Chapter Twenty - Pansy finds out

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Draco lay down on his large four poster, smiling comfortably. "Woah!" Harry gasped, as he was set down on the floor. "This is your bedroom, Draco?" He inquired, going over to the bed and hauling himself onto it. "Mhm!" He hummed proudly. Harry looked around in awe, as Draco smiled at him. "This is even bigger than Dudley's!"

"Who's Dudley?" Pansy asked him, setting Hermione, who rushed over to Narcissa, bombarding the woman with questions along the lines of, 'Can I see my room?' and all the other possible variations. "My cousin! He has a big room, and loads of toys- but it's not as big as yours, Draco." Blaise and Ron had made there way over to the wardrobe, Ron gushing over the sheer amount of clothes in it. "What's your room like?" Draco asked, grabbing a large cushion and hugging it. "I sleep in the cupboard, under the stairs," Harry mumbled, looking ashamed.

Pansy's eyes widened, as did everyone else's (that was actually listening). "You sleep under your stairs?" Hermione asked, looking concerned, climbing up onto the big bed. "Yeah, where do you sleep?" Harry asked Hermione, Hermione raised an eyebrow at him questioningly. "In my bedroom." Pansy sat on the bed next to them, patting Harry on the head. "Is he gonna get a room?" Pansy asked Narcissa. Narcissa pondered for a minute.

"Well, I suppose he could either share with the Weasely bo-"

"Can Harry stay in my room?!" Draco, pleading and grabbing onto Harry, his eyes filling with tears in attempt to guilt trip his mother. "Of course dear, whatever you want." Pansy rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Spoiled brat. Severus is a better mum than you, Mrs. Malfoy, and Severus isn't even a mum." Narcissa looked absolutely dumbfounded. "Excuse me, what?"

"I guess I'll show you to your room, then," Lucius sighed. Severus was zoned out, staring at the ground. "Severus?"



"U-uh oh sorry, what?" Severus snapped back into reality, and looked up at the blonde. "Are you okay?" Lucius asked curiously, glancing up the stairs to see if his wife was returning. Seeing no sign of Narcissa, he pulled Severus into a hug. "Yeah. It's just- Narcissa and I- it's a bit awkward between us." Lucius nodded, squeezing the black-haired-male. "You know I only married her because she's pureblood, right?" Severus hummed in agreement, smiling slightly.

Lucius made sure nobody was there again, before gently kissing Severus on the cheek.

"Never mind. Can I go to the bathroom, ma'am?" Narcissa, who was sitting on the bed next to her son, who was sitting in her lap, spoke softly, although slightly disturbed, "Of course, love. You can use Draco's if you'd like, it's in the room next door." Pansy nodded, standing up and stretching. "Thank you ma'am."

Pansy closed Draco's door behind her, quickly walking over to the large balcony overlooking the entrance hall. Despite going to the house many'a'times, and Pansy owning quite a large house herself, she had never managed to get over the beauty of the Malfoy Manor, sure it was cold and the usually silent, but the antique furniture, detailed portraits and overall old look to it, calling it beautiful was an understatement. She leaned over, admiring the large room. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKITY FUCK."

Lucius quickly let go of Severus, wiping his mouth. He looked up at the balcony, spotting the gawking sixteen year old, who was leaning so far over the balcony it looked as though she was going to fall. Lucius glanced at Severus, who was hiding his face in his sleeve.

bzlfbvzkjbaekvflbjva OKAY my tutor is downstairs and asked where I am (I'm pretending I can't hear them) and my grandmother said,,, "Upstairs, probably doing something mature"

laughs in writing gay fanfiction

also maths can d i e

(didn't read over this,, sorry if there are any mistakes)

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