Chapter Thirty-Six - Returning to Hogwarts

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   "So we're going back to Hogwarts?" Pansy asked, as she dried a plate. Severus, who was washing the dishes, then giving them to her to dry. "How many lessons have we missed?" Draco, who was sitting at the dining table, his feet up on the table. "To many," Severus sighed, handing a wet bowl to Pansy. Draco rolled his eyes. "When're we going back? Today?" Pansy asked as she quickly dried it with a tea towel. 

      "Yes, most likely, Dumbledore hasn't replied to my letter, but I'm hoping he does soon,"  the teacher explained, drying his hands - he had finished. He quickly took his hair, which had been pulled up in a short ponytail, down. "It would be helpful if you did something," he scolded Draco, pulling his feet off the table. Pansy had noticed a shift in Severus, after she found him crying with (toddler) Draco. The teacher had became more stern and like his usual self- but of course far less.. cruel then before.  

     Not to long after, the letter had arrived. 

 Dear Severus,

I'm ever so glad to hear from you. You, Parkinson and the temporary-toddlers are welcome back to the school at anytime! I look forward to speaking to you again. Happy Halloween, by the way. 

(Having not mentioned Lucius or Draco, Severus assumed the letter had been written without the knowledge of what had happened.)

Professor Slughorn has been teaching your classes, which means less potions lessons and less d.a.d.a. lessons, so I'm sure he'll be grateful for your return as well. My apologies for this letter being so short, I hope it's not to underwhelming. Can't wait to speak to you again,

Albus Dumbledore. 

                                                                                   Severus smiled in relief. "What does it say?" Lucius asked. The two of them were in Severus' bedroom, the kids all playing outside on the road. "Me and the toddlers are allowed to go back, I assume you're not, though." Lucius sighed, flopping back on Severus' bed. Severus was at his desk, as Lucius sat on the bed. "I'm sure once he finds out what happened he'll let you stay," Severus hummed, putting the letter back in the envelope and getting up, "so don't worry about it!" The professor sat down on the bed next to him. 

      "You sure? I don't want to be alone.. the house elves aren't great company." Severus lay down, smiling at the ceiling. "You won't be alone, trust me," Snape comforted, taking Lucius' hand in his. "Thank you..," Lucius whispered, squeezing the others hand. "I love you," Severus reminded him quietly, reaching over and hugging him, smiling into his chest. "You and the kids should leave soon." 

      Severus sat up, pulling his partner up with him. "Shouldn't Draco get at least a week off? Af-" "He's missed enough as it is, hasn't he? I think being with others would be best for him," Lucius explained softly, looking down at his feet. "I'm not sure. This must be very confusing for him, suddenly going back and being bombarded with questions from other students will be tough," Severus said, "wouldn't it be better if he kept you company?" 

     "You lazy little toerag!" Pansy screamed, sprinting down the pebbled road after a ball they had found down a back alley. Ron, who had kicked it away (and refused to go after it) stuck his tongue out. "Malfoy!" Their teacher yelled out from his bedroom window, which overlooked the street. Draco, who was standing trying to get Harry away, not playing with Pansy and the others, glanced up. "Yes?" He asked, looking pissed. Severus didn't by any means blame him for being in constant bad moods, but he would be lying if he said it wasn't annoying. "Do you want to go home or to school?" 

      Draco decided (after about twenty minutes of thinking) on going back to school. "Okay, let's go," Severus ordered, holding on to Blaise, Hermione and Ron. Harry was in Draco's arms, and Pansy held onto Draco's arm, and Lucius held his other. Neither Pansy or Draco could apparate, so Lucius was bringing them to Hogsmeade. 

      "Neville, we are doing this right now! And we aren't giving up!" Ginny  declared, flaring her arms around dramatically. "I don't know.. We should just own up," Neville sighed, playing with Luna's hair carefully. "Hey! Longbottom, you hear me? We aren't giving up!" The weasley sister cried, over-flowing with determination. "Okay.. How about we try again at dinner?" And so it was decided. 

     At dinner that day, there was unexpected news. "May I have your attention, everyone!" Dumbledore's booming voice called out as everyone entered. Everyone quickly noticed the students already there - four of them being toddlers. "As you may have noticed, some of our students and a professor have returned after a long time away from school," he spoke happily, gesturing over to Severus, who sat in his chair at the staff table. Draco was over with Blaise and Harry on the Slytherin table, while Pansy had offered to stay with Ron and Hermione - Harry was to stay with her too, but he had begged to sit with Draco, much to the confusion of the other professors.

     Ginny and Neville entered the great hall, whispering about their plan quietly - they immediately noticed the dead silence. "What's going on?" Ginny whispered to a Ravenclaw student standing near-by, his green eyes locked on Dumbledore. "Dumbledore is speaking- listen!" He hissed. 

    "I hope you all treat them - Professor Snape and the toddler-ified students that will be attending for the time being. If no antidotes are available for them, they will be sent home gradually - with equal respect. I'd also like to address earlier this morning's news, of the passing of one of our students mothers. I'm not going to say their name, but I'm sure everybody know's who they are. Having just returned from two months off of school, to be brought back the morning after this terrible event, it must be tough, so please be respectful and considerate with any questions you have to ask, or things to say. That's all I've got to say! Enjoy your food," The headmaster spoke in a stern tone. The whole hall erupted into chat. 

    "That might be an issue..," Ginny muttered to Neville, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the nearest Gryffindor seat. "MIGHT?" Neville repeated, freaking out. Ginny groaned, resting her head on the table, "ack, if only we'd got it done sooner." 

    The two students spent the whole dinner time self-pitying, while the toddlers, and former toddlers, tried to get used to the large great hall again. 

      "When's my first class?" Severus asked McGonnagall, as the two of them walked to the staff room. "I'm not entirely sure, I believe it is soon, though," she told him, holding the staff-room door open for him. He nodded his head as a sign of thanks, heading over to the schedule they had hung on the wall. He was totally out of teaching mode. This was going to be hard. His first class was indeed in half an hour. He decided it would be best to head to the classroom early. 

      "Ginny! What's your first class?" Neville asked, running to catch up with her. "Potions - I'm oddly excited to have Snape again.. It's been ages." Neville nodded, smiling wide - he had the same class. "What are we going to do about Luna? It's been over a day and she hasn't attended a single class." 

      "Why hasn't Miss Lovegood attended?" A sharp, familiar voice asked from behind them. Neville froze, trembling. Behind them stood Professor Snape, or as you all know him, Severus. "Oh. Aha, she's- sick! She's awfully sick!" Ginny lied, feeling her soul leaving her body. "Oh, is she?" Severus pestered, not believing a word, "why don't you tell me the truth? I'm sure it will save a lot of trouble." 

     Neville gave Ginny a 'let's just own up' kind of look, before smiling awkwardly at Severus. Being no match for the (terrifying) potions professor, Ginny sighed in defeat. "We- Me, Neville and Luna.. we were trying to replicate the potion- the toddler one.-" Severus looked furious, and yelled over her, "Why the f-.. What the hell was going through your insignificant little minds, when you thought that was a good idea?" He felt himself shaking with rage. 

    "I-It wasn't my idea!" Neville cried out, tears beginning to well in his eyes. "What are you? Four? I don't care who's idea it was. Where is Lovegood?" He demanded sourly. 

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