Chapter Forty-Two - Christmas Eve, 1971

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      Not sure if this is a trigger, but going to put a warning anyway: TRIGGER WARNING: AN INSECURE BABY

 "Sorry, Prince-y, but where do you think you're going?" The sharp prefects voice called down the hallway. Severus froze. "Lucius," the first year greeted, turning around, a nervous smile on his face. December 24th, 1971. Lucius had quickly came up with an array of nicknames for his small friend, his main two being the simple, Sev, or Sevvy, while his favourite was Prince-y. This one had been came up with after he asked about Severus' parents. He didn't mention his dad, but told him his mother's maiden name was Eileen Prince. And so, he was crowned with this nickname. 

      "It's awfully late, you know," Lucius reminded him, making his way towards 'Prince-y'. "Y-Yeah, I know.. But-" Lucius carefully placed his finger over Severus' mouth, signalling for him to shut up. "It's Christmas Eve. Shouldn't you be wrapped up in bed by now?" Severus frowned, pushing the prefect away from him. "It's not like I'm going to get any presents anyway." 

    "Why do you say that?" Lucius questioned. Ever since he had asked about the parents of his friend, he had been worried about it. He had told him that he didn't speak to them much, and that they fought a lot - which concerned the long-haired blond. "Surely your mudb-" Severus quickly interrupted him, "don't call her that, she has a name." Lucius smiled sadly. He was trying his best not to use the slur, as Severus constantly told him not to, but he couldn't help it. "Surely Evans will get you something?" 

    "She probably hates me," the young slytherin mumbled, looking down at his feet. Lucius lifted his chin with his finger gently. "How could she?" Snape rolled his eyes, swatting at Lucius' arm. "How could she not? I'm annoying - I'm stupid." Lucius slowly brought his arm back down to his side. "Severus.. You're clearly mistaken. Let's get you back to the common room," the older slytherin spoke softly, taking him by the arm. They walked to the dungeons in silence, an awkward, sad tension between them. 

    Lucius quickly said the password, the portrait swinging open. "I wish I was gryffindor," Severus sighed silently, flopping onto a black, leather armchair. "Slytherin's terrible." Lucius took a seat on the sofa opposite him. "Ouch. I'm sure you'd say the same if you were in any other house.. 'I wiSH i WaS rAveNClaW, GrYfFinDOr Is TeRRibLe!'" He mocked teasingly. Severus didn't look very impressed. "Luciu- Ah, Severus, what are you doing up so late?" A young woman's voice asked, as she entered the common room, from the dorms. "Not tired." 

   She, Narcissa Black, smiled, "when I was younger I was never tired on Christmas Eve either, don't worry, dear." She treated everybody younger than her like her own child. She was clearly a very loving woman, and would be a very loving mother. She'd even tell first years bedtime stories, and kiss them on the head. The girls, mostly. She sat eloquently beside Lucius. "Prince-y is under the impression he won't be receiving any gifts this Christmas," he sighed, crossing his arms. "Oh really, now?" She asked, giving Lucius a look Severus couldn't figure out. 

   "I think he should just wait and see. Severus dear, come on up to bed, I'll go with you," Narcissa smiled, her long blonde hair pulled in a high-half-ponytail, that was slightly curled, resting beautifully over her shoulder. Her smile couldn't help but seem forced, to Severus. He had a hard time believing anyone cared for him. "I'll be fine..," he mumbled, hastily getting up and rushing to the dorm. 

    "You really know how to make people feel embarrassed, don't you, Cissy?" Lucius asked, chuckling. Narcissa's pale face heated up. "T-That's not my intention, honestly." Lucius just laughed harder. 

     Severus sat on his bed, staring at his lap. There was no way he could get to sleep. He changed into more appropriate sleeping wear, and stared into the mirror, that sat on his bedside table. He hated every bit of what he saw. He was to thin. His eyes were a weird colour. His hair was thin and greasy looking. He was ugly. "Yo, Severus, you good?" One of his dorm-mates asked. Severus hadn't noticed the open curtains around their four-poster bed. He, a rather tall boy, with black dreadlocks, sat on his stomach, facing Severus. "Erhm, I'm fine," Severus mumbled, his face going red with embarrassment. 

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