchment, words flowing neatly. He paused, setting the feather in a small ink pot. He brushed his pale, blonde hair out of his equally as pale face. His hair reached just below his shoulders, and was usually tied, but now was different: it lay loose. He took a deep breath, before returning to his sheet of parchment. 

'A harsh interruption:

breaks one from a deep consumption. 
Perhaps a loud noise, a frantic voice?
Leaves them with a tough choice. 
Give into the distraction, arise, 
or rather,

lay still, deep in dream. In a vast unconsciousness. 
The peaceful look carved forever more on her face,
as she ignores all desperate screams.
Her chest refuses to rise, as she slowly and quietly dies.' 

The man's eyes were out of tears to cry, so to say. Lucius Malfoy had always had an interest in poetry, but he'd been far to insecure about it to share it. He silently painted a small, wilting, rose in ink. He delicately finished off the stalk, before placing the quill back in it's original spot. 

   "Lucius, Lucius!" Narcissa cried desperately, collapsing onto his bed. The seventeen year old Lucius sat on the bed - the room was now Draco's, but in that year? It belonged to him. An easel stood at the end of the bed, a half finished rose painting decorating the canvas that sat patiently on it, waiting to be finished. "Whatever's the matter?" Lucius asked. He set down a red coated paintbrush onto a white, stained sheet that was placed to protect his bed.  

 "You'll never believe it, you'll never believe it." Her deep brown eyes were watered with hot tears, which threatened to overflow. "Tell me what's wrong," Lucius ordered. His hair was tied in a low ponytail, and he had a pair of glasses (that he refused to wear anywhere out of his room) on. "I heard your father talking to mine about a marriage.. B-Between us." The threat was not empty, proven by the tears now falling. "What?" Lucius now seemed alarmed. He slipped carefully off the bed. "They're going to make us get married, Lucius," she explained breathlessly. 

   Lucius didn't know what to say. He felt as though his breath had fled from him. "B..but- I don't want to," Lucius whispered, his mind immediately thinking of Severus. They were just about to go to Hogwarts, for their seventh year: how would he break the news to Severus? Lucius sat back down next to Narcissa, who hadn't moved from her position on  the bed. They both remained silent, before eventually Lucius fell back, lying next to his best-friend. "What do we do?" Lucius said defeatedly. 

  "I suppose we just have to go with it, we have no choice," Narcissa sighed. Sure, she had a crush on him for awhile, but who wouldn't? And it was just a small one. She knew he loved Severus, and didn't want to ruin that. And, even if Lucius wasn't forced to marry her: it's not like he could even marry Severus. Not only would this bring shame to the Malfoy family, there were also no laws allowing them to get married. Men marry women, women marry men, that's what was expected. 

 Neither of the teenagers confessed that they knew about the arranged marriage to their parents, and they were only officially told right before they stepped onto platform nine and three quarters - they were together, as Narcissa frequently visited, and her and her sisters' parents were to busy to bring them to London themselves. Their very last trip to Hogwarts was ruined with the looming fact that the arranged marriage was now official. 

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