Draco Malfoy's Birthday

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Hah this isn't a chapter but it's his birthday I couldn't miss out on this, this is set in Malfoy Manor

      "Sevvy! Wake uppp!" Severus woke to, on the fifth of June. He opened his eyes slowly, sitting up, only to realise he had an excited looking Blaise on top of him, with another excited ginger child pulling the sheets off the bed. He was staying in one of Lucius' spare rooms. It was six in the morning. "Whatt?" He groaned, stretching and moving Blaise.

     Severus got up, grabbing something to wear. He was currently in his pjamas, that he had stolen from Lucius' massive wardrobe. A black long sleeved shirt, pretty simple, but cozy. The shirt wasn't meant to be pyjamas, but who cares? Deffinetly not Severus Snape.

    "What do you mean, "What"? IT'S DRAY'S BIRTHDAYY!" Blaise squealed. Severus resembled the shocked pikachu meme very strongly. "Oh. I forgot. Is it really?" Severus asked, scratching his head. Blaise looked angry. "Did you not get him anything? We wErE rElYiNg oN yOu, sEvVy!"

      "Pfft, of course I did. Now let me get dressed, I'll be out in a minute." The boys did as they were told and stood outside Severus' door. He quickly changed clothes, before grabbing some galleons and apparating.  "ShIt!" He screamed the second he arrived in his destination. How had he forgotten?

     Severus Snape, in his long black robes, was very out of place in the place he had arrived in. It was a dirty place. Sure, there were some kids playing on the street, but nothing exciting happened. Spinners End. The place didn't have anything interesting to do. He quickly ran down to his own house.

     Sure, he didn't have much, but he was going to find something. If not he'd go to Diagon Alley. He unlocked his door, rushing in. "Hey, Pettigrew! I'm here, I'm just getting something!" He called out to Peter Pettigrew, who had been staying at his house. He hated the little rat.

     He went up to his room and looked around. He didn't have much. Alot of books that wouldn't interest young Malfoy, but maybe the now seventeen year old one. Draco liked potions, he could get him a potions book. Then he spotted it. A small dragon figure on his desk. This had been a gift from Lucius, on Luicus' last day of school. Lucius used to love dragons, and Draco shared that passion, although he was sure Draco was unaware that his father used to love the creatures so much.

   Although he did name his son after the word dragon, so he'd also wouldn't be suprised if Draco guessed.

     He grabbed the dragon and shoved it in his pocket. Atleast Draco would take good care of the little thing. "I'm leaving!" He told Pettigrew, who grunted. He apparated out and back to Malfoy manor. 

        "AHH WHAT DO WE DO?!" Blaise screeched, rolling around on the floor. Severus froze. "He's back!" Ron gasped, rushing over and hugging Severus' leg. "WE THOUGHT YOU DIEDDD!" Blaise jumped up and hugged Severus too. 

      "Where's Draco?" Severus asked, taking both of the boy's hands and pulling them out of the room. "Sleeping." Severus smiled as he knocked on Draco's door. There was no answer, so Severus opened the door slowly, peaking in. Draco looked tiny in his large bed. 

    "Dragon! Wake up!" He hissed, sitting at the bottom of Draco's bed. Harry was already in the room, and attemtping to wrap something with a t-shirt. Harry looked up, smiling, lifting up the "wrapped" present.

    Draco groaned slightly, before sitting up, his blonde hair falling over his little face. "Hm?" He hummed, moving his hair out of his face. "Guess what day it is?" Draco's eyes lit up, and he pulled off the covers. "It's my birthday!" He cried, grinning excitedly.

     He was silent for a second, looking at Severus.


"Did you get me a present?" He asked. Severus nodded, rummaging in his pocket. "Here, it isn't much, but it means a lot to me. So, take good care of it, okay?" He handed Draco the little dragon, hesitating as he dropped it into the child's hand.

     Draco was silent. He stared at the dragon in his hands. Severus was scared he wouldn't like it. "Woah. I.. I love it!" He gasped, hugging the little dragon. It wasn't like the one Harry for the Triwizard Tournament. It was still, and didn't move.

    Harry's present was next. He pulled off the t-shirt, and showed off the present. It was the train he had gotten the day they arrived at the manor.

   The others didn't have presents. Apart from Pansy, who stole something from Draco's room and gave it to him. Draco fell for it, and Pansy got scolded by Severus afterwards.

   They had a tea-party. Lucius was a bit hesitant but he joined in too, and actually managed to have fun. Pansy was "talking" to somebody called Bethany about biscuits on a banana phone, which nobody really understood but laughed anyway. Draco looked so happy.

      "Hey Draco?" Lucius had asked at the end of their "tea-party". Draco looked up at his father, his smile fading slightly. "Yes?"
Lucius smiled at him, pulling his son into a hug. "Happy birthday, Draco Lucius Malfoy."

Ksjsndn it's past midnight so it's technically not his birthday, but I started at like six on his birthday so it counts.

Also I have an actual update coming tomorrow, I've already written it but I'm gonna wait till tomorrow.
This was kinda just a cute thing I wanted to do, so hope you enjoyed <3

(Please correct me if there are any auto-corrects or spelling mistakes, I did this on phone)


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