Chapter Eleven - A fight

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Everyone! Even the silent readers, please, please, please comment some ideas for what to do with this story, I have an idea, but I don't know how to get to point a to point c- So please comment ideas, no matter how silly you believe they are, please do! Thanks. (P.s sorry this is late <3 for any girls out there, I struggle to concentrate when it's uh.. the time of the month, that's why it's late- hope atleast some of y'all understand what I mean)

"I want an answer!" Severus hissed, sitting down on his bed. Lucius rolled his eyes and sat beside him, on the bed. "To?"
"You know very well what I want to know!" Snape snapped, moving away from Lucius. "Are you taking Draco, or are you not? I get that he's your son, you're his father, but you aren't a good one! You were never good around kids, I see why you said no when I talked about adopting after school!" Snape ranted. Lucius sighed. "One, you were twelve, and we'd been dating for two days, TWO DAYS!" Snape glared at him. "I was a bit over enthusiastic. You were my first boyfriend. And Lily said it was normal for people to have kids as soon as they got out of scho-"
"Why were you friends with her, a mudblood?" Malfoy hissed at the other wizard. "Don't call her that."

Lucius rolled his eyes. "She's dead, Severus, it's not like she cares!" Snape stared at Lucius for a minute, before getting off the bed, leaving the room and slamming the door behind him. Now Lucius sat alone in Severus' room, on his bed. Which was a bit awkward, really.

Snape slammed the door behind him, alerting the almost sleeping Pansy to his presence. "Whatt was that for?" She slurred, patting the startled Ron, who was winning in the game against himself, on the head. The rest of them had gotten bored and drifted off to sleep.

Snape shook his head and sat cross-legged on the floor, the seat being taken, with a sour expression on his face. "That idiotic, cold-hearted, petty, insensitive, BASTARD!" Severus shouted, as Pansy quickly covered Ronald's ears. "IT WAS FIFTEEN YEARS AGO!" They heard from Snape's room. Pansy raised an eyebrow questioningly at Snape.

"JUST BECAUSE IT WAS THAT LONG AGO, DOESN'T MEAN IT ISN'T INSENSITIVE TO INSULT SOMEBODY'S BEST-FRIEND, BECAUSE THEY ARE DEAD, LUCIUS FUCKING MALFOY!" Snape screamed, waking up Hermione, who snuggled up against Pansy in fear, Harry, who Pansy didn't notice waking up, started crying at all the shouting. Blaise was also awake, and pushing himself into the back of the seat to get away from the angry teacher.

Lucius yelled something inaudible back, and Snape got up, and went to the kitchen area of his room. It had a small island in it, with a few pages or parchment, a quill, spilt ink and a few books. He swiped all the junk off of the table and onto the floor. He gestured to Pansy to come clean it up. "Seriously?" She grunted, lifting the books off the floor and setting them back on the island. Snape pushed it off again, like an annoyed cat. "Hey!"
"Put it somewhere else, Parkinson!" He snapped. Pansy groaned and put the books on a shelf.

"What're you doing?" She asked, cleaning up the smashed ink pot. "Making food, house elf stuff gets old," he told her gruffly, pulling out a plastic bag from a cupboard, and taking out some sad looking tin on spaghetti hoops, with an upside down label that had been cellotaped on(I actually found that in a shop earlier today) pathetically.

"Seriously? Spaghetti hoops over house elf food? Sucks to suck I guess," she muttered, sitting back on the seat next to Hermione. The door opened and Lucius stormed in. "Severus!" He called, rushing over to the kitchen area. "I've thought about it and.. how about you, Draco, Zabini, Weasely, the mudblood and Potter.. maybe.. come to.. the manor?"

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