Chapter Six - Lucius freaking Malfoy

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Hah I put wholesome in the title, but honestly, I just can't write a story without a tiny bit of angst, no matter what it's about,, also, I'm shit at editing, I wasn't in a good state of mind while writing this bit, just forgive me on it

Trigger Warning : Self-Harm

He slumped down into his chair, sitting in the empty classroom, enjoying the peace and quiet. Why on earth had he decided to look after more then one of them? Sure, they were adorable, but he hated himself for it. Why did he think he could look after a child, let alone six! His eyes focused on the knife sitting infront of him on the desk. His stomach lurched, he hadn't even thought about hurting himself in ages.
He sat up straight in the chair and reached for the knife. His hands were shaking. He took the knife and stared at it, fiddling with it in his hands. He sighed and rolled up the sleeve of his arm, admiring the faded scars already on his arm. "Merlin, I'm a failure..," he whispered, taking the small knife and bringing it up to his arm, slowly dragging it along his skin. Small beads of bloods appeared on his arm, the cuts stinging painfully.

He let out a held back sob and let his head fall into his arms, sitting there shaking in silence, tears streaming down his cheeks. Then there was a knock.

His head shot up, his dark eyes wide with fear. As fast as he could, Severus rolled down his robe sleeves, wiped his eyes, then held the knife out of sight under the table. He stood up.

"Come i-in!" He stuttered, trying to cover the stutter with a fake cough. The door opened silently and in walked in a serious looking Albus Dumbledore, followed by a sheepish looking Padma Patil. Padma, a Ravenclaw prefect, had her long dark hair tied into a low ponytail behind her head, she had a bruise on her left cheek.

"Professor Snape," Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling with delight, despite the serious look on the rest of his face. "Dumbledore, s-sir," Snape said nervously, receiving a curious glance from the Patil twin. "It seems your owl was flying abit to fast, she should be kept in the owlery, Severus. She hit miss Patil here, and dropped a letter I assume belongs to you," Dumbledore said, his blue eyes shining brightly as they scanned the name the letter was addressed to.

Dumbledore handed Snape the letter that he had sent his owl to bring to Lucius. Severus went to grab it, but instead lifted his arm to fast, which, due to the bleeding cuts on the arm, caused him to wince in pain, his arm shooting back down. Dumbledore arched an eyebrow curiously at him.

He nervously smiled and took it with his left hand instead. "I think miss Patil deserves an apology, don't you think?" Dumbledore asked his eyes scanning Snape for any hints as to why he had winced, his eyes looking Snape up and down, like an x-ray. "What am I, five?" Snape mouthed to Dumbledore, Padma, who obviously caught this message to, chuckled but immediately attempted to cover it with a cough, resulting in an odd sort of snorting noise.

She looked up, holding in laughter, at the two professors. "Sorry...s-sorry professors.." she spoke, between stifled giggles. Snape, who normally would have glared at the child and told her off, was in no mood, and in a considerable amount of pain, sat back down at the desk, wiping the knife clean with his sleeve under the desk and setting it on the desk.

"I apologise for my.. tardiness.. miss Patil, and I hope you can accept my apology. Dumbledore, sir, has she already been to see Madam Pomfrey about that bruise? I wasn't aware that owl was even capable of hurting a fly..let alone a person.."

Padma nodded and slowly edged backwards. "You may leave, Padma," Dumbledore said, as if reading her mind, she turned and left the room in a hurry. "Where are the children, Severus?" Dumbledore asked suddenly. Snape sighed, "In my room, don't worry, they're all asleep." Dumbledore glanced at the letter again.

"You were writing to Lucius Malfoy? Why?" Snape nervously shifted in his seat. "I-"
"You loved him, didn't you?" Dumbledore asked, taking Severus by surprise. "Sir-"
"You loved him, with all your heart."
"I was naive!" Severus yelled at the headmaster, his voice on the verge of cracking and falling apart.
Dumbledore looked taken aback for a second, then returned to his usual calm state. "Severus, go check on the children," he ordered calmly, before turning and leaving the room.

Snape sighed and followed suit, but instead heading down to his room. He quietly entered, expecting the children to be asleep.


His eyes widened as he entered. Complete chaos. Draco was standing on the dining table, flapping his arms up and down, while Harry, Blaise and Ron sat around him on the chairs..
Hermione and Pansy were giggling in the corner holding hands like a cute couple. As for the room itself, Snapes duvet was on the sofa, there were pages scattered all around the room.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy! Get off of that table!" Snape yelled, rushing over and lifting Draco off the table. "We're going into the hall for dinner, I want all of you on your best behaviour! Then it's bedtime, and I don't want any nonsense during the middle of the night!"

And with that, the group solemnly made there way to the great hall, where they sat in silence, with an angry Snape refusing to speak or eat.

Snape managed to get them all into his bed, and slept on the sofa. He rolled around uncomfortably, pages still scattered around. He'd have to clean up tomorrow. Tomorrow.. He wasn't looking forward to it, not one bit. Atleast he'd get to see Luci again.

Luci was a pet-name he had had for Lucius, back when they were younger. He thought it was cute, Luci.
Draco was going to be taken away. His letter hadn't sent, and there was nothing he could do about it. Unless he managed to.. convince him.. with actions rather than words? Actions do speak louder than words after all.

Severus sat up for the next few hours figuring out what he was going to do, and eventually his watch told him it was 1am, and he allowed himself to go to sleep.

Severus was very tired the next morning, and in a terrible mood. He had been woken up to Blaise screaming and crying, saying something about "Won-Won". Snape had groaned and got up, shrunk down some of his own clothes and let the children dress themselves.
Which proved difficult.

"Everyone.. breakfast time, stay with me," he groaned, lifting Ron into his arms, who was having a tantrum. "..sshh.. calm down..," he whispered soothingly, carrying Ron out of the room, being followed by the rest of them. They walked down the hall before running into Madam Pomfrey.

"Severus! Just the person I was looking for. I've managed to make one cure, so one of them can be returned to normal!" She cheered, showing off a bottled pink potion. Snape smiled, more out of relief.

But who to give it to.
He took the potion and decided he would put it in one of the children's pumpkin juice. He didn't know who yet though. As he entered the Great Hall, Ron still in his arms, Blaise on his shoulders.

He set Ron down in a seat, then Blaise, and the rest found their own seats. Snape poured himself a drink and glanced up at the staff seats. He almost spat the drink back out.

There sat Lucius Malfoy.

Sorry this one's shorter than usual. As I mentioned at the top, I've been sort of busy recently!

Hope this is alright, thanks for reading 😶 💕
Also I'm writing this at 1am sorry if it's not as good as the last one
Thanks for all the support I got on the last one, I really appreciate It!!

Stay safe and home!

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