Chapter Sixty - Dumbledore's Deadly Descent

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t!w - death 

is it too late for a spoiler warning????? (also just go with sev being Draco's godfather I love the headcanon so much I want it to be canon 

     "It's happening today," Draco told him vaguely. The teenager stood outside the staff room, a glazed over look in his silvery eyes. He was nervous, so so nervous. He'd come in search of Severus after he couldn't find him in either his office or living quarters. McGonagall had answered the door, but fortunately, Severus quickly slipped in front of the future headmaster. "It? Wh-.. Oh. Come, let's discuss it elsewhere." Severus led him down the corridor, and once they were far enough from the staff room, and where there were no other students, they stopped. 

   "What's your plan?" His godfather asked him tentatively. Draco breathed in shakily. "The Death Eaters will enter through a vanishing cabinet inside the school.. Its twin is now in my father's possession." 
"Dumbledore isn't in the castle," Severus reminded him - he'd already told Draco about it. "But he told you he'd be back tonight. The Death Eaters will wreak havoc, while I wait for Dumbledore to come back... then I-I'll-.." His voice faded out.

   "I can do it for you, Draco. I've offered so many times, it honestly feels pointless by now, but I want to help you. Not only does my life depend on it, but it's also my duty. I'm your godfather." Severus pulled him into a quick hug, rubbing his back consolingly. "I can do it." Pulling away again, Severus smiled proudly. "You're so brave.. If I was in your position, at your age, I would've cracked under the pressure immediately," he confessed a fatherly tone of pride in his voice. "You know, I'm really glad that the whole class turned into toddlers. You're a lot.. nicer, now," Draco said nervously. The potions professor laughed embarrassedly. 

    "No, no, no, stop! Stop, stop, I don't want to! N-No more," Dumbledore pleaded. He seemed a completely new man. It hurt, it really did, forcing the headmaster to drink the terrible liquid. Dumbledore had strictly ordered Harry didn't let him stop, to keep going until the liquid was completely gone. The Horcrux lay at the bottom of the shallow basin. "J-Just a few more, sir." 

  "Stop, I want it to s-...." Harry pushed it up to his lips, forcing the liquid down his throat. He gagged, refusing to swallow. "P-Please sir, if you drink it, it'll all stop, I promise!" He yelled desperately. They'd reached a small island in the middle of the massive lake. "E-E-End me, end me, end me," Dumbledore wailed, tears streaming down his face. His screams were agonizing. "F-Few more.. f..few! Just a few," Harry reassured him, scooping up more. The basin was almost empty. 

   "Ar-Ari.. no, no, no, I'm sorry, I want this to stop, I want to stop, NO MORE, NO MORE!" He cowered in fear as the sixteen-year-old brought him the final dosage. "Last one... Everything will stop after this." With the encouragement, Albus downed the last of the horrifying liquid. He sat still for a moment, before giving Harry a raspy instruction. "W..Water." Harry glanced around, panic seeping in. Water. He pulled his wand out, then quickly shoved the Horcrux in his pocket. "Aqua eructo," he whispered, pointing at the now empty basin. 

   Water spewed out into the basin, but it instantly vanished. In a rush of anxiety, he couldn't think logically. I'm sure there are numerous logical solutions you can think of, but Harry, at the moment, was about to have a panic attack. Dumbledore repeated himself weakly. Harry then realised, he was on an island. Islands are typically surrounded by water. He rushed to the bank of the island, reaching the small goblet he'd been feeding Dumbledore with (the wise wizard had conjured it) into the water, he felt a short feeling of relief. 

   Only to be broken by a bony hand, which just happened to reach around the chosen one's wrist. It yanked at his arm with remarkable strength. His whole body fell forward, slamming hard against the surface of the water, which didn't hesitate to break the second he hit it. The underside of the mysterious black lake was, to be frank, terrifying. Dead, rotting corpses that had failed to die were all over, slowly surrounding him, their deteriorating eye-holes bored into Harry's sole, as the first inferius continued to drag him further down. He struggled and kicked at the corpse, it's fleshless body not reacting to his attacks. 

  Deciding hastily to give up on attacking, Harry grabbed onto the bank, digging his nails into the mud. The surrounding Inferi were getting closer. He struggled against the inferius' grip, but his nails were gradually bringing the dirt down with him. His breath would run out shortly, he didn't have much time. He closed his eyes tightly, kicking again. 

    Miraculously, the inferius' grip hastily loosened, it's organ-less body retreating to the depths of the water. His eyes shot open, and above the water, he could see a bright orange glow. Before the school year had even begun, back in August, Harry had read a Ministry pamphlet about the Inferi. Fire. Fire! He'd forgotten their weakness. He hauled himself out of the water, breathing in and out heavily, completely soaked down. His glasses had narrowly escaped being lost in the dark abyss known as the lake. "Are you alright?" Dumbledore asked breathlessly. His wand was producing beautifully blazing flames, which made all the Inferi cower in fear.

  "T-Thank you, sir," Harry gasped, pulling his own damp wand out, and casting his own flames - they were less grand than Dumbledore's, but the remaining Inferi could just about be seen sinking away. Dumbledore let his arm fall limply. "Let's go. I think I'll be strong enough to apparate.. Grab my arm." He did as he was told, grabbing onto the headmaster. With a sudden jerking feeling, the duo reappeared in a different location. The air was cold and crisp. They stood in Hogsmeade. Dumbledore collapsed to the ground before Harry even realised where they were. He crouched down beside him, supporting him to his feet. As he got up, Harry noticed it. 

  "Professor!" He screamed, pointing at the mark. That mark. Dumbledore looked up, his eyes wide. "Put your invisibility cloak on Harry. Hogwarts has been invaded." On cue, Madam Rosmerta ran from seemingly nowhere, a lace dressing gown pulled over herself. "Sir, what're you doing out here?" She asked, her eyes full of worry. "Someone's died, we were worried it was you! O-Or Potter. What're you doing out here?" 

  "Unimportant, Rosmerta. Please lend me and Harry two brooms." She nodded hastily, rushing over to the three broomsticks. She returned moments later with them. "Thank you." He handed one to Harry. He then got on the other, kicking off the ground, the over one-hundred-year-old man was surprisingly agile. Harry followed him, and they flew quickly to the astronomy tower. 

    As soon as they landed, Dumbledore held out his hand, signalling Harry to freeze. Then he pulled out his wand, pointing it at Harry. Suddenly Harry couldn't move. His whole body was frozen in place. "S-" 

   It didn't take long for him to realise why he'd been frozen. There were pounding footsteps up the spiral stairs that led to the top of the tower. "Draco, lovely night, isn't it?" Dumbledore said cheerily. Draco was already shaking as soon as he heard the headmaster's voice. "Don't make this harder," he hissed. Dumbledore tutted. "I'd never do that." 

   There was a momentary silence, and then Draco drew his wand. He gulped as he pointed it at the headmaster. "I have to do this.. o-or he'll kill me. And everyone I-I love." Harry watched silently, unable to process what his lover was doing. More footsteps could be heard.

   "You can still salvage your soul, Draco.. I can protect you from him," Dumbledore insisted kindly. Draco shook his head frantically. "No! I-I'm going to kill you." Bellatrix appeared behind Draco, grabbing his shoulders tightly. "C'mon Dracooo, you can do it!" She cheered like a maniac. "Kill him Draaacoo.. Do it now or else you know what will happen~!" She giggled manically. 

  Her laughter quickly turned to frustration, as she snatched the wand off her nephew. She hastily disarmed dumbledore, as Draco watched, trembling with guilt and fear. "IF YOU WON'T DO IT, I WILL!" She declared, as Severus appeared from behind her, and pulled Draco back. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" She screamed, a wicked smile on her face. Harry watched, unable to move, as Dumbledore fell backwards, his face lifeless. The twinkle in his eyes was gone, and never would it be seen again. 


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