Chapter Thirty-Seven - Neville's Lap

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  as weird as that title sounds it's nothing bad okay 

   Severus remembered vividly why he hated children. Well, as he had found out in recent events, he hated teenagers (Pansy and Draco being the only exceptions). Toddlers were fine. 

    "She's in the room of requirements," Ginny confessed, a guilty look on her face, "but we were just about to get her back to normal!" Severus raised an eyebrow, resting his hands in the pockets of his long, black robes. "Were you now?" Neville and Ginny simultaneously nodded, one more hesitant then the other. 

      Severus glared at them in silence, before scolding, "when I ask you a question, you answer." "S-Sorry sir! We were," Neville muttered, looking like he'd just been shot. "Where is this.. 'Room of requirements'?" The professor asked, having never been there before. Ginny and Neville agreed to lead him there, in an awkward silence. The tension was thick. Very. 

      "Blaise? I'm scared," Ron whispered, as the four toddlers sat in the hospital wing. "Don't worry! I'll protect you!" Ron smiled shyly, hugging Blaise, who sat beside him - they were all on one bed. "Where are Pansy and Draco?" Hermione asked, nervously looking around. The toddlers had been instructed to wait as Madam Pomfrey got another antidote. They were currently the priority out of all the toddlers. 

     Suddenly, the large doors slammed open. "Please slow down!" The ginger girl yelled after Severus, who was holding Luna close to his chest, in a protective manner. He had just found out how long they left her on her own, and he was not pleased. "Madam Pomfrey!" He called out, quickly slowing to a halt as he noticed the toddlers. "Sevvy!" Harry yelled, jumping off the bed and running over to him, grabbing his leg tightly. 

    "S- Harry?" Ginny asked, shocked at how Harry was acting. Why was he hugging Snape? He seemed so excited to see him. "Who are you?" He asked quietly, suddenly feeling shy. Ginny smiled, kneeling down next to him. "Ginny Weasely!" She said cheerfully. "WHHAAAT?" Ron screeched, going pale at the sight of his little sister. She looked up, giggling at the face he was making. "Ron? Woah, you look- weird." 

    Severus gently pushed Harry away from him. "I need to speak to Pomfrey, I'll be back." Harry nodded, looking worried. "Here, this is Luna Lovegood- Weasely, look after them all. Where is Longbottom?" Ginny glanced back to the door, Neville still hadn't caught up. And so, Ginny was stuck with the toddlers.

    "You're Ginevra? My little sister?" Ron asked, about to faint. She nodded, holding in laughter. "She doesn't look little," Blaise remarked, pulling Ron away from her protectively, holding him into his tiny little chest. "Well I'm fifteen now, but you're sixteen, you and Ron," She explained to Zabini. She hadn't seen much of Blaise Zabini, and had no clue what he was like. But he seemed nice to Ron, and that was currently all that mattered. "Luna, what's your favourite colour?" Harry asked, his toddler-small-talk skills top notch. Luna thought for a minute, the question a life-changing one. It needed a lot of consideration. "Hmm.. I think.. blue! Light blue, like daddy say's my eyes are!" 

    "My daddy's dead!" Harry smiled. The whole room went silent, only to be interrupted by the doors swinging open, and an out-of-breath Neville running in. Once Severus, Ginny and Neville had reached the room of requirements, Severus had taken Luna and ran, instructing them to follow. Although, even in the long robes, the teacher was rather fast. Ginny, being very athletic, barely managed to keep up with him, as Neville tagged quite far behind. "Whatever took you so long?" Ginny asked, turning to face him. He sighed, his face read (from running and) embarrassment. "I took a wrong turn.. and got lost," he cried, flopping on the next bed over to the toddlers - Ginny was sat on the floor, Luna in her lap. 

    "Where's Snape?" He asked, looking around cautiously. Ginny got up, and sat next to him. "The slimy old git went to speak to Madam Pomfrey. Reckon he's going to make Luna back to normal," Ginny filled him in. Neville smiled a smile of relief - over the fact Luna would be normal, and that Severus wasn't there. "Isn't that a good thing?" Neville took Luna off of Ginny's lap setting her on his own. "Yeah, it is, I guess." 

    Neville finally took notice of the other toddlers. "Wow! You must be Harry, Hermione, Ron and uh- I'm not sure who you are!" They each nodded as there names were called, Blaise frowning dramatically, deciding he didn't want to be Neville's friend. 

     They heard distant chatter, as Severus and Pomfrey came into sight. The latter was holding the oh-so-familiar pink liquid. She looked furious, but she usually did, so nobody could tell. "I know ma'am, I will report to Dumbledore afterwards, but Miss Lovegood needs to be cured," they could distinctively hear Severus say. 

    "Cured? Am I sick?" Luna asked quietly, looking ashamed. "Of course not!" Ginny comforted, holding Luna's hand. Madam Pomfrey came in front of Ginny, Neville, and of course, Luna, kneeling down to Luna's height. Severus stood behind her. "Drink up!" She ordered sternly, holding the vile up to toddler-Luna's face. "No! I don't want it.. is it medicine? Ginny said I wasn't sick.. and she's my friend, she wouldn't lie!" Luna yelled, panicking. Severus tapped the nurse on the back, before taking the potion from her, mouthing that he'd try. 

    "Luna, there's nothing wrong with you, and you aren't sick, but we need you to drink this," Severus explained, in a surprisingly motherly tone. Luna slowly opened her mouth, letting the liquid seep in. 

    Suddenly there was a loud pop, and a flashing light. Luna had re-aged. She sat on Neville's lap, completely mute, her usually pale face a bright pink. She hadn't the slightest clue what was going on - all she knew was she was sitting on her friends lap and surrounded by toddlers. 

I had a test today :(

Snape and the classroom of toddlers// Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now