Chapter Sixty-One - Snape and the classroom of toddlers

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     "Drac-" Severus started speaking, but stopped himself. Just as Draco had flung himself on his godfather, Harry regained control of his body. This confirmed it. Dumbledore was dead. Once he died, the spell he'd cast on Harry stopped. He pulled the cloak off dramatically, his face hot with tears. "You- you- you fucking bitch! I'll fucking snap your neck!" He screamed at Bellatrix, who didn't seem troubled at all - in fact, she smiled wider, her teeth all on show. "Oho, will you now! Haha, Severus, Severus, did you hear that? Him, the boy, kill me?" Severus glared sharply at her, pushing Draco off in Harry's direction. The latter instantly went over to Draco, holding him. "I-I didn't want to..," Draco insisted, but Harry just shushed him. He understood, and seeing the usually over-confident, cocky, perfect Slytherin in such a pathetic state hurt.

   The potions professor stormed over to the lunatic, grabbing hold of her wild hair. He yanked it forward, then threw her across the floor. She sat where Dumbledore had once stood, in his final moments. "Boys, out! Leave!" He ordered, his wand now in his hand. Draco and Harry both backed away, but neither of them actually wanted to leave Severus with her. 

  "Whatcha gonna do, you filthy traitor? If the dark lord finds out you killed me.. he'll see through your whole death-eater act." Severus didn't lower his wand, which was pointed right at her. She got to her feet, an arrogant look on her insane face. Severus glanced back at Harry and Draco, then turned back to her. "Exactly why I won't be killing you. Potter, you said you wanted to snap her neck, right?" He clarified. Harry nodded, a wave of courage filling him. 

  "The boy can't kill me," she said confidently. She had Draco's wand in her hand, but she seemed to find it unneeded. She chucked it over the edge nonchalantly. "You had potential, Drac-" 
"Petrificus totalus!" Severus yelled. Bellatrix fell down, stiff as a board, "you shouldn't let your gaurd down - you left yourself unarmed. You're exteremly over-confident, and have been that way for as long as I can remember. You think nobody can beat you, don't you? That's just daft. You're daft." Harry now stood beside Severus anxiously gripping his wand. Severus held out his hand, a gesture that reminded him of Dumbledore, signalling for him to wait. The man strode over to Bellatrix, stepping on her back. 

   Then he noticed, her hand was on Dumbledore's wand. It had been left on the floor. "Crucio," she whispered. The wand was pointed towards Harry's feet. "Ahah.. ahahaha.. AHAH, hilarious, this is hilarious," she gasped. Harry slumped down to the floor, and Malfoy rushed to his side. Severus pulled the wand from under her immobile hand. Harry screamed in agony, completely crawled up in a ball. Draco sat beside him, incapable of doing anything other than holding his shaking hand. Severus sighed, lifting his foot off Bella. He sped over to Harry, lifting him up. He propped him against the wall. James' son had his eyes closed tightly previously, but once he was up and against the wall, they opened, ever so slightly. A vibrant green. 

  In Severus' mind, Harry entered that tower as James' son, and left as Lily's. He patted his shoulder, then returned to the task at hand. He pointed his wand at Bellatrix, deciding to just do it. He didn't care if Voldemort would be angry, he wanted to avenge the man he was truley working for; Dumbledore.
"N-no, I want to do it," Harry begged, stumbling loosely to his feet. "..Are you sure? You're hurt." He nodded determendly. He walked up to Bellatrix's frozen body, pointing his wand at her. Another hand clutched onto the wand, Draco's. He nodded encouragingly at Harry, who smiled back. He loved him so much. 

  "Avada Kedavra," they said in unison. Draco had a lot less trouble saying those words now, then when he was in front of Dumbledore. Bellatrix smiled. "I'll tell Narcissa you love her too, Dragon." Draco looked surprised for a moment, then pissed. Bellatrix was already dead, but he kicked her head roughly. "No you wont. You'll be burning in hell, far far away from my mother." Severus smiled to himself, proud of the kids.

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