Chapter Twenty-Five - An Affair

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woah, 20k reads?? Damn, tysm <3

(if I remember to actually dedicate the chapter,) this chapter is dedicated (it has nothing to do with her but jfrhawliraf) to my best-friend! It's her birthday tomorrow <3

(everyone say happy birthday to her!)

"Ugh, this is so annoying!" Severus yelled, close to banging his head into the wall. The two, Lucius and Severus, had now been trapped in the art room, so two whole hours. Lucius sighed. "That brat realises she's made things worse, doesn't she?" Lucius started angrily, before adding: "I was going to apologise to you already! There was no point in this!"

"Well- She isn't a brat, don't call her that-" "And she's not your daughter, Severus." Severus was pissed, very pissed. "WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH A DICK? WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH A DICK TODAY, LUCIUS?" The potions master shouted. "Because- Because he's coming! The dark lord, he's coming. And I'm scared," Lucius told him, looking at his feet. "What?" Lucius frowned, looking up at Snape. "You heard what I said. You-Know-Who plans to have a meeting tonight, I have to attend. You can make an excuse, you're with Dumbledore. But I can't, Severus! And- I have Harry Potter in my house!"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Severus asked, to no response.

"Okay, this is a terrible idea," Ginny sighed, sitting next to Neville. Luna smiled at her, as she set down the chalk. Neville and Ginny had pulled their ties off, and had them hanging around their chins, reasy to pull up. Luna had done the same. "Relax, Ginny! As long as we wear masks, we'll be fine..," the blonde told her. Ginny had had a crush on the ravenclaw ever since the year prior, she'd slowly fallen for her, only realising during the trip to the ministry. She decided to just go along with the plan.

The group was a bit odd, but thanks to Harrys DA lessons, they'd become pretty close. Neville was a scared, pretty talentless boy, while Luna was a smart, kind of crazy, airhead. Ginny was pretty athletic, and strong. Not the kind of group you'd imagine being friends.

"Okay, but how's this going to work? You've given him the instructions on how to do it right, how's he gonna know what he did wrong?" Ginny questioned. Luna shrugged, sitting next to Ginny. "We just have to hope it works, I guess!"

Just as Luna sat down, Neville gasped. The potion had turned a ruby red colour, and was hissing. "Does that mean it's working?" Ginny asked, pulling her tie up. "I- I'm not sure?" Neville pulled up his tie aswell, Luna copying his action, looking excited.

"Pansy! Let us out!" Severus yelled, banging on the door. "Alohmora," a voice mumbled. The door unlocked with a click, and Severus flinged it open. "Pa- Oh, Narcissa. Hi."

Lucius rushed over to the door, shoving past Severus. "Thanks, dear," he whispered, kissing her cheek. Severus felt a tug in his stomach. Jealously. "Lucius? I- know this sounds stupid, because we've been locked in a room for like an hour, or two, but can I talk to you alone?"

"You had a lot of time to do that while we-" Severus deadpanned, and Lucius got the point. "Okay, fine."

Narcissa, looking skeptical and turned turned sharply, her wavy, beatiful, blonde hair following a few seconds behind her. She stormed off. "What?" Lucius asked harshly. "Look, I'm sorry. I just- you should've told me! I was all angry at you because I thought you hated me or something! You literally slapped me, because you were scared? That's a pathetic excuse." Lucius sighed, looking guilty. "Yeah, I know." Severus paused for a minute, before suddenly saying, "kiss me."

Narcissa made her way up the stairs, deciding to check on the toddlers. She slowly opened her son's bedroom door, peaking in. Draco stood on the bed, the ferret ear headband on his head. Harry, in normal clothes, sat on the floor. Draco, noticing Narcissa entering the room, gasped. "Mummy! Do you like my costume? Pansy chose it for me!" Mrs. Malfoy smiled, walking over to her son. "You look very handsome, Dray!"

"Draco is the handsomest!" Harry cheered from down on the floor. Narcissa lifted the boy off of the floor, setting him on the bed. "Yep! I am the handsomest!" Draco announced proudly, his hands on his hips. "How are you two? Do you need anything?" Draco and Harry shared a glance, before both shaking their heads, no. Narcissa, very relieved, gave them a quick smile, before kissing Draco's forehead, and leaving.

Narcissa felt quite light-headed, so decided to get something to eat. Besides, it was dinner time, the kids needed to be fed. She slowly made her way down the large staircase, holding her dress up above her feet. She had felt so sick lately, sometimes, she thought she was going to die. It was, to be frank, scary. With the added stress of six restless toddlers, stress was mounting up. Stress made it worse. Stress makes everything worse, the stress builds and builds until it becomes to heavy to handle, then it crashes back down to the ground, completely over taking the stress-ers mind.

As she reached the bottom step, she noticed Severus and Lucius were still in the room.

Severus had his arms wrapped around the back of Lucius' head, at first the woman thought they were hugging, but then quickly she realised that that was not the case. Her husband, and his best-friend(?) were actually, having an intense make-out session.

The stress and emotions became to heavy, crashing down.

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