Chapter One: Akward Explanations

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"Ah- Al- Dumbledore!" He exclaimed akwardly, suspended in the air upside down. "Severus," Dumbledore said calmly his deep blue eyes twinkling brightly, clearly he was amused. "Well what are you waiting for!? Help me down already," he almost yelled, but  stopped himself. He was surrounded by toddlers after all, one who he knew had trauma and another who most likely does.

   Severus was Draco Malfoys godfather, and he hated it but he knew Lucius was extremely strict to the point of abusive towards the poor boy AND knew it was probably- correction, it WAS his fault. 

   Dumbledore let him down by simply flicking his wand. He fell down with a clatter. "Such adorable students you have, Severus," Dumbledore stated calmly. "You sound like a pedophile," Snape mumbled getting up and rubbing his head where he had hit it off a table. "Wat dus Peedo- Pedo- pedofil mean?" Hermione asked quietly out of nowhere. "Something you don't need to know," he replied coldly. Hermione's large brown eyes filled with large swelling tears.

Snape, realising he made the little girl cry, instantly, out of instinct from when Draco was young, kneeled infront of her. He patted her head gently. 'Calm down..I'm sorry' He mumbled soothingly in a most un-snapish manner. Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. "You have experiance with children?"
Snape nodded.

     He was about to answer but Draco answered for him, he had, at some point came over towards Snape. "S-Sev?" He said, stuttering on his words. "Yes, Dragon?" Severus replied kindly. A wide grin appeared on Draco's pale face. "Sev!"Cheered Draco running towards him and embracing him tightly.. "Hm," Dumbledore pondered silently.

     A Slytherin girl by the name of Elise Slughorn. (Horace Slughorns neice) wailed loudly, alarming Snape whos head shot up. Snape, holding Draco close to his chest, walked over to the small girl. Her thicc brown hair was tied in a ponytail, her large eyes shining a bright blue that slightly resembled Dumbledore's.

     The small girl beside her, Rose Canie, a half-blood witch with long dirty blond hair, somebody who Severus despied. She was a spoiled brat to say the least. He was fond of most of his students, just didn't like to show it. To anybody. He set Draco down on the ground and sat infront of Rose and Elise. He pulled Rose off of Elise. "Bad," Snape said simply and coldly, turning Elise around and fixing her ponytail.

   An ugly scowl spread across Roses' face. Her rather flat nose was trying its best to be stuck up but failed miserably. She screamed and kicked, having a temper tantrum. "Oh shut up," He said quietly under his breath. Draco, beside him, laughed. "Sev! Sev thats mean!" He laughed happily, hugging Snapes arm softly. "Sorry Dragon," Severus said lovingly hugging the boy that felt like a son to him. How great it was to have him back at this age. 

    Rose, screeching now that she deserved more attention was growing unbearable and setting more kids off. Oh the poor people passing by on free period. "You'll be looking after them then?" Dumbledore said suddenly
"All of them?! Are you insane?? send them back to their parents!" Snape complained, absent mindedly tying a bow in Elise's hair with her hair tie. "Not all of them can go home, Severus," Dumbledore replied curtly. "Fine, I'll take Draco, Potter, Granger, Weasely..Pansy, and.. Blaise," Severus said irritably. "You want Harry, Hermione and Ron?"Dumbledore furrowed his eyebrows."Yes" Snape snapped. 

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