Chapter Seventeen - A Kiss

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Trigger warning I guess: badly written kiss 😶😶

    "So uh.. Parkinson, did you get anything from that toy shop..?" Lucius asked quietly, fidgeting with his hands, feeling really out of place. Severus had gone to help Ron get the right size of a top, and left Lucius and Pansy to help the others.

      "I'm sixteen," she reminded him. He looked down, "oh right. Sorry. I'm not that good with kids." Pansy grinned, and continued, "I'm sixteen, of course I got something." Lucius looked surprised. "Oh." He mumbled, looking back up at her. She smirked, showing off the item she got from the girl at the counter. Lucius slowly backed away. "You know what? I've- got something to do!" He called, rushing off, leaving Pansy laughing her head off. 

     "Lets have a fashion show!" Draco declared, waving around a jumper he had found. Blaise nodded excitedly, looking up at Severus for permission. "No, let's just get this over withhh," Lucius whined, appearing behind Severus and wrapping his arms around Severus' back. "U-uh, what are you doing?" Severus asked, his face flushing red.

      "You kids can do what you want, I'll be back in a minute- PANSY!," Pansy rushed over, looking alarmed, "Make sure they don't kill eachother," Severus ordered, as Lucius rested his head on his shoulder. Severus shoved Lucius off him, dragging the blond by his arm out of the shop.

      It was still raining, but Severus seemed to ignore this, as much as it annoyed Lucius. "My hair is gonna be ruineddd..," Lucius mumbled, as the younger man dragged him under the awning of a cafe. "Uh, Severus- I just wanted to hug you- I don't see why we had to come out here."

    Severus rolled his eyes, grabbing Lucius' shirt and pulling him closer, there noses were almost touching. "Severus?" Lucius gasped, feeling his face heat up. "I'm not going to do this without consent, so.. as lame as it sounds, can I kiss you?"

     Lucius almost felt his heart stop. He'd kissed Severus before, but then Severus had been thirteen. "I- Well- 
S-Seriously?" He splutered not knowing what to say. Did he want this? He had a wife and son, after all. Although that was arranged, so.. maybe it's okay?

      He smiled at the potions professor, who's eyes widened. Was that a yes? "Do it," Lucius whispered, closing the gap between them. Severus would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy that kiss. He loved it. He wanted more.
    Severus wrapped himself around Lucius, pulling him ever closer. He wanted it. It reminded him of when they were in school. To be honest, the kiss was pretty aggressive. They'd already had the "cliché first kiss". This one was more passionate. It'd been years since their last one.

    Severus eventually pulled himself off of the other male. "I.. S-Sorry..," Severus panted, wiping his mouth. Lucius felt all tingly inside, he wanted to do it again.

   Pansy lifted up Hermione, reenacting the scene from the lion kind when Rafiki holds up Simba. "We have... a winner!" She declared, spinning the giggling Hermione around. The results (Pansy was the judge) for the fashion show came in, and Hermione, wearing a black skirt with knee high socks, and a red jumper, won. It was favouritism, yeah.

      Draco came second, wearing a grey shirt with a silver vest over it, and third was Blaise wearing matching but green, Harry and Ron came tied fourth, wearing matching knitted jumpers. Pansy, although Severus had said she wasn't getting anything, picked out an outfit too. She chose, similar to Hermione, a black skirt, with knee-high black socks and a plain white t-shirt tucked into her skirt, then slightly pulled back out again, so it kind of puffed up over the skirt.

    Pansy counted the prices, and looked around. "Where did Snape and Malfoy go?" She asked. The toddlers looked around too. "I dunno," Harry mumbled. "I'll go check outside. Stay here!" She ordered, setting Hermione down and rushing towards the door.

    She peaked out, but couldn't see them. "Those kids over there are with me, I'll be back in a minute! I'll pay for the clothes once I get back, if thats okay?" She asked the man behind the counter, gesturing to her outfit. The man grunted something in response and nodded. She left the shop, ignoring the beeping, and glanced around.

           They couldn't be far.

      Severus and Lucius both sat down outside the cafe. The cafe had some outside seats and tables, sheltered by the awning. "Can.. Can we pretend that.. never happened?" Lucius asked, fidgiting with his hands. Severus looked upset, but nodded. Lucius sighed in relief. He had a wife. He just cheated on her. But he liked it.

      "SNAPE? MALFOY?" They heard a familiar voice yelling from close by. "Pansy," Severus mumbled, standing up. He spotted her. She was standing in the rain, getting soaked. "Hey Pansy! You'll get soaked!" Severus yelled, rushing over and dragging her under the shelter. "Your clothes?" Severus asked, gesturing to her new clothes. "Oh, right. I was wondering if I could- maybe, give you some galleons in exchange for pounds? I like this outfit." Lucius nodded, handing her a twenty-pound-note and a fiver.

      "Thank You!" She said, giving Malfoy some galleons. "Can we go back? I left them alone in the shop, they've probably murdered the shop-keeper," Pansy asked. Severus helped Lucius up.


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