Chapter Sixteen - London

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Sorry! I've been slacking, I know- I've had very little motivation recently,, but I managed to pull through and write something! Usually when i'm not in the mood for writing it's more.. boring? Sorry guys 😶💕

also happy pride month,, and I wrote this over the span of like a week so the writing kind of changes- also I really enjoyed writing about London lmao-

"I FORGOT MY WAND!" Pansy screeched as they reached Hogsmeade. Severus looked ready to kill a man. Lucius slowly backed away from him. "Go get it then!" He yelled.
Pansy turned around and made a mad dash back to the castle. "Sevvy calm down," Draco whined, tugging at Snape's arm, wanting to be held. "As much as I hate Lucius' way of parenting, he was right about you being able to walk on your own!"

Draco mumbled something and let go of Snape, walking over to Harry. "Hey, hey Harry-" Harry hummed in response. "You've heard about Hogwarts, but get ready for.. PIGFARTS!" Harry looked confused. "Pig..Pigfarts?"

Pansy panted, clutching her wand tightly. "Sorry.. S..Sir!" She apologised, shoving the wand in her pocket. "Don't loose it, Parkinson," he warned. Pansy nodded wearily. "Right, I won't."

The group apparated, the children clinging onto Severus and Lucius for dear life, to the leaky cauldron. "Everyone okay?" Severus asked, looking around, counting the children. He was glad to find that everyone was present.

"Where are we going?" Pansy asked, tugging on Severus' sleeve. "I'm not sure. Wherever sells clothes - leave your trunk here, they'll look after it," he told her, taking her trunk and giving it to Tom, handing him some galleons. "What are you going to pay with? Do you have muggle money?" Pansy asked, shoving her hands in her pockets. Severus nodded. "Lucius went to diagon alley during breakfast, he got some from Gringotts."

"Pansyyy can you carry me, please?" Hermione asked, hugging Pansy's leg. "Mhm!" She lifted Hermione up into her arms, smiling. "Lets go!" Draco cheered, trying to rush out the door, but being stopped by Lucius tugging on the back of his shirt. "Be patient, Draco," he snapped. Severus lifted Draco and held him. "Everyone ready?" He asked, looking around and counting again.

The group- one by one- went out the door, and into the cold streets of London. It was raining, and the streets were crowded. "Woahhh!" Harry gasped, looking around. Severus glanced around. "Where could we get umbrella's?" He asked. Lucius shrugged. Pansy was trying to shelter Hermione from the rain, and was standing under a shop with an awning, and accidently bumped into a basket of fruit. "Pansy!" Severus scolded, as she tried to put the basket back on it's stand. "Sorry!" She cried, stepping away from the basket.

Ron and Harry were running around, looking as though they'd never seen London before, which they mightn't of. "Everyone stay together!" Severus ordered, grabbing Harry and Rons wrists, pulling them back towards him.

Severus, Lucius and Pansy managed to get a map and decided on which shops to go to. The first was a toy shop, Pansy's choice. "Why did I agree to this?" Lucius asked, as the kids ran around the shop, picking up everything they could find. "Sevvy! Can I get this?!" Draco begged, waving a toy train around. "Will you play with it?" Severus asked, ignoring the 'But I'm Your Dad' look on Lucius' face. Draco concentrated on the toy. "Probably not... but I want it!" He whined.

"Put it back Draco. Get something you'll use - you're only allowed one thing," Severus told him, patting his head. Draco nodded, putting it on a shelf, before running off again. "Seriously? He asks you? I'm his father!" Lucius complained. Severus smirked at him, crossing his arms and leaning against Lucius' shoulder. "Are you jealous?"

"I- of course I am! He's my son! And he likes you more!" He snapped, pushing Severus away. "Awh. Well now you've got a chance to fix your relationship with him!" Severus told him, trying his best to cheer him up. "How come you've became so- high school Severus again?" Lucius chuckled, as Blaise rushed over to them.

"Sevvy! I've chosen!" He cheered, handing him a little doll with creepy button eyes. "You sure?" Severus asked, turning the doll over in his hand. It had a little ginger fluff on its head, with large black buttons for eyes, that were purposely made to look home-made. "Mhm!" Blaise hummed proudly.

"Alright. What are you going to call it?" Severus asked, looking at the price tag. "Hm. R.. I don't know."
"Ron?" Severus teased, handing him the doll again. Blaise shook his head hastily. "I'll- Lucius'll- buy it, go tell the others to hurry up." Blaise grinned, squeezing the little doll before rushing off.

"HURRY UP POTTER!" They heard Draco screech from across the shop. "YOU HURRY UP, MALFOY!" They heard Ron yell back. An employee glared at Severus and Lucius, so they decided to take action and prevent them from murdering eachother. Severus pulled them apart, scolding Ron and Draco.

Lucius stood back a bit, letting Severus deal with it. He spotted Pansy, whispering something to a young looking muggle girl at the counter, who giggled and rummaged in the back. Lucius decided to ignore it, and glanced back over at Severus.

Draco ended up getting a large stuffed snake that wrapped around his neck, and was damn expensive, Blaise was satisfied with his little Weasely doll, which he named Weasel, Ron got a rubber chicken. Severus tried to convince him otherwise, but it wasn't the same as with Draco. Hermione got a toddler book, Pansy was nowhere to be found, and had taken Harry with her.

"Are you sure letting Pansy leave was a good idea?" Lucius asked, glancing around as they left the shop. "No, not at all." Severus and Lucius, followed by the kids, looked around for Pansy. Draco was using his new "pet" to attack the others. The street was packed, covered in people in large coats, holding umbrella's, chatting on the phone.

"Watch it kid!" An older sounding man with a gruff voice yelled, he was leaning against a brick wall, holding I cigarette. Severus glanced over. "Shit!" He gasped, rushing over.

"Pansy!" He yelled, pulling her away from the angry man. The man balanced the cigarette between his fingers, raising an eyebrow at Severus before blowing out a puff of smoke. "Keep your daughter in check, man. She came runnin' round that corner with 'er brother like a mad man!"

"I'm so sorry sir! Yes, I'll make sure She's more careful from now on!" Severus apologised, grabbing Pansy by her arm and dragging her away. She was holding Harry, who had the toy train Draco looked at earlier. "Did you choose that because Draco wanted it?" Severus mumbled under his breath as they ran towards Lucius and the others. Harry nodded.

"Pansy! You almost ran into that man! What were you thinking?" Snape scolded. "Sorry, "dad", I was looking for you." Severus froze for a minute. "WAIT SHIT I SAID YOU WERE MY DAUGHTER!"

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