Thirty-three - Proffesor Snape.

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I have no excuses

I've been binge watching shit all day 😔
(I started watching Black Clover, Seven Deadly Sins, Ouran Host Club And Bungo Stray Dogs today 😔 in regards to watching stuff, I've got a lot done - in regards to actual important stuff (ex. THIS) I have got nothing done and been very unproductive sorry 😭
(also my laptops dead and I'm away from home/don't have a charger so I have to write on phone which suckss😭😭😭😭

Okay no more whining here's a chapter

Mission failed. "We'll get it next time!" Neville reassured the frustrated Ginny, who was pacing back and forth. The two were hiding in the room of requirement, which had formed into quite a nice little room. It had a fancy interior, large draped, red curtains hiding windows which apparently lead to nowhere, hung on the walls, as a large fireplace stood in the middle, lit and blazing. It was much like the Gryffindor common room, just more fancy, with more golden intricate pieces. The were six large beds, all lined up beside eachother, a small bookshelf between each. This was the ideal room. It too, had a kitchen like area, which was packed full of seemingly un-ending supplies of food.

"What is this room?" Luna asked politely, sitting on one of the beds. Neville was sitting on the bed next to it, as Ginny paced infront. "It's the room of requirement! It becomes whatever you want it to be!" He gushed, smiling friendily at the little girl. Luna looked amazed.

"How come daddy never told me about this room?" She wondered out loud. "Most people don't know about it," Ginny explained, finally stopping. "Really? How do you know about it then?" She asked, seeming very mature for her age. "I think one of the house elves showed it to my friend, who held lessons in here!" Neville told her, grinning.

"Wow. Your friend must be smart!" She complimented, her eyes shining brightly. "He is! He's really good at defence against the dark arts," Ginny chirped in. The two, being Ginny and Neville, somehow had to keep Luna entertained while simultaneously coming up with a new plan.

"Are you hungry, at all, Luna?" Ginny questioned, about ten minutes later. "I guess a little bit!" Luna exclaimed. "Only if you have food, though. Otherwise I'm not hungry at all." Ginny giggled at how nice the little girl was. "Of course we have food! What would you like? I'm sure whatever it is the room of requirement has it!"

"Can we go back home, Sevvy? I wanna go back home..," Draco pleaded, hugging his godfather. "Draco, love, you need to understand. We can't go home right now.. Your mummy is feeling sick, and she doesn't want visitors," Severus said in the softest possible tone, kissing Draco's head again. Draco could tell something was badly wrong. Even though Draco, in this state, was far from intelligent, anybody could notice."Is mummy okay?" He asked quietly, tears spilling down his cheeks. "Is mummy going to be okay?"

Severus felt tears welling in his own eyes: not out of pity for Narcissa, deffinetly not. He couldn't care less. He hated that woman. But he felt bad for Draco. The poor child. "Draco, I know you won't remember any of this, but I promise you. If something happens to your mother, I'll be here for you, okay? I'm going to turn you back to normal, if something goes wrong. Okay? I love you, like your my own son, I honestly do," Severus gasped, tearing up and then allowing himself to cry. Maybe he did care, about Narcissa.

He did care, was his final decision. He sobbed quietly, hugging Draco tightly. It was more little Draco's face that had made him cry, but the dawning realisation that shit wasn't alright, was also quite a key factor.

"Okay, your turn Hermione!" Pansy grinned, handing the (probably smarter than Pansy herself) toddler her wand. "What's the spell again?" "Wingardium Leviosa! Swish and flick, as old Flitwick used to say..," Pansy reminisced dramatically. Hermione, a bit scared to use magic,'s hand was shaking. She lifted the wand, pointing it at the light bulb box infront of her. Pansy, Blaise, Ron, Harry and Hermione all sat in a circle on the living room floor, a small box infront of them, containing an unused light bulb. This had been scavenged out of an old cupboard, and chosen as the test subject.

"W-Wingard..ium.. Leviosa!" Hermione spluttered, waving the glorified stick at the box. The box quickly shot into the air, and whizzed around the room, seemingly on its own accord. Pansy quickly snatched the wand back, but it was to late - the bulb had crashed into the mantelpiece, knocking down an old picture frame, which hit the ground with a shatter, the glass flying in all directions. "Everyone out! Make sure you don't step on any..," Pansy ordered, kind of in shock. Moreso as to how the fuckity fuck a child barely out of the whom, could lift that bulb with such ease. Although her wand work had been shaky, causing it to go all over the place. But apart from that Pansy was amazed. Also kind of scared. Really scared, they'd just smashed a framed-photograph.

Pansy quietly crept up the stairs, pushing Severus' door open as quietly as possible. She instantly noticed Severus sitting at his desk, visibly sobbing. "..Professor?" Severus shot up, hastily looking over at her. "P-Pansy!" He gasped. Usually she'd knock. "Are.. You okay?" She asked, spotting the, also, crying Draco. "Is Draco okay, as well?" She added.

"No, I suppose not..," Severus chuckled sadly, feeling absolutely no amusement whatsoever. "Do you need something?" He asked, shaking slightly, as he brushed his eyes with his sleeve. "It's not important. What's going on?"

"It's none of your buisness, Parkinson," Severus spat, suddenly becoming cold. The Snape stood infront of Pansy reminded her strongly of the one that stood infront of the class. They were the same man, after all.

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