Chapter Twenty-Six - Yelling

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   Lucius was suddenly yanked off of Severus, with a lot of force. The mans long blonde ponytail had been pulled backwards, making him fall backwards, the only reason he didn't hit the ground was because he fell into the arms of his wife. "Care to explain, dear?" She asked, extremely passive-aggressively. The unfaithful man stayed quiet. No. He couldn't explain himself.

    Severus looked terrified, and was pressed up against a wall, trying to get as far away from Narcissa as possible. The sick woman wasn't usually threatening, but she was giving off that glare your mother gives you when you groan in response to being asked to do something for her. Not a particularly nice look. "Answer me, GODDAMMIT!" She screamed, her mind full of rage. She had been faithful. She had never once stepped out of line. She had helped her husband through EVERYTHING. She had given him an heir. She had given him a child! 

    Why was he unfaithful?

   What had she done wrong, what had she done to deserve this? "No, I can't explain.. I'm sorry!" Lucius whined, his wife still having an incredibly tight grip around his hair. "I initiated it!" Severus butted in, trying to get her away from Lucius. Narcissa glared at him, before tightening her grip. "I DON'T CARE WHO STARTED IT, JESUS, YOU SOUND LIKE A CHILD! LUCIUS IS MY HUSBAND! YOU HEAR ME, LUCIUS MALFOY? I'M YOUR WIFE. WHY. WHY DON'T YOU EVER TREAT ME LIKE I AM? YOU ALWAYS IGNORE ME! OR TREAT ME LIKE AN OBJECT, WHO'S SOUL PURPOSE IS TO GIVE YOU A CHILD! THEN YOU CAN FUCKING THROW ME AWAY?" She ranted, her pale face filling with colour. 

    "Pansy? Do you hear that..?" Hermione asked, as the teenager messed with her hair. "Hear what?" Pansy asked, having been zoned out for the past fifteen minutes. "Yelling." Pansy listened carefully, yes, she could infact here yelling. The manor was huge, she was surprised they could hear it. It must've been near. She slowly moved the child off of her lap, before heading to the door. "I think our plan may have backfired. Stay here, okay?" Hermione nodded, looking scared. What if she was in trouble? 

     Pansy crept down the hall, searching for the source of the sound. She spotted Draco, out of his room. "Dray? You heard the yelling too?" Draco was facing away from her, she couldn't see his face. He glanced over at her. There were tears streaming down his chubby little cheeks. Pansy quickly rushed over to him, hugging him tightly. She had found the source of the yelling. Draco was just outside his room, looking over the balcony. Pansy could see the three adults. Maybe it would have been better if she had told Narcissa. That way she wouldn't've had to find out the way she did.

      Draco was scared. He didn't know the context of the fight. Harry had heard the yelling and freaked out, so Draco (being the best) had decided to protect Harry, and make sure everything was okay. But it wasn't, was it?

   Pansy let go of her best-friend, deciding to go down. "Draco, do you wanna stay up here? I'm going down to find out what's happening," she asked him. Draco was silent, contemplating. "I wanna know what's happening too..," he mumbled, looking pleadingly at Pansy, "please bring me with you." Draco, as you may know, was a spoiled brat, that could get anything he wanted. But you already know that. 

    "Ugh, fine," Pansy groaned, grabbing the rats hand, and walking him down the stairs. "I'll do all the talking, okay? Promise you wont say anything, unless told to?" Draco nodded, wiping his face. 

    Narcissa let go of Lucius, quickly backing away. His back slammed onto the ground, a groan of pain escaping from him. "Daddy?" Draco called out, immediately breaking his promise. Lucius glanced over at his son, panic filling him. "Dr-" Narcissa (wearing heels) swiftly kicked Lucius' head, making him stop talking. "YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO CONSIDER MY BOY YOUR SON, CHEATING BASTARD!" 

    Pansy grabbed Draco's arm, pulling him behind her, as Severus rushed to the floor, helping Lucius up. Narcissa pulled out her wand, holding it to Severus. "Crucio."

      The three students braced themselves, as the potion began to bubble and hiss. This was it! They'd recreated it! Luna, getting excited, pulled out a vile. "Be careful Luna!" Ginny warned, as the ravenclaw scooped some of the red liquid into the vile. Just as she was about to celebrate, the vile became hot. Very hot. She carefully set it down on the desk, her fingers red. "What's wrong?" Neville asked, going to pick it up. "It's really hot," Luna warned him, but he picked it up anyway. As Neville held the glass, it started to drip. Drip? 

    The glass was melting. Neville, terrified, let go of the vile. It fell and smashed on the floor, quickly evaporating and becoming a pink gas. Ginny quickly covered her mouth and nose, making sure the tie didn't fall. Neville, noticing her do this, did the same. 

    There was a loud popping sound.


    Severus screamed, curling up on the ground. "SEVERUS!" Pansy and Lucius gasped at the same time, both rushing over to him. Draco was left on his own, the protection of his best-friend gone. "Mummy? What're you doing?" He asked his mother. She looked over at him, slowly walking over. "Mummy, why are you angry?" He asked, his voice sounding dull and empty, lacking emotion. Narcissa let out a quiet sob, before breaking down, falling to her knees and hugging her son. "Mummy loves you, Draco.. Mummy loves you..," she sobbed.

Don't cheat on your significant other kids

!FOR EVERYONE WHO DIDN'T SEE MY POST!                                                                                                      Sorry that I didn't update yesterday! I was feeling sick and completely forgot to update, sorry! I'm feeling better now <3

There'll be another update tomorrow!

Good night <3

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