Chapter Thirty-five - Baby Crushes

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         Around an hour later, things were settled. Sort of. Draco had been re-introduced to his (kind of) friends, who all seemed shocked at his teenage self. Except for Harry, who quickly accepted that this was Draco, and wouldn't get off him. "Dray-Dray, do you remember ANYTHING?" Pansy questioned, as she sat opposite him, at Severus' kitchen table. The, now, teenager shook his pretty head. "Nothing at all, last thing I remember I was in class, and em.. I think a potion went wrong? Something like that." 

      Pansy nodded, resting her head on her hand. "Why won't Potter let go of me?" He asked quietly, glaring at the toddler, who was clinging onto his shoulder. "Eh,  you kind of became friends," Pansy laughed, "so did Blaise and Weasely. To be completely honest, I'm their friends as well." Draco was confused and overwhelmed. He didn't know what to think. "..What day is it?" 

     "First of November, it's been two months," Draco's bestfriend told him. She had certainly missed this teenage version of her friend, but the toddler one was by far more lovable. "And how long have we been here?" Draco questioned on, and on, and on. Pansy sighed, hugging Hermione for support. 

       "Lucius, please," Severus quietly begged, as the other slumped over the arm of his sofa, his back facing Severus - who was on the other side, "talk to me." The blonde didn't respond. Severus, unable to think of any other way to cheer him up, took a risk. He silently wrapped his arms around Lucius' back, pulling him in closer. "I feel terrible..," Lucius admitted finally, sinking into the embrace. The potions professor rested his head on Lucius' shoulder. "I love you, Severus. I honestly do.. But- but I don't- I don't know how to feel," he confessed, tears beginning to flow. Severus sushed him, squeezing him tighter. "I love you too." 

     Pansy, having just escaped her interview, quietly peeked into the room. Spotting the scene infront of her, she decided not to pr- "Pansy?" A familiar voice called out. She internally groaned, preparing for more. "Yeah?" 

    "Is my father in there?" He asked, going to push past Pansy, who hastily grabbed his arm. "Aaahah, let's not go in there!" She cheered, yanking him away from the door. Draco shot her a confused stare, before shoving past her. "I'm coming in! So if you're fucking or something, stop!" He yelled, totally oblivious to the irony. The door swung open before either had time to react. 

   "Ack, Draco!" Lucius laughed nervously, elbowing Severus in the stomach. "We were just uh-.." Severus, coughing from the impact, pushed Lucius onto the floor. "We were fighting," he told Draco calmly, not bothering to help Lucius up. Draco, completely bewildered, sat on the arm of the chair, his legs crossed. "Draco, don't sit there. Not only is this not your house, it's really impolite!" Lucius scolded, pretending he wasn't rolled in a ball on the floor. Draco rolled his eyes. "That was.. close," Pansy mumbled, following Draco into the room. Severus nodded. 

    Needless to say, Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasely did indeed skip classes. Although, the had sworn to be done before the first class even started, they hadn't managed to do that. It seemed as though every chance they had gotten to sneak to the hospital wing, something just had to get in the way. They were held back during breakfast due to the news of Mrs. Narcissa Malfoy's death, there had been a large commotion around all the houses. In total, two hundred and sixty points were taken, from all four houses. Although everyone was sure if Severus was there, many MANY  more would've been gone. 

    As Ginny finally escaped the riot, she squeezed through the great hall doors, finally able to breath. "Ginny! Wait up!" She heard Neville yell from behind her, as the large doors slammed behind him. She slowly halted. "What do we do now? Classes start in a few minutes!" She shrugged nonchalantly, shoving her hands in her pockets. "Everything will be fine, don't worry about it," she said calmly. Neville smiled slightly, relaxing. 

     The two of them had not found an opportunity. And by the time classes were over, they still had a toddler to look after. 

     The group of eight awkwardly at around Severus' small table, Lucius and Severus both sitting at different ends. Draco, feeling the most awkward of them all, was on the verge of screaming. Harry had not let go of him, ALL day. The latter, who was sitting beside Draco, was leaning on Draco's shoulder. "Look's like somebody's got a baby crush on Dray-Dray!" Pansy giggled from across the table. "A baby crush?" The little girl to Pansy's right asked. The teenager grinned, before giddily explaining, "like when a little kid, like yourself, thinks somebody is cute! You're still to young to date somebody, so it's just a baby crush!" Ron, who was beside Harry, looked up from his dinner. "So do I have a baby crush on Blaise then?" Blaise, opposite Ron, snorted on his drink, his face going a dark red. 

     Lucius looked mortified, while across from him, Severus was covering his laughter. "Who has a crush on Draco?" Harry mumbled, totally oblivious, glancing around the table. "Why, you jealous?" Draco chuckled, deciding to join in on the fun. Harry shook his head so hard he felt dizzy. 

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