Chapter Twenty-Four - Loony Lovegood's Bad Idea

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    "Neville! You're back?" The blonde ravenclaw cried excitedly. "Yeah.." Neville muttered, looking embarrassed. "How'd you do it?" She asked, looking curious. "How'd I- how'd I what?" Neville looked confused, as he awkwardly fidgeted with his fingers.

    "The potion, how'd you make it? My dad told me you invented a new potion, and that you're a genious!" Neville blushed slightly. "Me? A genious? I really don't think so, Luna.," he mumbled, looking embarrassed. "My dad's always right!" She reassured him, tucking a stand of her hair behind her ear.

     "I didn't get to see you as a baby, were you cute?" She asked. Neville shook his head. "You're to modest, Neville."

    The two were at the enterance to the great hall. Neville had entered the castle just as Luna was about to open the door. The second Nevilles grandmother had recieved the potion from Hogwarts, she had made Neville drink it, without hesitation.

   Luna pushed the large door open, holding it back so it didn't hit Neville as he entered. "You should try to remake the potion, don't you think?" Neville looked worried, "I'm probably going to get in trouble.. For the first time, so I don't think that'd be a good idea."

   "If we can find out how to make it, my dad would probably buy the instructions off you, he could then put them in the quibbler, and then he's famous! He invented a new potion!" Neville deadpanned. "But- but I invented it? Shouldn't I be the famous one?" Luna smiled at him, before waving, and going to the ravenclaw table. "Talk to you later, Neville!"

    Neville was left alone with his thoughts, as he slumped into a seat. "Neville! You're back! Do you think Ron'll be back soon?" The ginger girl asked. "Hey, Ginny- I don't know, shouldn't you know? Has your mother said anything about receiving a potion?" Ginny shook her head, before explaining. "For some reason- notice Snape isn't here? -Ron is being looked after by him, reckon he's already dead."

    "What? Why?" Ginny shrugged, grabbing a ham and cheese sandwhich. "Not only Ron, though - took Harry as well!" Neville looked confused. "And Hermione?" Ginny nodded.

    "He probably want's to torture them.. What if he's killed them? Or turned them into ingredients for a potion?" Ginny snorted, setting her sandwhich down. "He may be kinda scary, but he's still a teacher, he can't chop em up.. Or can he?" She teased. Neville looked terrified.

    Lunch seemed to go very slowly for Neville, he was glad to be back, but it was all people were talking about, how Neville messed up and turned a whole class into toddlers. It was really embarrassing.

   "Phew.. Finally ove-" Luna rushed over to Neville, her large blues eyes shining. The last class of the day had just finished, and Neville wanted a break. "Let's try recreate your potion! Snape isn't here, so we can use his classroom."

    Neville sighed, walking with Luna. "I don't think we should, Luna..," he whisepred, looking at his shoes. "Think of the benifits!" Luna smiled at him, reassuring him. "Okay, fine," Neville gave in. Luna's smile widened.

     "What potion were you making?" Neville thought hard. "I think it was an anditode, I can't remember which one though - it feels like yesterday, so I'm surprised I can't remember more.. Oh! I think it was an antidote for some kind of poisonous bite?" Luna nodded, setting a cauldron ontop of a desk. "Maybe we can find the correct instructions somewhere? In Snapes desk? He hasn't been here since, so I doubt much has moved..."

    "Who's been teaching?" Neville asked, as he made his way to Severus' desk. "Slughorn, although potions lessons have been a lot tamer." Neville nodded, as Luna joined him at the desk.

    Eventually, the two students found a schedule, dated back to September. This had the subject of each class written on it, and the day of the accident, gave them the answer.

   Now the next mission was to find out how to make it, which wasn't that hard, as they quickly found a book about poison antidotes.

    "Luna? What if the same thing as last time happens?" Luna glanced back at him, as she wrote the instructions on the board. "What happened last time?" Neville groaned. "Well, it exploaded?" Luna stopped writing. "Oh. Well, what happened after the explosion?"

    "Well the potion was red, and it bubbled, then the bubbles burst and exploaded, turning into a pink gas-"
"So you turned into babies when you inhaled the gas?"
"I guess, yeah." Luna turned around, smiling at Neville. "Well, that means, if it exploads, we wear masks! When it starts bubbling, put it in a vile quickly." Neville smiled, sometimes he forgot Luna was a ravenclaw. "You're smart." Luna blushed slightly, smiling back at the gryffindor.

    "What the fuck?" Severus groaned, slumping down into one of the dusty, unused seat. "What do they think is gonna happen? Locking us in a room will make us besties?" Lucius sighed, crossing his arms, walking back anf forth. "We could literally kill eachother."

    "Luna? Neville?" Ginny called out, as she entered the classroom. "What are you two doing? I've looked everywhere." Luna smiled at her, as Neville attempted to make the potion, they both had their ties covering their mouths.

   "We're making the potion that turns people into babies! You should cover your mouth, unless you want to become one." Ginny did the same as Luna and Neville with her tie. "Why?"


Sorry this ones shorter, since theres 2 a week they're both gonna be aroud this length
(932 words)



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