Chapter Twelve - Making Plans (short)

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Thank you to CabbageQ for the idea 💕

Severus stared at him for a minute. "Weren't you just calling eachother bastards a few minutes ago?" Pansy called from the seat. "Shut up, Parkinson!" Malfoy snapped, before glancing back at Severus. "So?"

Snape nodded slowly. "Okay.. Only if Dumbedore allows it, of course..," he mumbled, very slowly. "Can I comeee?" Pansy, being Pansy, whined. Snape rolled his eyes and opened the small microwave in the corner of the kitchen, shoving the tin in, although luckily not turning it on.

"That's.. not how you do it, bud," Pansy said, walking into the kitchen area, and leaning against the table, holding Hermione. Snape took it out again and handed Pansy the tin. "You do it then!" Pansy rolled her eyes and got to work. "If you want to come you're going to have to work for it!"

"You're pathetic, for a teacher, you're surprisingly pathetic," she mumbled. Snape rolled his eyes and dragged Lucius back to his bedroom. He closed the door behind them and flung himself down on the bed, lying down, Lucius lying next to him. "Okay, so, I bring the toddlers and myself to your house. Will that work out? What about my job? And Narcissa, isn't she ill? And Pansy, can she come? I said she could, she could help out - sure she's moody most of the time, but she doesn't compla- well that's because I'm her teacher, but still. Is she allowed to come? Well, if Dumbledore allows me to go - I don't know who could step in, Horace Slughorn used to be a potions professor, back when we were at school, maybe he can fill in for me? Albus could teach D.A.D.A. he's good at everything..," Snape ranted to the other man, who nodded. "Narcissa will be fine."

"What does she have?" Snape asked. "I don't know, think it's some form of cancer, St. Mungo's told us to go to a muggle hospital, but I refused, she'll be fine," Luci told him. "Are you sure? That's pretty serious.." Lucius nodded again. "Don't over think it. She can give birth to a child, she can get through some stupid muggle desiese!"

"Lucius, you have to bring her to a doctor. That could be serious. She could die, Lucius!" Severus said, not that he cared for the woman. She stole his man.

Apologises for this being so short, I wanted to write something other than a stupid French essay but I've really for to finish it,,, It's over a week overdue-
- I.O.S <3

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